The simple fact is its not coming, all arguments aside its pretty late in development and its not going to be pushed back to add multiplayer support for the vocal few so talking about the issue is redundant.
You misread or maybe i portrayed my points badly, Right now we have something that looks like this
Halo Reach 700,000 active players
Halo 3 100,000 - 200,000 active players
Halo 2 Vista 12 in GFWL Charts, 10,000 players
Halo CE PC 165 active players currently,
The time and effort required to add a working balanced multiplayer to H:CEA would of pushed the game back into 2012, The same year that Halo 4 Launches which will be 343's first true solo endeavour into multiplayer.
In less that 18 months your splitting the market twice, H:CEA wont have the sales performance of something like Halo 4, its going to do better than ODST but i dont think its going to be that big of a seller,
Even if it does perform very well all that hard work is going into a multiplayer thats gunna be replaced less than 12 month after shipping.
I said the majority of players wouldnt be attracted to Halo 1 multiplayer, it would still splinter the userbase which wants to avoided at all costs or both groups of players will suffer.
Okay maybe you dont want to keep playing reach, i do and so do 700,000 other people. No one is forcing you to play it, if you want to play halo 1 grab a 360 controller and go play the pc version.
Halo CEA is a side title nothing more, its not even a full remake of CE just a graphical overlay. Its another "ODST" title. something for the fans to bridge the gap before halo 4 and to make a quick buck for M$.