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Halo 5 Forge |OT| Plan, Build, Share

I already got a working crane hook swinging a platform in the wind that you can run along the top of. (not animated, but actually driven by physics)

It works well, but you have to keep the alignment if/when you move the pieces to another location, and you cant weld the swinging crane hook to the crane itself so you need to carefully move them in tandem. Unfortunately this means the crane part has to stay static, so AFAIK there is no way to script for the entire crane to topple over or exploded into pieces, but ill have to experiment with despawns and replacement.

Another problem that I am not sure is solvable is whether I can spawn weapons on top of the swinging platform reliably. And what happens if someone flys a banshee into the crane and knocks the platform off the map and it despawns? (which totally works and is awesome, btw!!! just not sure about spawning stuff on top of the platform...)

Custom grids/pivots could be an elegant solution.

My crane setup isn't particularly physics-based, mainly because gameplay but lore-wise it's taking place in a dream so huge moving platforms attached to static crane cables is kinda sorta not really justified. My current problem is that grouping tends to cause everything to explode, and there's no way in hell that I could feasibly get everything working by scripting it to rotate individually.


I've been away, working, and sick(well I'm still sick, but I don't have anything else going on besides coughing today) since Saturday and finally got caught up with the thread. Updated the OP to have the ForgeHub tutorials and Twilight Gap's unit conversion. Is there anything that I missed for tutorials?

At some point, possibly next week, I'm going to have a featured map that stays up there for a couple of weeks. It doesn't have to be from the GAF community, but I would place higher priority on those that are.
I've been away, working, and sick(well I'm still sick, but I don't have anything else going on besides coughing today) since Saturday and finally got caught up with the thread. Updated the OP to have the ForgeHub tutorials and Twilight Gap's unit conversion. Is there anything that I missed for tutorials?

At some point, possibly next week, I'm going to have a featured map that stays up there for a couple of weeks. It doesn't have to be from the GAF community, but I would place higher priority on those that are.

Might want to add this to the OP?

Being sick during the holidays sucks. hope you feel better karl.

Thanks for adding the guide. i still reference it now and then but i've otherwise got the pieces memorized at this point. I still don't know the trapezoid sizes though.


Alright here's my Forge wishlist after a week - in no particular order

  • Bug Fixes
  • Blank Canvases
  • Desert, Volcanic, Jungle and Ocean canvases/skyboxes
  • Textures (weathered, rusted) and stencil patterns (hexagons, triangles, squares)
  • Placeable Waterfalls and Puddles and skins to change them to acid or magma.
  • More tree varieties and exotic flora
  • Covenant and Forerunner crates, towers and barriers
  • Two - point mirror system where objects are instantly mirrored, either flipped or inverted from the absolute zero value specified
  • Custom wedge pieces to fit in between blocks and rings (like how we have banks for ramps)
  • More primitive pieces like Hexagons and the old dishes matched to the rings and cylinders
  • Curved ramps and staircases
  • The option to disable shields from being broken
  • The option to disable vehicles from being entered
  • Destroyed vehicles
  • Pelicans, Phantoms and other giant vehicles for aesthetics
  • Controller options
  • Lightmap budget improvements
  • "Framerate" option for scripting to adjust the speed
  • More FX options like floating fireflies
  • More prefab props like wind turbines, signs, vehicles, etc.
  • Toggle color on Decals
  • More named callouts, especially for different colors.

Wil add more if I think of any.

Have they said whether they can/will add stuff like this to Forge?
Have they said whether they can/will add stuff like this to Forge?

They will be adding objects and making improvements to the functionality of Forge - most likely on a monthly basis - but we don't know how much they've committed to just yet. All of that should be possible except the mirror thing, which is an entirely new feature they'd have to code.

The waterfall stuff would just be animated geo like we already have. I think we can deal without dynamic splash effects and we already have steam to add to enhance them.


without naming names, I was looking at some people I know online, and looked at their files and they had alot of my wip stuff bookmarked, and idk it just made me feel uncomfortable.

Im only kinda concerned about 'map stealing', but mostly just like, I make a lot of saves and iteration, and I dont like knowing my wip stuff can be seen at all times. I dont want my maps to be misrepresented.

I really feel like that needs to be addressed.


without naming names, I was looking at some people I know online, and looked at their files and they had alot of my wip stuff bookmarked, and idk it just made me feel uncomfortable.

Im only kinda concerned about 'map stealing', but mostly just like, I make a lot of saves and iteration, and I dont like knowing my wip stuff can be seen at all times. I dont want my maps to be misrepresented.

I really feel like that needs to be addressed.

I'm in your bookmarks, stealing your shit

Yeah I assumed that it would just have had the same Original/modified tags like previous iterations.


