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Halo 5 Review Thread

No fucking way. I don't believe you.


It appears as though Xbox fans still believe Xbox gets unfair treatment on Neogaf, good stuff
I don't think this is an Xbox fan thing..more a halo fan thing. Because I've never seen any sides of the console war throw an entire studios hard work/franchise under the bus because of some review scores


Damn straight, friend.

Especially props on the Dying Light. Probably the most shockingly unfair spree of criticism I have ever seen. That is such an incredible fun game, and even it if wasn't fun, it's solid as fuck. Few/no technical issues, great simulation, big world, loads of content...


Me too.

Yo real talk, can we stop this talk about "low" review scores for Halo 5 and discuss the travesty of Dying Light only having a 74 lol


You got Halo 4's campaign right (ish) but mp was a misstep

Now Halo 5's campaign is a misstep but you fundamentally got the mp right apparently
, which is great and you should recognise the enormity of the feat.

With Halo 6, make sure you smash the overall package out of the park. Well done for your efforts though. (although i haven't played it yet and could think its shite haha, which I doubt I will).

No, just no. What people seem to not realise (due to the clusterfuck that is this thread), is that the campaign does not suck, is not a misstep, and is not even in the same universe of mediocrity that the halo 4 campaign was. There are a shitload of reviews that mirror my feelings about this too (probably as many as there are saying otherwise). I'm not saying everyone will agree with me, but do yourselves a favour and go in with an open mind. You might otherwise be robbing yourselves of one of the better campaigns in the series. Honestly.
No, just no. What people seem to not realise (due to the clusterfuck that is this thread), is that the campaign does not suck, is not a misstep, and is not even in the same universe of mediocrity that the halo 4 campaign was. There are a shitload of reviews that mirror my feelings about this too (probably as many as there are saying otherwise) I'm not saying everyone will agree with me, but do yourselves a favour and go in with an open mind. You might otherwise be robbing yourselves of one of the better campaigns in the series. Honestly.

I like the sound of that.

I am just puzzled by the well...almost conflicting reports about the campaign length. I believe someone here said it took him about 12 hours on Heroic i think?....then you got people showing a pic of total playtime of freaking.....4 hours , others talk about 6 hours. The infographic showed 8 to 12 hours....at the moment it's my only worry to be honest. Not even image quality that DF doesn't seem to fond of or lighting, although i was surprised that they had that in the cons.


pretty high TBH but it was expected. If it will end up going 90+ meta, then I will finally buy X1 no doubt... but with scores so far it doesnt sound that groundbreaking as I hoped for. Still, hopefully owners are having fun with it!
just switch over to pistol
edit: Nope. You can't change weapons in this level. And I took two new screenshots. When you look slightly down (which you'll be doing to find data pads), the view is this:

But on the flip side, when you look up, it's this:

And for good measure, whenever you're looking straight forward.

It's a minor complaint, but it certainly makes exploring a lot more difficult. :(
I think it can definitely happen. They've made a major change in going from Amy Hennig to Neil Druckmann. UC relies so heavily on its story that I can definitely see this one getting a lower score if Druckmann mucks it up.

Druckmann was a huge part of Uncharted 2 as was Straley. It's not like they are new to the IP.
This is why I hate talking about game length- it's really subjective, includes factors like style of play, sprint, vehicles and of course difficulty level.

My "rush" time on heroic solo is about 9 hours, which includes "explore attractive nuisance spots to see what's there" but zero, "explore every nook and cranny looking for skulls "

Basically if I saw a waterfall or a breakable wall, I'd check it out if I wasn't in a firefight- often looking for weapons or ammo.

My proper explore run is still ongoing but I might switch to legendary coop (retail) before continuing that.

Damn. Straight.

I also subscribe to the whole, "play the game likes its being demoed on an E3 stage" style as well. Lots of slow walking, pans, trying to frame my own setpieces, etc. :)

Also, It took me literally a month and a half (85 hours est) to finish MGSV's main story.... I.... I just dont need that again in my life right now. 32 years old, married, two kids and just about to sew on TSgt.



Persecution Complex
A thought I had today RE: Halo 5's reviews. I'm looking forward to the campaign almost as much as the multiplayer, and some of the reviews of the single player campaign are disappointing (and others sing praises) but I'll be the judge of the game when I play it tomorrow.

Remember all the MGSV reviews about how it was, and I'm paraphrasing, "the greatest game ever, amazing story, 10/10" and we saw what happened MGSV after gamers played it themselves. Not saying MGSV is a bad game by any means but the reviews for it were GTA4 levels of bullshit.

Reviews for Halo 5 have been great overall, and I personally liked Halo 4's story I'm just eager to see how the missions themselves play and how the levels are designed.


Why people get so worked over some reviews which are nothing more than the writers' opinion?.

Enjoy the fucking game and if you don't like it, there are much more games out there.


I usually start off on legendary difficulty and after I beat it, I don't go back to the campaign until years later. I think I'm doing it wrong. :p


The hell is happening in this thread why are people bringing up all these other games. Dudes and dudettes just be chill guys. No need for this aggravation peeps just calm the metacritc score is really good guys.
You and me both, brah. The story shouldn't rely so much on the expanded universe. They should be more like Star Wars that also has expanded universe but the movies tell their own independent story. I hate this about Halo. The story has gotten worse and more difficult to comprehend as the games go by. By the time ODST, Reach, Wars and shit started happening I gave up.

