I just got the Elite controllerwhat are the best settings? for both the button mapping and the paddles position
I think 343 had data showing a lot of the old gametypes weren't played by many people and made a decision to focus on what they launched. Doesn't really fit Infection or Grifball, because a lot of people play those, for whatever fucking reason. But the other stuff, KOTH and such, I'd say that's a small percentage of the MP population. Which pains me, because I think KOTH is far and away the best Halo objective after CTF.
Wow, it just loaded me into a TS match 4v1 and when I quit it docked me 30 fucking points, lame.
I throw the controller at my screen three games in a row.
Why do they have a hard time porting existing gametypes into Halo 5? The gametypes didn't change much (not at all in some cases) in terms of functionality.
Just a coupple examples:
- KotH stayed, in it's functionality, the same since CE.
- The only noteable change Oddball ever received was being able to throw it, otherwise the same since CE.
- Infection. Weird changes that forced Flood skins/tunnel vision on infected players and a claw (Sword) as the only weapon. Couldn't give Zombies any other weapons.
- Assault. Actually exists since CE in the form of carrying your Flag to the enemy base. Has been changed into carrying a bomb into the enemy base with Halo 2.
- Grifball. Also stayed pretty much the same (since Halo 3) with the addition of the bomb being throwable (since Halo 4).
- Territories. Been there since Halo 2. The variation "3 Plots" basically turned into todays Strongholds.
- Juggernaut/VIP. Probably the least favourite gametypes of Halo history.
All these gametypes already exists. It's not like you have to reinvent them, you just have to make them work in Halo 5. I don't believe for one second that it's a very hard task to do. They probably just happen to have their focus on something else at the moment.
Somehow 343i really likes to start from 0 with every new game, instead of building up on already existing features. And people think/hope they will release a PvE update in Halo 5's life time. lol
How'd your screen hold up? Your controller?
Yea, that shit is whack.
If 343 released firefight, it would rank in the top 5 of the playlists. A chill co-op mp mode that offers Reqs, and the ability to see your spartan fully customized outside of FFA would be a huge draw. Firefight would also probably cut into the population of Warzone significantly, which is why we may never see it in H5.
I can dream, I guess. Firefight with Warzone bosses added into the mix seems like it would be amazing. I'm hoping that Gears of War 4 has an amazing Horde mode, so I can get my fix.
It's truly 'mind bobbling' that they seem to start from scratch despite an obvious market for the things that have been in the series...
I really wish I could pick the brain of who ever is in charge of making these decisions... Why did they think these things would go over well?
I'd really just like some sort of explanation from 343 as to why stuff like classic gametypes still aren't in yet. Whether it's because there's problems.. Idk.. Making them work in the new engine? Or folks who would program them are busy working on other things?
How many people are at 343 atm? I always get the impression each team is small.
I can't think anything else but they held/hold them back on purpose so they have stuff to give out in the montly updates.
But these should have been for New maps, and bigger additions than stuff that was a given for a Halo game.
Yep. I'd play the shit out of it.
A sustainment plan is absolutely no excuse for game types that have been in Halo for over a decade still not even ready to be in the game months after launch, period. You guys need to stop making excuses for then. This sustainment plan is probably a by-product of knowing they won't be able to launch a full game in time for the holidays. We have a story that felt like a rough draft where the game marketing was more interesting (and misleading), content that should have been included day 1 but still not in months later, BTB being forge maps made by the community cartographers, and then Battle of Noctus being shown off a bit back in August. A sustainment plan, should be new content, not stuff we should have had months ago. Eventually everyone is going to be tired of waiting months just to play infection, it's ridiculous.
I don't think anyone is making excuses for them... Just speculating about their thought process...
I think we can all agree that launching with all the game modes we know and love would have been the best move. They would then sustain the population with new maps and new game modes.
I think we all agree that launching with unproven (and now, apparently unpopular modes) INSTEAD of modes that fans EXPECT was not a good idea... Assuming that fans will wait 3+ months for those game types is just silly...
I'd like to know if things were planned this way 1) because of they thought it was a good idea to hold classic gametypes back for sustainment 2) because they thought their new gametypes were adequate substitutes for the missing ones 3) because they misunderstood their audiences affinity towards those modes or 4) the didn't have enough time and/or resources to get things here sooner.
Maybe it's some combination of all of those. Even though I like Warzone, strongholds, and breakout, I'm from a camp that thinks the classic modes should have had priority over everything else.
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
YEAH! I was so confused why they didn't use the superior version. Probably just trying to push the breakout agenda :O
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
which is weird because it's the lowest 4v4 playlist. it should be stuck in team arena or just deleted straight up. even when I get arena breakout I go "oh boy!! this crap again" and it's a superior version. the maps look like garbage too. it's barely watchable in HCS. just throw it away and give us oddball, assault, or 1-flag CTF.
I'm pretty stoke about the new map tho, and the continuing of getting new maps. I guess i'm one of the people that doesn't mind the tag "remix" being put on things. I think all the remix maps play completely different, and if you put a new coat of paint on them instead of making them resemble their "unmixed" map, there would be less push back.
wouldn't mind some classic maps remade ala truth. not 1:1 but maps that keep in mind the new abilities.
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
Overgrowth is a good example, but design and weapon placement is horrendous!
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
I like KotH though. Heck we just need every classic game type so no one is dissatisfied.
I like strongholds too... But not at the expense of classic modes... Not at the expense of having those modes available in forge so that people can make unique custom games...
Not a good trade off at all
remove camo, and either the sword or shotty (or both? these types of maps where there's a lot of small spaces aren't good to go against them), add overshield somewhere neutral (top mid??) and the map would be good to great.
Again, that's not what I was trying to say.
A better way of wording it would have been if I had to choose only two objective modes to have in H5, I'd choose flag and strongholds.
'kay, we gotta fight now.Hornet >
Tier 1 & 2 should be swapped.Tier 1: UNSC Falcon
Tier 2: UNSC Hornet
Tier 3: UNSC Sparrowhawk
This is what I want.
Eh... the sword camo combo on Overgrowth is pretty awful. It just leads to the sword player either just sprinting in circles taking everyone out because it's so close quarters or camping in a corner with camo sword.Well, the whole point of a power weapon is that it's not SUPPOSED to be good to go against. I'd say remove shotty, leave on the sword and maybe the camo.
Yeah, quoting the entire post didn't help either. I was actually only responding to this point in particular:I understand what you are saying... But since you said it in response to a rant about the lack of gametypes and a crappy sustain model, it's hard to see why that sentiment is relevant.
Yes strongholds is fun. But if 343i thought that strongholds and breakout would be regarded as adequate replacements for KotH, assault, oddball, juggernaut/VIP, territories, etc... Then they were sorely mistaken...
(and now, apparently unpopular modes)
/rant Playing solo is f---ing shit.
I'd rather have Strongholds than pretty much any of the classic modes we don't have.
Strongholds and flag are easily the best objective game modes Halo has.
Yes. Yes it is.
The grind to Onyx is painful.
The Company Commendation Packs are a joke lol. Two REQs and two boosts.
Nah it's free anyway.
Thanks for being part of the 343i defence force. I'm sure somebody from 343i will appreciate it.
Yeah, quoting the entire post didn't help either. I was actually only responding to this point in particular:
Team Arena
Big Team Battle
Holiday Social
Warzone Assault
Holiday Doubles
Free for All