I'm in your bookmarks, stealing your shit

Yeah I assumed that it would just have had the same Original/modified tags like previous iterations.

Not you to! Nothing is sacred.

But yeah having those identifiers is important. Back in Reach when I was residing over classic maps in BP and seeking them out in our own remake community, it was a problem. Someone would do a map, change a few pieces and claim it's there's, that's not right.

I remember the best warlock I ever found (that I really wanted to push for MM) was made by a guy who then changed his gamer tag right after, even that caused problems. With so many avenues to promote a map these days, I can't constantly stroll around just to make sure nobody is reppin ny maps.

For example, in the past week, like 10 random people added me as friends, I can only assume its to look at my maps (which I've only shared with u guys), none of which are finished yet.

Edit: I should state, I'm not worried about internet fame or whatever, I dont have time to put up an online presence like I probably should/like to (streaming, YT, etc) I just don't wanna play customs and have one of my unfinished maps come up cause someone got it from a friend of a friend or see someone promoting their new remake on reddit and it obviously be my work.


Working on a doubles map. Theme is the unsc have discovered a new forerunner structure and they have built a temporary base around it.



Wonder if that glare would be an issue, though. But definitely better. Hopefully all the Cartographers get to spruce up their maps with a later version of Forge sometime.
80% done rebuilding Deadlock. I will post some pics tomorrow.

cool trick i saw Nokyard do was line up four 2'x2'x2' blocks in the absolute center of the map (or where you want it to be) and then lock them. The magnet in the middle is your anchor and you can use it to measure or rotate objects around. Really comes in handy for inverse symmetric maps, although mirror symmetry wont benefit much.
Oh, i have tricks for mirror symmetry as well. Remind me to explain next time i am streaming.

without naming names, I was looking at some people I know online, and looked at their files and they had alot of my wip stuff bookmarked, and idk it just made me feel uncomfortable.

Im only kinda concerned about 'map stealing', but mostly just like, I make a lot of saves and iteration, and I dont like knowing my wip stuff can be seen at all times. I dont want my maps to be misrepresented.

I really feel like that needs to be addressed.
This absolutely needs to be addressed.

Alright here's my Forge wishlist after a week - in no particular order

  • Bug Fixes
  • . . .

Wil add more if I think of any.
Here's another one. There is a flaw in Safe/Kill Zone hierarchy. Timed Safe Zones have no effect, BUT they DO override Timed Kill Zones.
I am trying to have an object rotate, constantly. I cant quite make it work in scripting - is there another way? If not, will figure it out eventually.

Also, I feel like decoration is my weakpoint. I need to make better looking structures.


Managed to recover a previous map that had items perms locked to it. I added another item on top, used magnets and it let me group and then showed it locked. Unlocked and now I can edit the damn map!

A random present for you HaloGAF.

Longest Yard Team.

The new Halo 5 abilities actually make this map interesting with some cool trick jumps etc.

Please check it out and give me feedback. I think i have finally managed to finish it ☺


Anyone know why scripting items like terminals and keypads hop to a different position when unselected and selected?

And invisible ones can't be edited or seen after being placed...


I hope they add in a bunch of pieces from Dev maps. Whether it is prefab bases taken out of Warzone, or modular assets from maps like Fathom.

Picture that if you wanted you could recreate a map if you wanted but idk how viable that would be.


Some new prefabs would be excellent. Various buildings etc and loads of fresh props. Need a load of new Nature type items too.

Just new things to add more flavour to maps


Here's some WIP pics of my Deadlock update. The terrain is mostly complete, but the base interior has yet to be started.

I managed to lower the Lightmap perf from 103% to 98%, and split all groups. The annoying glare is GONE!

Moving around counter-clockwise from the top of Blue Base.
Here's some WIP pics of my Deadlock update. The terrain is mostly complete, but the base interior has yet to be started.

I managed to lower the Lightmap perf from 103% to 98%, and split all groups. The annoying glare is GONE!

Moving around counter-clockwise from the top of Blue Base.

I am so fucking confused: did you build all this out in the middle of the water? Also, are you using any of the FX filters?


I am so fucking confused: did you build all this out in the middle of the water? Also, are you using any of the FX filters?

No, it's has a cliff off the open side like the Halo 3 original. It's about 200 feet above the beach. The pics make it look like it's at water level but it's way higher.

I changed to: Cirrus canvas, Enhanced filter, Hazy clouds. No more blinding glare coming out of Blue Sneaky

Also, all Zones on is a great feature.
Some quick shots of a BTB map I've been working on - big focus on old school BTB type play.



