Back in 2007/08 all the top franchises that are dominating the charts now were dominating the charts then, for the most part anyway. Halo 3 had no problems retaining its popularity then. It was only when Reach came along that Halo took a dive and then moreso with 4. If you were trying to look for a correlation the most logical would be that the more Halo has strayed from its initial formula the less popular it has become.
So many players have now given up on Halo 4 that I really think trying to draw any conclusions from gameplay tweaks and population etc is almost competely meaningless. Most people have drawn their conclusions long ago, mainly that Halo 4 is not fun or even representative of a Halo game and are now long gone. People rarely return to a game that was not good, me included, I've not played Halo 4 for months and don't intend to play it again. The only way I would consider it is if they literally redesigned the whole thing, I know all my friends who used to play think the exact same.
This idea that only CoD clones will be successful FPS games I don't understand. Not everyone has the same tastes. I distinctly remember Halo 3 and CoD 4 appealing to different types of gamer and being accepted as different sub genres of FPS and both being very popular a the same time. I firmly believe if Halo had stuck to its original formula and built upon that rather than copying CoD we would be seeing a much more popular Halo game.
Selective reading much? Where did i say it needed to be a COD clone? MMOs have "payoffs" too. Is that also a COD clone? What i mean by payoff is something that keeps gamers coming back. People need a reason to keep ranking up and sticking with it. Fun doesnt cut it anymore. There are many fun games out there to play. The next rank should give you something of value. Halo3 you use as an example is great cause the ranks in there were actual ranks. People wanted to keep going at it just because that number was representative of something. Their skill level. Halo Reach's system in this regard was absolute garbage. No one wants to play for a month to go up ONE full rank (that means nothing) and get a fucking shoulder pad. This doesn't keep anyone interested in any world on any planet. That my friend has A LOT more to do with Reachs fall (no pun intended) compared to 3 then the gameplay ever did.
Halo started to fall when the other games understood this and ultimately did it a lot better than Halo has recently.