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Halo 5 Forge |OT| Plan, Build, Share


OK, here's a video of the thing i was describing since everyone wants pics:

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Vlad356/video/13482822 [3 minutes long]


Anyone want to help remake the rest of my "Hang em Higher" map on top of the skyscraper canvas i set up?

Its very accurate to the halo 2 version of the map currently. I made measurements off of the extracted BSP geometry of the original xbox version:


the little 2x2x2 cubes you see in the video are coordinate/reference markers. the budget is much much better without them, so there's still a lot to potentially use. I am getting a bit tired of forging it atm...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
OK, here's a video of the thing i was describing since everyone wants pics:

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Vlad356/video/13482822 [3 minutes long]


Anyone want to help remake the rest of Hang em High on top of the skyscraper canvas i set up?

Its very accurate to the halo 2 version of the map currently. I made measurements off of the extracted BSP geometry of the original xbox version:

Very very cool find


I really want a 'Replace with..' feature. So you might have a wall placed, but want to swap it for something with a window. It's arlt an awkward to replicate angle, so go into object objects and replace then pick the new object.


Very very cool find

its a very common technique in games. Thats exactly what people are reffering to when they say "image based lighting."

The game sets up a box around the origin and takes screenshots in the six cardinal directions of the faces of the box. this 360 degree panoramic photo is then read by the lighting system and a reflection vector based on this so called 'cube map' is sampled for all the pixels on your screen wehn it comes time to render the indirect lighting of the map.

I happened to base my maps origin in a pretty inconvenient place, (way before I realized the cubemap lighting stuff) so unless I do something clever or move the entire map a little bit, It might be a bit difficult to make full use of this trick for my hang em high remake.
If done properly, you could make some really convincing lighing for your map. it could be basically like painting a new skybox, specifically for your map's lighting. (the skybox itself will still have to be controlled by using fog coloring and other things like that)


magnets, how do they work


but being serious, you can influence which magnets will be connecting by pointing your camera/crosshairs at them.
in your case, it also looks like that object may have had the wierd grouping bug that freezes some items or parts of items in your map.


OK, here's a video of the thing i was describing since everyone wants pics:

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Vlad356/video/13482822 [3 minutes long]


Anyone want to help remake the rest of my "Hang em Higher" map on top of the skyscraper canvas i set up?

Its very accurate to the halo 2 version of the map currently. I made measurements off of the extracted BSP geometry of the original xbox version:

the little 2x2x2 cubes you see in the video are reference markers. the budget is much much better without them, so there's still a lot to potentially use. I am getting a bit tired of forging it atm...
I really like that effect


Oh shit, my 2 week trial litteraly just came to an end. i gotta go look on slickdeals for some cheap Xbox Live deals.

Its fucking stupid that it wont even let you forge as an xbox live silver member.

Anyone got any codes they can spare per chance?

my friend's map i've been helping him with. send me a FR and i'll inv you to take a look

3 legged goat, right? OK, look for vlad356.

Can anyone else corroborate my pain about saving as a new map? I can't save any maps as new, it can't just be me right?

you gotta wash your harddrive. just put it in your dishwasher on the full-clean cycle.


Something I thought would be the simplest thing in the world to implement is giving me such a damn hard time... I just want an object to fall and then respawn after X amount of time. But for some reason, once it has fallen in Forge and settled, it is setting itself a new default position. So it spawns where it was settled instead of hovering up high. I think I'll need to place it on some platform which despawns at match start.


Oh shit, my 2 week trial litteraly just came to an end. i gotta go look on slickdeals for some cheap Xbox Live deals.

Its fucking stupid that it wont even let you forge as an xbox live silver member.

Anyone got any codes they can spare per chance?

3 legged goat, right? OK, look for vlad356.

you gotta wash your harddrive. just put it in your dishwasher on the full-clean cycle.

I got some cards for ya, didn't bother responding at first cause I figured id see you pop back online, just respond and Ill pm you

Sans comp, if anyone is online, (12:13) shoot me a message, I can't take this not saving as bullshit and need someone to help me dupe my map

GT: nillapuddin626, just shoot me a msg, friend or not and ill bring you in, thanks if anyone answers the bell


Damn it.. So the platform I used as a position fixer for these physics objects that fall worked well. Problem is, its set to despawn on match start so the physics based stuff placed on it can fall and respawn at the correct spot.

I checked it in customs and it worked perfectly. I go back to Forge and the platform despawned once it loaded, causing all the objects to fall and reassign their default position settings to where they settled again -.-

I could create an object the same as the platform, select all of and change the despawn settings.. But then if I saved, the objects would still be messed up.

Is there a manual way to 'restart' match while staying in forge?

I need a 'Start in safe mode' that disables all triggers :L


Tried a bunch of things, none of which worked. Now the stupid retrieving error bug is happening when I select my map... This is really putting me off forging. I feel for all the peeps who have had worse bugs :S
Tried a bunch of things, none of which worked. Now the stupid retrieving error bug is happening when I select my map... This is really putting me off forging. I feel for all the peeps who have had worse bugs :S

Yeah... I was immensely proud of what I made, but now the map is trapped in oblivion.

I have given up.
Posted this a couple days ago over in the Halo Community thread but thought I would show it here also. I have started on blue room and altered a little bit more since this pic was taken. Hopefully should have a playable version by the end of this week. Then I can work on lighting and making it look more aesthetically pleasing.