Particularly pleased with this mancannon to the second level (which looks like a busted conveyor belt in the mining facility. :)




Another WIP shot. Only have spawn volumes, location volumes, and grenades left to do. All weapons, spawn points, geometry, fx, and objectives have been placed. I'm really hesitant to have Snipers on the map like the original did, because I can't change how much ammo is in it if I use the weapon pad.


I think my next project will be another remake of a map I did in Reach. I was a 3 level design with tunnels and stuff.
I have a map completely failing to load properly. I had a near perfect rendition of Lockout with meticulous measuring and sight lines, but now when I try to load it I'm stuck in the mountains of Glacier.


HOURS completely gone....343...why did you ruin my Christmas?


Looking good Nokyard! Will the replace the current BTB Deadlock, via 343, or is it just for your satisfaction?
Hopefully replace the existing map.

I have a map completely failing to load properly. I had a near perfect rendition of Lockout with meticulous measuring and sight lines, but now when I try to load it I'm stuck in the mountains of Glacier.


HOURS completely gone....343...why did you ruin my Christmas?
Did you try changing teams and spawning in Forge on red team?


Hopefully replace the existing map.

I played a MM variant w/working shutters the other night, was that a hot swap? AFAIK the launch variant didn't have shutters.

I was very impressed when I thought I saw that. I was like damn 343, good on you, lets keep those map updates coming that frequently.
Hopefully replace the existing map.

Did you try changing teams and spawning in Forge on red team?

Yes sir I did. I also tried getting a friend to join but they are also frozen.


I feel so deflated. Went through so many changes and iterations. I had several spawn points... I don't get it.

Love your map btw.

Edit: noticed that in the lobby I can load it in customs. Also notice it's in a "retrieving data" loop. Sigh


I played a MM variant w/working shutters the other night, was that a hot swap? AFAIK the launch variant didn't have shutters.

I was very impressed when I thought I saw that. I was like damn 343, good on you, lets keep those map updates coming that frequently.
It was updated with the Cartographer's Gift. I have since replaced the old shutter style doors with something much more substantial. They now open only once per game/round as they did on the original.

Yes sir I did. I also tried getting a friend to join but they are also frozen.


I feel so deflated. Went through so many changes and iterations. I had several spawn points... I don't get it.

Love your map btw.

Edit: noticed that in the lobby I can load it in customs. Also notice it's in a "retrieving data" loop. Sigh
My version of Deadlock with the updates is also stuck in a "retrieving data" loop. I can still forge on the map but it makes me really nervous.
I have a map completely failing to load properly. I had a near perfect rendition of Lockout with meticulous measuring and sight lines, but now when I try to load it I'm stuck in the mountains of Glacier.


HOURS completely gone....343...why did you ruin my Christmas?

i guess you could say you got


locked out
It was updated with the Cartographer's Gift. I have since replaced the old shutter style doors with something much more substantial. They now open only once per game/round as they did on the original.

My version of Deadlock with the updates is also stuck in a "retrieving data" loop. I can still forge on the map but it makes me really nervous.

Yeah, I have no idea why this happened. None of the solutions I find on here or on Reddit seem to matter. Only found one other post from someone stating they have the same problem as me.

I think I might just give up on Forge. Who really wants to play our maps anyways? Hardly anyone. =/

i guess you could say you got...

locked out

I find your lack of compassion disturbing.
Yeah, I have no idea why this happened. None of the solutions I find on here or on Reddit seem to matter. Only found one other post from someone stating they have the same problem as me.

I think I might just give up on Forge. Who really wants to play our maps anyways? Hardly anyone. =/

I find your lack of compassion disturbing.

i've hit every bug in the game at this point so i'm just waiting for the next patch. it sucks.


My work-in-progress Elongation remake for Breakout. Almost finished. Just need to fix some structural inaccuracies, and get a working conveyor belt for the crates.

I'll try to get some more screenshots.



My work-in-progress Elongation remake for Breakout. Almost finished. Just need to fix some structural inaccuracies, and get a working conveyor belt for the crates.

I'll try to get some more screenshots.


good stuff jd,!
next time I know your on we will have to hop around
p.s. merry christmas old friend

.. and yeah, merry christmas to all you guys also
except lurkers

I am really going to try and push to have fully playable maps by saturday night, Im eager to get them out into the field! I have 2 solo and 1 co-forge that are building complete, just waiting on gameplay elements. wish me luckk


It was updated with the Cartographer's Gift. I have since replaced the old shutter style doors with something much more substantial. They now open only once per game/round as they did on the original.

very cool, a monthly refresh of the forge maps with updates or fixes is all I could ask for, I hope they can respond that quickly if problems/improvements present themselves

good work on everything nok, I appreciate your services and skillset
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