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Halo 5 Review Thread

Ah ok. Yea any reference you were going for flew straight by me.


1,5 years ago there was a stuggle between Angry Joe and Dan Stapleton from IGN about their Titanfall Score (8.9). They were literally fighting about a difference of 0.1.

A high meta score is more than nice to have for developers. In cases like Destiny even bonuses have been attached to the meta score, if my memory doesnt fool me. Then again, what really matters are sales, not scores. Halo may be "just" a good title, but I am sure it will do amazingly good sales-wise.


I don't think anything in the U4 review thread will top the 8/10 meltdown of U3. At least I'm hoping nothing will because that is still the craziest review thread I've ever seen.

Nintendo fans reaction to Gamespot's 8.8 for Zelda Twilight Princess was also batshit insane (although not only in GAF, but other forums), and that one was also probably first time people reacted that way to single review, or first I remember.
Regardless of what I, or anyone in this thread, feel about the metascore and the endless debate between excellence vs good vs mediocre in the 80 - 95 range, there is no way that 343 and MS aren't fuming at an 85. For better or worse publishers put a ton of stake into those scores. We've all heard the stories about lost bonuses and other bullshit because of <90 scores. I guarantee there are a lot of angry emails being circulated today.


We have lot's of great review threads to look forward:

-Tomb Raider
-Street Fighter V
-Uncharted 4 (I think this will be a instant classic)
-Quantum Break
-The Last Guardian
-Gran Turismo 7
-Next Forza Motorsport (If it launches after GT7)

I think Horizon could be a sleeper hit, just because there's so much ammo against if it ends up reviewing relatively low:
-AAA exclusive
-won the best of E3 poll "wow, just goes to show you how deceptive pre-footage can be, wow we shouldn't have gotten excited"
-Killzone devs "I KNEW IT! These guys can't make a great game. Why were people hyped?"


Neo Member
I expected around 85, was hoping for higher though.

Knew this game would score more than destiny, only played for a couple of hours and can confirm it's a better game


Idek how Uncharted is even relevant here. The last Incharted game came out in 2011 and the next in 2016. Gaming has changed so much since then.


Idek how Uncharted is even relevant here. The last Incharted game came out in 2011 and the next in 2016. Gaming has changed so much since then.
Wow has it really been that long? Can't believe we will be nearing half a decade since the last came out.
It seems like a great game if you actually dig into some of the reviews, instead of reading a couple of negatively biased opinions on GAF.

Congrats Stinkles and 343. I don't own an XB1 but I had great times with Halo before.

For those that like to compare


Oh man, Halo 35 is going to score a -40 on MC :(
Idek how Uncharted is even relevant here. The last Incharted game came out in 2011 and the next in 2016. Gaming has changed so much since then.
People just try to compare this thread to that horrible monster that UC3 thread was, unnecessarily I might add.

Wow has it really been that long? Can't believe we will be nearing half a decade since the last came out.
They sure take their time, which is good thing.
It seems like a great game if you actually dig into some of the reviews, instead of reading a couple of negatively biased opinions on GAF.

Congrats Stinkles and 343. I don't own an XB1 but I had great times with Halo before.

Oh man, Halo 35 is going to score a -40 on MC :(

The future of the franchise haz no hopes.

Gonna be playing the fuck out of the MP!


So thus this mean Halo 5 is out of the GOTY race?
We got:
Witcher 3
(Most Likely) Fallout 4
(add episodic, Indie or underrated game here) or Arkham Knight
Probably. It doesn't seem to offer the great single player experience those games have.
It's definitely going to be a contender in the multiplayer category though.



1,5 years ago there was a stuggle between Angry Joe and Dan Stapleton from IGN about their Titanfall Score (8.9). They were literally fighting about a difference of 0.1.

A high meta score is more than nice to have for developers. In cases like Destiny even bonuses have been attached to the meta score, if my memory doesnt fool me. Then again, what really matters are sales, not scores. Halo may be "just" a good title, but I am sure it will do amazingly good sales-wise.

Oh shit, now I remember... good times.
Some folks here seriously are exeggerating about the reviews. Acting as if the majority of the reviews are negative, saying the campaign is bad and a bad story, when it's actually the opposite. Acting as if this is a dark dark day for 343i, MS and the Halo fans, acting as if it's truly going downhill for the franchise. Why?


It seems like a great game if you actually dig into some of the reviews, instead of reading a couple of negatively biased opinions on GAF.

Congrats Stinkles and 343. I don't own an XB1 but I had great times with Halo before.

Oh man, Halo 35 is going to score a -40 on MC :(

Lol @ Halo 4 beating Halo 5.