Posted this a couple days ago over in the Halo Community thread but thought I would show it here also. I have started on blue room and altered a little bit more since this pic was taken. Hopefully should have a playable version by the end of this week. Then I can work on lighting and making it look more aesthetically pleasing.


Beautiful work man! That's super sexy. Would definitely play!

Just to make sure, put more spawns on the map to avoid getting the bug that won't load the map. You probably do have more, but judging from that picture you only have a couple.
Beautiful work man! That's super sexy. Would definitely play!

Just to make sure, put more spawns on the map to avoid getting the bug that won't load the map. You probably do have more, but judging from that picture you only have a couple.

Cheers for the heads up about the spawning, I have yet to run into any spawning issues so far. I have had the map file corrupted a couple times where I was unable to save a version of the map but fixed that by getting a friend to download the map and save it as one of their own.
Cheers for the heads up about the spawning, I have yet to run into any spawning issues so far. I have had the map file corrupted a couple times where I was unable to save a version of the map but fixed that by getting a friend to download the map and save it as one of their own.

Yeah...I only had a nuetral spawn and a initial spawn and I died by going out of bounds. Ever since then my newly 1:1 rendition of Lockout is gone forever.


I spent way, way too much time last night making a Quake 1 styled map. Starts off in the day and as you wind down the corridors and rooms, you end up in a dark burning pit. Its dark, flickering torches on the walls, its brown and creepy. I only wish it was not so hard to block out a level and make corridors. No spawns yet but I think it is probably just slayer.

I actually blocked out some section to hide how badly the level is put together haha.

Might actually revisit this one, since I can branch off the main section to expand to other zones. Could be a fun horror styled game. Will get a video of it up when I can because shots just look weird.
Posted this a couple days ago over in the Halo Community thread but thought I would show it here also. I have started on blue room and altered a little bit more since this pic was taken. Hopefully should have a playable version by the end of this week. Then I can work on lighting and making it look more aesthetically pleasing.

I thought that was my Guardian remake for a split second but it's obviously not lol. I love how you got the top mid aesthetic just like the original.


is it something with the servers? ive been online all afternoon.

I got booted a lot while wired at launch, but I think the issue now is where I have to have the One at + wireless.

Going to figure out if I can wire it again.

Also, nice find with the cubemap generation! You could take it even further and "paint" a custom cubemap in that way as long as you keep the regular map away from the origin point.


So what exactly happens when light map passes 100? Shadows become lighter? If so, I want to get to 100 so shadows on my map won't be so damn strong.

Also, turning off light bake on an object doesn't do anything? Is that a bug, or am I missing something?
Not exactly sure what happens when it passes 100 but the current Deadlock is at 103% so you could use that as a reference.

I turned off light bake on all terrain on the new Deadlock. Then had to turn it back on for 3 or 4 pieces because the shadows were messed up. I also noticed those pieces had slightly more even and realistic colours and shadows, where the rest had very slightly harsher shadows.

Posted this a couple days ago over in the Halo Community thread but thought I would show it here also. I have started on blue room and altered a little bit more since this pic was taken. Hopefully should have a playable version by the end of this week. Then I can work on lighting and making it look more aesthetically pleasing.


I believe they made a Gobo specifically for you.


Day (6-7?) Still cannot save as a new map

my maps, blank maps, dev maps!

come on guys wtf, someone tell me something, this is fucking crazy!!

if you are online and have a few minutes to spare, pleeassee help me dupe my map

send a msg to nillapuddin626, I want to invite you in and see if you can save as,
(then you load it up and I dl it from you)


Day (6-7?) Still cannot save as a new map

my maps, blank maps, dev maps!

come on guys wtf, someone tell me something, this is fucking crazy!!

if you are online and have a few minutes to spare, pleeassee help me dupe my map

send a msg to nillapuddin626, I want to invite you in and see if you can save as,
(then you load it up and I dl it from you)

I'm afraid I don't think that'll work :(

My current map will let me save, but not save as and is stuck in that stupid retrieving data error bug. I hopped on my brothers tag and bookmarked it but it acts exactly the same :/


I'm afraid I don't think that'll work :(

My current map will let me save, but not save as and is stuck in that stupid retrieving data error bug. I hopped on my brothers tag and bookmarked it but it acts exactly the same :/

god damnit

but for me its not just one map, its any map, even dev maps

can you save anything 'as'?
Hey guys,

I just finished up a forge map to where I wanted to do a first test. So I hopped in Customs tested it, and needed to change some stuff. I went back to forge and my map seems broken. I can't do anything, I'm just stuck in monitor mode and nothing happens when I hit buttons unless I back out.

Is my map dead?
Ok, I'm finally home from my work trip and can mess with Halo and Forge.

What are some good maps to download, especially ones that show off what crazy aesthetics you can now pull off to make it look less like a 'forge' map?

Also, any good remakes?

Posted this a couple days ago over in the Halo Community thread but thought I would show it here also. I have started on blue room and altered a little bit more since this pic was taken. Hopefully should have a playable version by the end of this week. Then I can work on lighting and making it look more aesthetically pleasing.


Wow, this is looking good.. both in layout and visuals.
It would be cool if they brought in a Texture Paint tool like Blender has. You could import textures and paint through them onto any object. Obviously it would have a limit as to how much texture space is allowed due to memory and performance limits.


Mine started working again. The only thing I can think of is I renamed the map name and description. Also hard rebooted my console.

i tried those since you said it, still cant

had my friend open up a map, i cant even save his maps.

nillapuddin626, literally, cannot save anything.

this is a major issue.
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