To be fare though , the didact was mentioned in halo 3 terminals. also, she had previously hooked into the requiem terminal righ?
If Halo 5 drops below MCC and at least isnt around the level of Halo 4 this is a very very bad thing.

Its one thing if it is around the same or a bit over Halo 4, and its possible given the embargo just lifted. At the same time in ne day it is already at 85, something even Halo MCC was not at.

If below Halo MCC the downward spiral for Halo continues.
If someone has never played halo before, normal is a perfectly good way to play and learn it.

If they've played a lot of halo they either know heroic is more fun and challenging and they'll choose it or...

If they choose to play on normal anyway, maybe they want to play at a more relaxed pace, or maybe they want to rush through it and get to the MP or their next game.

A reviewer is a professional who's likely to know all of the above and welcome to play any way they wish.

Legendary is hard and not recommended for a beginner and actually gets tougher when four real players do it in co-op.

There's nothing controversial about any of those approaches and playing normal isn't some badge of shame.

If somebody rushes through it in easy mode, I'd hope they'd caveat that in their review, but it's not rendered null and void by that fact. Opinions are usually genuine. That's their experience and that's how they personally felt.

Nothing wrong with that.

If normal is the 'easy mode' why not call it easy instead of you know, normal?

Normal should always be the default 'meant to be played' setting, if heroic is than your normal is too easy.

If Halo 5 drops below MCC and at least isnt around the level of Halo 4 this is a very very bad thing.

Its one thing if it is around the same or a bit over Halo 4, and its possible given the embargo just lifted. At the same time in ne day it is already at 85, something even Halo MCC was not at.

If below Halo MCC the downward spiral for Halo continues.

Melodramatic much?


I wonder what's changed since the morn-


I like how whenever there's a thread asking people to gauge how important metacritic/review scores are to them everyone acts too cool for school with responses ranging from, "meaningless" "doesn't matter at all" to "I just use them as a guide" etc...but then review threads always end up being the saltiest, most contentious threads on GAF by many many miles.
Hmm, as usual defensive people overreacting to every perceived slight on their franchise of choice and overstating how bad review threads are, ironically making things worse in the process...happens everytime a console exclusive gets lower than expected / hoped for review scores.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
We have lot's of great review threads to look forward:

-Tomb Raider
-Street Fighter V
-Uncharted 4 (I think this will be a instant classic)
-Quantum Break
-The Last Guardian
-Gran Turismo 7
-Next Forza Motorsport (If it launches after GT7)


If normal is the 'easy mode' why not call it easy instead of you know, normal?

Normal should always be the default 'meant to be played' setting, if heroic is than your normal is too easy.

Same reason why calling it "kids mode" in Viewtiful Joe was an awful idea.

"I ain't no bitch, I'm playing it on Adult.... OMFG!"

Normal is closer to the average standard when you consider all the millions that play it, but aren't the sort of lifelong gamers that make up GAF. The rest of us simply know to select Heroic due to having knowledge of what Heroic difficulty is like in previous Halos.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
An 85 on Metacritic?!!! smh

That's pretty much a death sentence for a AAA game like this. Yikes, 7 points lower than Witcher 3, and 8 points lower than Metal Gear Solid 5.

This was the only game even slightly tempting me to get an Xbox One, now I can give Halo 5 a hard pass. The series ended with Halo 3 & Reach imo.
We have lot's of great review threads to look forward:

-Tomb Raider
-Street Fighter V
-Uncharted 4 (I think this will be a instant classic)
-Quantum Break
-The Last Guardian
-Gran Turismo 7
-Next Forza Motorsport (If it launches after GT7)

Not worried about many of those, but Tomb Raider is going to be heated I'm sure.


An 85 on Metacritic?!!! smh

That's pretty much a death sentence for a AAA game like this. Yikes, 7 points lower than Witcher 3, and 8 points lower than Metal Gear Solid 5.

This was the only game even slightly tempting me to get an Xbox One, now I can give Halo 5 a hard pass. The series ended with Halo 3 & Reach imo.


Too obvious


If Halo 5 drops below MCC and at least isnt around the level of Halo 4 this is a very very bad thing.

Its one thing if it is around the same or a bit over Halo 4, and its possible given the embargo just lifted. At the same time in ne day it is already at 85, something even Halo MCC was not at.

If below Halo MCC the downward spiral for Halo continues.

MCC reviewed well because the reviewers didn't yet know that it was broken. The fact that almost no one changed their score is a different discussion entirely
An 85 on Metacritic?!!! smh

That's pretty much a death sentence for a AAA game like this. Yikes, 7 points lower than Witcher 3, and 8 points lower than Metal Gear Solid 5.

This was the only game even slightly tempting me to get an Xbox One, now I can give Halo 5 a hard pass. The series ended with Halo 3 & Reach imo.
Well I'm shaking my head for completely different reasons. Lol
An 85 on Metacritic?!!! smh

That's pretty much a death sentence for a AAA game like this. Yikes, 7 points lower than Witcher 3, and 8 points lower than Metal Gear Solid 5.

This was the only game even slightly tempting me to get an Xbox One, now I can give Halo 5 a hard pass. The series ended with Halo 3 & Reach imo.

Destiny got a similar score and its doing fine isn't it?
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