This is depressing. I hope Halo can be great again

This is depressing. I hope Halo can be great again
Given the potential methodology issues with Ars' analysis I wouldn't put much stock in it as an indicator of anything.
What's funny to me is that the vast majority of the franchises on this list we're around when H3 was king... but new competition is what did Halo in, not the quality of the Halo offering...
I dont agree. I think the offerings are exactly why it fell. Sure, competition doesn't help it but a good game should be a good game. BF1 has no problems with competition, Overwatch either etc.
The quality of the overall games has absolutely demisihed. From the quality of the SP, to the MP maps, missing gametypes, etc. halo has had a lot of consistent problems since Bungie left.
but the next slide had it kinda high on the being one of the most popular titles right? Like a lot of people just log in and play 1 game. or something like that
but the next slide had it kinda high on the being one of the most popular titles right? Like a lot of people just log in and play 1 game. or something like that
Damn, even The Division is above us.
Well, yeah, that actually doesn't bode well for halo's ability to keep people interested.
What the study considers an "owner" is just any gamertags that logged into the game at least once. So halo is a top 20 most popular game in terms of "ownership"
For example, the difference between the number of gamertags that have played halo is roughly the same as the number that have played Battlefield 1, yet Battlefield has 5 times more playtime.
So people like hitting and quitting halo... and I bet the # of gamertags (which the report calls owners) is inflated by the prevelance of smurfing in H5.
Rebooting Halo would be terrible for this franchise. You're also assuming a rebooted Halo would be better than what we have now. If you don't agree with 343's decisions now, what gives you the confidence that a reboot would improve things?
I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, Vincent, but it probably isn't Halo lol.
This is depressing. I hope Halo can be great again
I personally believe halo really needs to be reinvented/rebooted. They cant keep shooting out the same stuff all the time and expect better results. Doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
But they added ADS and Sprint! It is modern now and no longer old fashioned. If you want Halo 2 go play Halo 2.
Halo 5 launched with little content. It had 3 warzone maps, no BTB, no campaign theatre, scoring or even checkpoints. No weekly commendations or any reason to replay campaign levels or anything. They had a few ranked playlists, no social modes. No file share, nothing. By the time they added anything, no one stuck around.
You know how much I love Halo. But it's dead jim. Halo 6 will come and go just like Halo 4 and Halo 5 did. The fact is, Xbox One owners would play like 7 different shooters over Halo says it all.
Lol, can you please tell me how they have done the same things over and over again? Halo: Reach, Halo 4 and now Halo 5. They play nothing like each other. From campaign to multiplayer. You could call each game something other than Halo and it would work. They are just arena shooters, that is their one unifying feature.
Otherwise, not since CE to Halo 3 have we had the same Halo. In Reach we were jetpacking and armor locking, in Halo 4 we were seeing through walls and instant respawning or having loadouts and personal ordnance. In H5 we are ground pounding, spartan charging etc. None of the gameplay is similar beyond you shoot things.
I personally believe halo really needs to be reinvented/rebooted. They cant keep shooting out the same stuff all the time and expect better results. Doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
I would have remade Halo: CE internally at 343for Xbox 360 or Xbox Oneand made it a faithful, unbelievably beautiful, well-designed remake that would teach the team how to ship together, how to work within this engine, and how to earn respect from the fans. We should have done that before creating something wild and crazy."
What exactly do you mean by reinventing/rebooting. Starting the entire IP from scratch? Sounds like it would run the risk of alienating the remaining base AND not appealing to new gamers.
It sounds like the sort of thinking that gave us H4.
Unless by reboot you mean something along the lines of what Ryan Payton (they guy who got booted as H4s creative director, and somehow feels that h4 felt too much like a sequel to H3) said, in the recent behind the scenes.
Only I wouldn't just remake it. It would be an experience that championed everything Bungie did well, while also extracting some of the untapped potential Bungie left on the cutting room floor. The Master Chiefs campaign would remain mostly untouched, but I would also add several other perspectives from the conflict on the ring. I'd turn the exploration angle up to 10, and even incorporate the exotic wildlife into the battlefield (as has often been hinted at in behind the scenes footage). I'd probably start the game from Chief's perspective on Reach, and end it as he and Blue Team arrive at earth Prior to the events of Halo2.
It would have all today's checkboxes (Warzone, custom browser, a addictive progression system, H5 forge) and all of yesterday's as well (classic gamemodes, split-screen, LAN support, niche weapon balance, clean art direction)
Oh and BTB magnum starts.
It would give the team a chance to really learn what makes Halo great, and also provide an opportunity to actually build up some of the character that are in 343i's timeline- since they didn't bother to do it in game.
I mean reboot by starting over the story from scratch. Go back to halo CE times, maybe even reach times and start over from the beginning.
Story reboot would be suicide. Never gonna happen.
Cause it worked out terribly for batman begins right?