Some folks here seriously are exeggerating about the reviews. Acting as if the majority of the reviews are negative, saying the campaign is bad and a bad story, when it's actually the opposite. Acting as if this is a dark dark day for 343i, MS and the Halo fans, acting as if it's truly going downhill for the franchise.

This has been going on for some time. There was a thread titled "do you care about halo?" not long ago.


So thus this mean Halo 5 is out of the GOTY race?
We got:
Witcher 3
(Most Likely) Fallout 4
(add episodic, Indie or underrated game here) or Arkham Knight

Replace Arkham Knight with maaaaybe Tomb Raider and yep. Also, that indie game would likely be Rocket League, or at least it should be.


I've read just a couple reviews and am pretty down on it so far. Hearing that the mission sizes are smaller than past games (they've been fucking shrinking since CE I feel like), that the story has a Halo 2-esque dissatisfactory ending, combined with what I already knew about the best feature, local split-screen, being removed. With the shit direction they took the story in Halo 4 I'm kinda sitting here wondering what I'm even coming to Halo 5 for.


Halo 4 and Halo 5 look so similar to me. What's new in the campaign except new characters and new levels? I've seen the new ground pound and wall punch moves.


Halo 4 and Halo 5 look so similar to me. What's new in the campaign except new characters and new levels? I've seen the new ground pound and wall punch moves.

I'm not sure what sort of answer you're looking for here... I mean, you know it has new moves, characters, levels, etc... all the new stuff a sequel would have. Are we supposed to say you can now throw Hadokens or something?

So....I thought I was the only one.

This is legitimately blowing my mind now.


If normal is the 'easy mode' why not call it easy instead of you know, normal?

Normal should always be the default 'meant to be played' setting, if heroic is than your normal is too easy.

Melodramatic much?

You can argue over the Halo's naming conventions forever, but there IS a history behind it...

Heroic has always been the difficulty designed to give the optimal experience to people who are familiar with the games mechanics, controls, weapons, and AI. That dates all the way back to Halo: CE.

With Halo:CE, it was the first time a console FPS used dual analogue controls. It was also the first time anyone played halo. It was many console gamers first FPS. At that time, normal WAS the default Halo starting point for those reasons. Once people were familiar with the sandbox, they were expected to go up a level and not look back. the difficulty naming conventions haven't changed since the series' inception.

From Halo 2 onward , Bungie made it abundantly clear that Heroic is the ideal difficulty; designed to provide the best experience for returning players. They even changed the heroic difficulty description to “Fight against formidable foes that will truly test your skill and wits; this is the way Halo is meant to be played" to eliminate any confusion on the matter...

So just because it is your personal feeling that the word "normal" should be reserved for the "meant to be played" setting, doesn't change the fact that Halo has always done it differently (probably because they expect returning players to know better by now...We are seven games in). And any reviewer should be aware of this, and take it into consideration when reviewing the game. especially if they are making an impression on the games length.

Normal is and likely always will be a good place for player unfamiliar with Halo to start.


Indie game is Undertale.

Episodic game is Tales from the Borderlands.

Haven't played Undertale, but I have to think Rocket League will make several GOTY nomination lists this year, if not most lists.

Arkham Knight I predict will be the Bioshock Infinite of this year in that I believe many sites are regretting rating it as high as they did and won't give it much GOTY love.

(For the record, I loved Infinite and still believe it is at least a 9 out of 10 game. Just stating what I perceive to be true though)

Anyway, back on topic, can't wait to play some Halo tonight!!!
I've read just a couple reviews and am pretty down on it so far. Hearing that the mission sizes are smaller than past games (they've been fucking shrinking since CE I feel like), that the story has a Halo 2-esque dissatisfactory ending, combined with what I already knew about the best feature, local split-screen, being removed. With the shit direction they took the story in Halo 4 I'm kinda sitting here wondering what I'm even coming to Halo 5 for.

But that's really odd. This was was supposed to have much bigger levels, much bigger in scale, multiple paths to finish a level, etc. So now they are smaller than even Halo 4?


I feel like scoring the multiplayer before it goes live is a little jumping the gun, so the praise for mainly the multiplayer keeps giving me little alarms inside. Optimistic but cautious thus far.


But that's really odd. This was was supposed to have much bigger levels, much bigger in scale, multiple paths to finish a level, etc. So now they are smaller than even Halo 4?

That's what I'd been led to believe by PR speak as well. (remember the horrible hallway E3 demo?) It sounds like the levels may have multiple paths, but you're never in spaces as big as you were in past games.

