Idk where to go but I have a question related to the xbone controller. I connected it to my laptop through bluetooth. But after that my steam games couldn't detect it. Do I need the wireless adapter for windows? Or can I do the connection without it?
Idk where to go but I have a question related to the xbone controller. I connected it to my laptop through bluetooth. But after that my steam games couldn't detect it. Do I need the wireless adapter for windows? Or can I do the connection without it?
They should have a rotation of in house PROS. making them full time 'playtesters' isn't cutting it anymore. OR they should advise they need new blood in there so more options and points of views can be expressed.
arent all the pro players in 343 old?
Old as in like... age? They are all in their 20's, but Dersky is a baby. He's like, 22?
Also, it's not *just* the pro team coming up with settings - it's a studio effort.
You're making the assumption that the pros/proteam come up with settings.
Well its me going off of what they have said with all of their 'updates'. They always, or almost always, relate 'pro team' feedback on settings, changes and etc.
Old as in they are legacy halo players and some might not give a shit anymore about the future of halo but are there for a paycheck.
So i say they are old in idea and mindset maybe.
Now we have new pro players give their opinion and most of it resonates with the overall player base. Like we agree here with most of the new pro player wishes; no radar, balancing some eapons and etc.
Well, I can't really give you anything concrete to back it up, but I know all of the pro team personally and they definitely aren't there for a 'paycheck'. They legitimately love Halo, but their perspective of the game might differ from current pros in that the 343 guys no have both pro experience and the developer perspective. They'll never 100% see eye to eye, but I think they have similar goals.
Horrible mm experiences tonight, from lag outs to going +20 and losing etc to much to type.
I was actually spectating that game and knew you were going to post it on GAF.. lol
Mercy Strongholds seems to be an awesome map for sprees. Got 3 in one game, myself.
Snakebite and Mikwen were on a webcast called The Pit and they do not paint a pretty picture when it comes to 343 and how they operate pro league settings. Starts at about 17:30.
Thank you so much for posting this. I think the pros articulation is exactly what I was trying to get across in earlier posts (specifically @Matt ExWife).
I was just specifically referring to your concern with people getting away with risky plays, when they're not necessarily risky with h5's movement and how that relates to game knowledge. Power weapons on map is a concern I agree with the pros about. Positioning may not be as dominant of a factor as before, but only because skilled control of your Spartan is a bigger deal.
I'd say my point still stands.
Y'all think I'm joking when I say Team Arena is easier than Skirmish, but it's official fam.
I think the main reason is in Arena you are much more likely to get competent teammates than in Skirmish if you solo q. I just played back to back Coli CTF. My Skirmish team literally stayed back at flag 90% of the game and made no pushes. My Arena team even though there was no communication made actual plays and pushes using their brain and we won 3-1. I swear, 9 times out of 10 my Skirmish teammates are as skilled as a bag of rocks. It also doesn't have Orion or Pegasus, so that's a bonus.
Then again, I'm only ranked Diamond 1 in Arena since I rarely play it so the competition is a little less fierce, perhaps.
This is why I prefer the traditional Halo settings with one utility being 90% of the engagements. Pure pistol vs pistol engagements are great in Halo 5 (perhaps better than previous games), but the game rarely allows for that.
20th january is good, so my previous mail is void?
links to xboxclips/xboxdvr are good to go?
That's not true though. I understand the sentiment about the other rifles being too powerful and agree with it for the most part, at least in competitive. However, a large portion of fights are still pistol vs pistol, it's hardly rare.
I frankly disagree. Experience is obviously subjective due to the inconsistency of human players and interaction online, but most engagements aren't pistol on pistol. It's not that it doesn't happen at all, but it's too infrequent.
Looks like some Halo Wars 2 news in a couple weeks.
01 17 2017
Couldn't someone with the API pull out numbers to show which weapon is the most used? (kills and get killed with)
Couldn't someone with the API pull out numbers to show which weapon is the most used? (kills and get killed with)
Someone did have that going during the first couple of months.
Weapon usages directly correlated with skill level.
The highest skilled players used pistols for over 50% of their kills, and AR was about 10%. And for the low end it was essentially the inverse of that.
Edit: here's a updated look at how top players
So pistol kills have gone down a bit, but they are still held much more than any other weapon. It looks like the pistol kills might have been replaced with increased rifle kills.
Still the numbers would suggest that pistol on pistol fights aren't rare.
Pretty sure you could, but in this case it would be fairly meaningless (like most uses of stats). It depends on maps, gametypes, ranks/skill, which weapons were used to damage a player in a given engagement, etc. Would take a lot of effort to get meaningful data I would assume.
In my case I get plenty of pistol kills (probably the most), but that's because I prefer the pistol and use it to finish kills off often. However, the thing we did want to know is how often does pistol vs pistol actual ly occur in a competitive arena game? The problem is that even if it occurs, the likelihood of a rifle weilder putting in some sort of assisted damage would throw the metric off due to the nature of their damage output, ease of use, and effective range.
Last night was the worst experience playing Halo I think I've ever had.
And it was all due to the matchmaking.