A reboot done right would absolutely work. It would bring back all of the elements that made the franchise popular to begin with, not to mention you could relive most of the great moments again, only differently. Maybe even with new twists.
You do it right and it would absolutely work, to me its a guarantee. But it has to be done right which is something 343 dont exactly inspire confidence in.
Batman Begins is sooo damn good, arguably the best in that franchise. TDK was great too, while TDKR was g a r b a g e . My inner superhero just had to share that lol.Cause it worked out terribly for batman begins right?
I'd much rather they revisit Reach in some way. There's so much potential in portraying the Spartan-II program and everything leading up to Halo CE. Sure, some of those stories are told in books and other media, but we all know interactivity in gaming specifically allows you to experience stories unlike any other medium.A reboot done right would absolutely work. It would bring back all of the elements that made the franchise popular to begin with, not to mention you could relive most of the great moments again, only differently. Maybe even with new twists.
You do it right and it would absolutely work, to me its a guarantee. But it has to be done right which is something 343 dont exactly inspire confidence.
Batman Begins is sooo damn good, arguably the best in that franchise. TDK was great too, while TDKR was g a r b a g e . My inner superhero just had to share that lol.
I'd much rather they revisit Reach in some way. There's so much potential in portraying the Spartan-II program and everything leading up to Halo CE. Sure, some of those stories are told in books and other media, but we all know interactivity in gaming specifically allows you to experience stories unlike any other medium.
A story reboot would be fatal for the brand as a whole. No matter what 343i does they can't please everyone and a reboot would piss off everyone in some capacity in the lore community.
This is depressing. I hope Halo can be great again
This is something I'm implementing in my game, but I think it might be applicable as a Banshee counter as well: it'd be neat if EMP effects worked on a scale in specific situations (maybe just aircraft?), rather than a binary. That is, let's say you pelt a Banshee with uncharged Plasma Pistol shots or something else EMP-capable - this fills up an "EMP gauge" which slowly reduces the Banshee's movement speed and also slows down its cooldowns. So, at 0% EMP, the banshee bomb takes 4 seconds to recharge, while at 50% EMP it takes 6 seconds, and so on. =
I'd imagine it'd be (relatively) easy to provide the illusion of the Banshee actually providing thrust, as well - so as the Banshee gets more and more EMP'd, it becomes harder and harder to keep it in the air as nothing's "pushing" it up. At 100% EMP, it produces the usual temporarily-disabled effect and "flushes" back to 0% once it recovers. This may also necessitate more than the Plasma Pistol being able to dish out EMP damage, though - I haven't played since like January 2016 so I'm not sure what can do it at this point, but giving it to something like the Sentinel Beam or the Hydra would make the sandbox incrementally more punishing towards lax Banshee pilots, and without Halo 4-esque loadouts you don't have to worry about "EMP overinflation" as people spawn in with Plasma Pistols and completely destroy any semblance of vehicle combat.
I think the biggest obstacle with a system like that is it'd be pretty opaque insofar as player discovery. People understand the EMP blast. Trying to judge how much you've done to a Banshee to reach a threshold seems like it'd be a nightmare.
The problem with 343 from my perspective is they dont seem to know what to change and what not to change.
To me, the music should have never changed in 4 from previous halos, and yet it was. The MP should have never changed from 3 to 4 so drastically, and yet it was. The areas and visuals should have remained familiar, not completely revamped to make it look like a mass effect game.
If the community complained its because 343 mishandled a lot of the franchise in all of their games so far. I would do like Disney did for star wars Ep7. I would make it look familiar, sound familiar, play out familiarly but id change it just enough for it to be fresh.
Its not as complicated as they make it out to be. They overthink it way too much.
edit: if i had my own team and they gave me carte blanche with infinite money, i would totally fucking to it and all of you would play it. I promise you.![]()
lol that's one take. I don't think 343 hates everything that Bungie has done in the past, but they are trying to follow their own vision for Halo. About the only thing I agree with in your post is that industrial maps need to take a back seat for a while, which is so true lol.343 doesn't know what they're doing. Hell, they hired people that hated Halo to make it better. All they had to do was look at what Bungie did and just improve what was lacking, but no...they hate everything about Bungie and had to change everything for the worse.
If they weren't being protected by Microsoft, the studio what have been shuttered after MCC.
Halo 6 has to get rid of sprint, camber, thrust, ground pound, hovering, and just go back to being Halo. Also, no more fucking industrial maps - how about some interesting worlds?
Just faced another fucking modded controller user. Ban these fuckers 343!
Console ban them
There's a patch that's going to fix that?Once they update the game it won't work for them.
This is depressing. I hope Halo can be great again
Just faced another fucking modded controller user. Ban these fuckers 343!
