I'm not sure I follow here... How does the H5's sandbox have more reach than any of the previous halos. I'm just thinking of all the things created (by the devs and the community) and all the niche audiences served back in the H3 and Reach era that are missing now, so I don't see how changing the chore mechanics bolstered that quality.
I wasn't referring to the quantity of gametypes but stating how the base gameplay changes are universal in H5 e.g. action sack vs HCS vs BTB vs WZ and they're all the same base mechanics/movement/sandbox. If you look at H3 the MLG playlist vs default slayer was a wide gap in terms of radar, movement speed, no equipment and almost a hidden learning curve for new players. That's a barrier across Halo audiences that 343 resolved very well for the most part with H5, better than Bungie.
Interesting concept for sure. I definately believe in letting the community get a bit more say in what ships Helps all parties.
Yep, we've seen it so many mods and community driven content, just take their work or invite them to the studio and then give maps or gametypes or scripts developer love and attention. It's not rocket science TBH, drop the ideal that only studio developers and designers have the utmost abilities. Great ideas or executions come from anyone anytime.
I don't think that's what he's saying. Because equipment were all pickups and not base abilities, the "damage" done by designing around them is limited to the specific map rather than the entire game. Furthermore, they/players could easily remove them from maps where they didn't work, and replace them with items that worked better.
I can't agree, look at something like high ground OBJ with light vehicles and equipment, clearly we've seen Bungie ViDocs about auto-turrets cut or equipment to stop flag run-away plays where it rolled down the hill etc. Now factor in H3 MLG and all that "map design and interactivity" such as the base gate are just gone. Most maps designed for the default or objective audience never even see play time in hardcore playlists. Why not one eSports event with 1/2 flag 4v4 light vehicles like COAG or Valhalla etc? Christ I watch that over anything HCS or MLG. So would more than a dozen of my old Halo crew who never like(d) MLG or HCS in the last decade.
I'm not sure I follow you here. Care to elaborate on the idea that the current sandbox "raised the bar" across all audiences and gametypes?
Same as the first response above.
While I still think it's a cool idea, I'm strongly against having something like that in a Halo game, at least for the matchmaking part. Reach social profile & MM already showed that toggle and filters are cool at launch but get useless after a few weeks. And this was only for players, so having this for maps & gametypes would be awful...
Titanfall (1 & 2) tried something very similar, and it failed.
Custom Game Browser is here for this and I hope it will be improved for the next Halo game.
Nice to have a reference but I don't recall these types of select a map and gametype specifically in TF. I do prefer TF's minimal playlists or COD's ability to have a pure objective playlist constantly, something Halo has dropped in H4/H5/MCC, much to my hatred.
As for another example the BF series on PC has player toggles and they work great IMO. Having minimums and automatic population levels/reactions for filters would alleviate much of the past semi-successes with these more dynamic matchmaking systems.
As for CGB it's too niche IMO, always has been. It's very hit an miss for party/skill matching, exploits, incomplete maps or gametypes and not developer made maps a large amount of the time. Matchmaking is a great system it's needs an overhaul to enable balance player choices against developer curation and sustain.
Problem is everyone likes to speak in binaries, old Halo fans vs. new Halo fans, but I bet the majority fall somewhere in between. I certainly do, I love the gunplay from 5, thruster and ground pound are pure fun. I also miss the pace and the simplicity of the old games. I appreciate 343 is in a hard place trying to appease everyone, but I think removing sprint along with the few abilities tied to it would simplify the game in a good way. Reverting back to the old art style would also please a lot of people including myself.
I agree with the everyone liking elements for various games, there's a lot of diversity to Halo. However I feel so much of that hinges on great maps and gametypes. If you have maps like H2/H3 days with H5's sandbox and movement delivered within a robust quality assured game and networking for most regions it's a winner across the board for me. I just hope 343 keep the existing engine, art, sounds etc and really focus on maps and gametypes with H6, the whole multiplayer experience depends on those elements. I say this because I feel 343 have 95% nailed down so many other elements finally with H5 e.g. movement, gunplay, weapon balance, you know the 30 seconds combat loop.