Playing ranked slayer with a friend. We are the same skill level (Silver 6/Gold 1) and we were CONSTANTLY put against teams of higher ranked players and the two players on our team were CONSTANTLY much lower level.
In our 5 games last night:
1st game - our two teammates went 8-25
2nd game - our two teammates went 8-32
3rd game - our two teammates went 25-26 (only semi-competitive one)
4th game - our two teammates went 11-28
5th game - our two teammates left after 5 mins but still managed to go 11-20
No fault to those players, they were a much lower level than the competition (except for the dickholes that left in the last game, yay, so much fun playing a match 2-on-4)...
But is matchmaking TRUE matchmaking? Because last night, it sure as hell didn't feel like it....
Happy Birthday Tashi
Yeah I admittedly rage quitted last night for the first time in a looong time. Feels like the players I'm matched with are 5 year olds while the enemy's are H5 gods.
Using balanced MM.
So, I'm not saying this 100% the case with Halo 5 (prefacing with that given my background), but - other games that use a similar MMR system use matchmaking measures to account for player availability, network connection, etc. It's possible, and in my opinion likely, that you're finding matches like that because of a low availability of players in your skill range with decent connection. You're probably matching teams comprised of players with a lower average MMR than yourself, but slightly to moderately higher than that of your teammates. When the system is matchmaking it's likely 'concluding' that the overall team MMR/average MMR is within an acceptable range given player availability, connectivity, and queue timeout values.
Let's face it - I'm not being negative, but I doubt Halo 5's daily/concurrent population is in a state where the matchmaking system can be picky about consistently curating competitive matches while maintaining acceptable queue times.
Team mismatches and no party matching/solo queue has been a problem since launch. Population numbers and the latest patch essentially breaking the game so you're likely to just not load into a match (leading to more mismatches and JIP issues) has only made it worse.
Links to clips are fine, and I've cleared the mailbox to make my life a little easier organisation wise, so send what you want in again.![]()
Finally a good scattershot clip that was totally done on purpose.
Team Skirmish is harder than Ranked Team Arena, I swear. I need a solo queue playlist because these games slowly suck out my soul (one dude was arguing with his girlfriend the entire fucking game).
Finally a good scattershot clip that was totally done on purpose.
Finally a good scattershot clip that was totally done on purpose.
Changes I'd like for the H5 Pistol:
- 4sk
- 2x zoom like the Tac Mag
"But then why would I switch it for a 4sk BR or 5sk DMR?"
- Greater Red Reticle Range on BR/DMR
- Longer scope range on DMR
- More aim assist on BR/DMR, so easier to use
I've said this in the past, but how easy it is to escape encounters in H5 is what I can see many people taking issue with, whether they're conscious of it like Fahz or just stop playing H5 entirely because "enemies don't die." Having a weapon like the CE Pistol is great for this reason, although 4v4's with a hitscan 3sk weapon would take a hit in quality imo as less weapons would be used. However, a 4sk H5 Pistol with a 2x zoom could be a decent middle ground to work with.
With strong starting weapons, power weapons (or in H5's case, any weapon pick-up) are less problematic. Take CE maps, like Chill Out for example: every power weapon and power-up is on that map, yet it's not a problem because the game is balanced around strong starting weapons. Improving the Pistol might cull some of the complaints over power weapon abundance while giving players a better chance off spawn to fight BR's/DMR's than they currently have, and it could lessen the frustration of enemies running from encounters.
Halo is at its best when: "Two men enter. The better man leaves. The lesser man is respawning. And that's Halo."
H5 is currently: "Two men enter. One man thrusts/sprints to safety. The other man chooses to let them get away unless they want to risk chasing with radar. And that's Halo."
I'm being slightly facetious there since that's essentially true of any competitive game (I mean, it was said with Reach and that game had AA's like Regen, AL, etc. lol), however I'm sure it's how some people are feeling over H5's movement system + radar.
With its current rate of fire I think it could be alright.I agree that the pistol should have advantages over tbe rifles and while a 4sk pistol would help, damage would probably have to be adjusted everywhere as well. In other words, i think halo 5s pistol would probably be over powered with a kill in 4 shots.
Isn't that the point of a pickup though? Plus, the BR does provide some trade-off with the 2x zoom + burst limiting its range.People are calling for a 4sk pistol with 2x zoom, but that still doesn't some the problem of the BR being a straight up upgrade.
4sk with less aim assist could be nice, but it's already not so easy to use against competent players thrusting/sprinting.The pistol should be harder to use, but it should have a lower minimum kill time than the BR to compensate.
It'd be a good thing to test with that Mystical Beta Playlist™ we've heard about.I think they should give it 2x zoom, but up the ROF so that it matches the Light Rifles min kill time.
I've said this in the past, but how easy it is to escape encounters in H5 is what I can see many people taking issue with, whether they're conscious of it like Fahz or just stop playing H5 entirely because "enemies don't die." Having a weapon like the CE Pistol is great for this reason, although 4v4's with a hitscan 3sk weapon would take a hit in quality imo as less weapons would be used. However, a 4sk H5 Pistol with a 2x zoom could be a decent middle ground to work with.
How about we move the fov to 100 or something like that first.