Console ban them
I sent this message to Frankie and Tashi.How do you tell exactly? rate of fire or dying too quickly? Found a new Aussie mate last night in skirmish, played a few games together and got wrecked on an expanded connection against yanks with smurf accounts. We both talked about modded controllers as we died in what seemed like 3 shots, chalked it up to poor connection but now I wonder if it wasn't a modded controller as well.
FFS the guy's tag was: PiRaTa MoDzZ
There's a patch that's going to fix that?
343 doesn't know what they're doing. Hell, they hired people that hated Halo to make it better. All they had to do was look at what Bungie did and just improve what was lacking, but no...they hate everything about Bungie and had to change everything for the worse.
If they weren't being protected by Microsoft, the studio what have been shuttered after MCC.
Halo 6 has to get rid of sprint, camber, thrust, ground pound, hovering, and just go back to being Halo. Also, no more fucking industrial maps - how about some interesting worlds?
lol that's one take. I don't think 343 hates everything that Bungie has done in the past, but they are trying to follow their own vision for Halo. About the only thing I agree with in your post is that industrial maps need to take a back seat for a while, which is so true lol.
I'd say yes and no. I've been a little jaded with each new Halo game. Halo 2 was a massive departure from Combat Evolved, but I grew to love it. Then Halo 3 felt like a huge departure from Halo 2. I didn't grow to love Halo 3, but I was able to tolerate the things I didn't like about the game and still enjoy playing. Halo 4 was definitely way out in left field as far as traditional halo is concerned, but to me it feels like Bungie really laid the foundation for 4's dramatic departure thanks to Reach. All those armor abilities ugh... So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't feel like what 343 did was any crazier than some of the previous changes made to Halo. You're right that Halo 5 is not exactly what a lot of fans wanted, including myself. Here's hoping 343 fine-tunes Halo 6 to be even better.This might be true, but the problem with 343s approach, from the very beginning, is that they didn't honor the fact that they were stewards for a franchise that already had 10s of millions of fans.
They came in with the audacity to make halo "their own", with very little consideration for the players- who also feel like we have some ownership of this thing too.
Halo 4 quite literally deconstructed EVERYTHING about halo's core gameplay, and then peiced together something that was barely recognizable. Solid game, but there 'vision' for Halo was nothing like what fans wanted.
Halo 5 has many of those same issues. Yes, they've restored many of the beloved principles established by Bungie, but in the game that shipped, many were still absent and not replaced by something equal or better.
Taking over a franchise must be a daunting task. But if you are so interested in artistic liberty and installing your own vision that you can't respect the foundation of the title you are taking over or the emotional attachment existing fans have to all of its defining characteristics, I don't understand why you'd even want the job. Why not just make a game that isn't Halo?
I'd say yes and no. I've been a little jaded with each new Halo game. Halo 2 was a massive departure from Combat Evolved, but I grew to love it. Then Halo 3 felt like a huge departure from Halo 2. I didn't grow to love Halo 3, but I was able to tolerate the things I didn't like about the game and still enjoy playing. Halo 4 was definitely way out in left field as far as traditional halo is concerned, but to me it feels like Bungie really laid the foundation for 4's dramatic departure thanks to Reach. All those armor abilities ugh... So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't feel like what 343 did was any crazier than some of the previous changes made to Halo. You're right that Halo 5 is not exactly what a lot of fans wanted, including myself. Here's hoping 343 fine-tunes Halo 6 to be even better.
You can't blame that on Reach.Ryan Payton said:wanted to change the game so much that we couldnt even call it Halo 4.
Ryan Payton said:If I could do it all over again, I wouldve fought hard to not make Halo 4 as it shipped or this innovative, forward-thinking Halo game we dreamt up. I would have remade Halo: CE internally at 343for Xbox 360 or Xbox Oneand made it a faithful, unbelievably beautiful, well-designed remake that would teach the team how to ship together, how to work within this engine, and how to earn respect from the fans. We should have done that before creating something wild and crazy.
This might be true, but the problem with 343s approach, from the very beginning, is that they didn't honor the fact that they were stewards for a franchise that already had 10s of millions of fans.
They came in with the audacity to make halo "their own", with very little consideration for the players- who also feel like we have some ownership of this thing too.
Halo 4 quite literally deconstructed EVERYTHING about halo's core gameplay, and then peiced together something that was barely recognizable. Solid game, but there 'vision' for Halo was nothing like what fans wanted.
Halo 5 has many of those same issues. Yes, they've restored many of the beloved principles established by Bungie, but in the game that shipped, many were still absent and not replaced by something equal or better.
Taking over a franchise must be a daunting task. But if you are so interested in artistic liberty and installing your own vision that you can't respect the foundation of the title you are taking over or the emotional attachment existing fans have to all of its defining characteristics, I don't understand why you'd even want the job. Why not just make a game that isn't Halo?
Stages of a Toxic Fandom:
1. I love this
2. I own this
3. I control this
4. I can't control this
5. I hate this
6. I must destroy this