The search for a new Silent Cartographer/Assault on the Control Room continues. Maybe by the time Halo 6 comes out they'll figure out how to render large environments? /facetious
holy christ seriously

that's short as hell

definitely waiting until it's $20. by that time, either the multiplayer scene will be dead as halo 4 or thriving. hopefully that will be a good time to jump in :)

lolsauce, you're only willing to pay $20 for a multiplayer only game? Assuming you're not buying Battlefront then?


I'm not sure what sort of answer you're looking for here... I mean, you know it has new moves, characters, levels, etc... all the new stuff a sequel would have. Are we supposed to say you can now throw Hadokens or something?

I don't know, it's probably the familiar setting and similar color palette and art that doesn't do it for me. I feel like I'm watching Halo 4.5.


I don't know, it's probably the familiar setting and similar color palette and art that doesn't do it for me. I feel like I'm watching Halo 4.5.

And you didn't get this from any of the prior Halos that were also conceptually very similar? You don't get it from yet another Mario Kart, or Smash Bros, or whatever other Nintendo IP?

I mean... these are sequels. They're supposed to be familiar.

leng jai

Anyone else find it ironic that review threads almost always die once the release date arrives and people are actually playing it?

These threads are mostly always pure drivel, trolling and unwarranted speculation from people who haven't played the game yet. Absolutely pointless.
I see Forbes reviewed it and said it was "the empire strikes back of the Halo series" funny I said this on gaf and in my review listed last night. ;)


And you didn't get this from any of the prior Halos that were also conceptually very similar? You don't get it from yet another Mario Kart, or Smash Bros, or whatever other Nintendo IP?

I mean... these are sequels. They're supposed to be familiar.

No, for Halo 2, you are on Earth so it's quite a huge change in landscape, Halo 3 was the jump to HD, same for Mario Kart 8 (Plus the antigravity changing a lot of the course design).
New Super Mario Bros Wii and U were all too similar too.
Halo 4 and 5 have a identical artstyle that I'm not a big fan of, it seems they have a blueish/purpleish filter everywhere.


The addition of being able to be brought back alive instead of dying as a big effect on the difficulty and the time it takes to complete the game. Im not sure i like this addition the campaign.

Mory Dunz

Anyone else find it ironic that review threads almost always die once the release date arrives and people are actually playing it?

These threads are mostly always pure drivel, trolling and unwarranted speculation from people who haven't played the game yet. Absolutely pointless.

Maybe they migrate to the OT to complain?


Junior Member
Sure, that's how we see it... but that mostly works for a single person reviewing... how valid is that when you're talking about how many people are rating it "good" versus "amazing"? If 50 people rate it exactly 9 (they all think it's amazing) and then 3 people rate it 8 (they think it's good), then the average becomes "good" rather than "amazing".

I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job getting my point across here tbh.

contrived argument.The chances of 50 rating it exactly 9 and couple pulling it below 9 is a low probability occurance. Chances are atleast some of those 5 pushed it slightly above 9 and it evens out. As much hate as metacritic does get there is well documented scientific evidence for "wisdom of crowds" and aggregated scores while not everything do a decent job of providing a "quick" estimate of quality. Yes read all the reviews and all the granularity if you have time. Some ppl just dont. So If im planning on buyign 2 games a year and I dont have any particular preference as far as genre/console etc is concerned I'll probably be just fine restricting myself to 90+ metas. Yes I'll miss out on good games but there are enough 90+ metas to consider if my criteria is only 2 games brought per year. And yes often this is true outside of neogaf. Most ppl will buy their yearly fifa/cod/assasins and pick up 1-2 more if a game is really critically acclaimed/word of mouth.


Junior Member
This post is all kinds of hilarious.

I dont get it? yes you may not care if its 85 or 90 but yes if a game is critically super acclaimed and a high meta is reflective of that it does drive sales. Only of the reasons the original xbox was on my radar and went from oh ms tryign something to okay maybe worth looking into is how much halo CE was considered a killer app. And most killer apps have insane metacritic numbers. (90 is a sort of gateway notion but the point if you skew teh numbers toa 94+ meta vs 85 meta) takes on far more relevance.

Eg: Ifamouus SS is a good game. Wasnt a 90+ meta didnt make it a bad game ... just wasnt some mind blowing game most ppl "needed" to try as if say it had managed 94-95 ... same argument applies here.


I'm guessing the people defending the 85 already own an xbox one.

The sub 90 score might dissuade people from buying the console for halo 5

I cant believe that some arbitrary number is preventing people from buying a console. People take metacritic way too seriously. It can be a useful barometer but up to a point only.
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