Does anybody with the MCC and a capture card want to help with the Forge OT? I need some screenshots. PM me if you're interested.
Ah. I think Josh said it's the same whether you use ADS or not.
Outrage aside I need help on the Halo tourney going on right now on
So they're playing neutral bomb assault and the one guy took the bomb into the other teams base but dropped it just a few feet short of the zone on purpose. He sat there waiting and he ended up dying and the bomb went back to the neutral spawn.
What is the point of this? If the announcers talked about it I didn't hear it, I have the sound muted because I am trying to do homeworklol yeah I know).
Anyone have any insight?
Nah, the dude takes fire from somebody else at the start. Probably not the return of the CE pistol, though it looks a hell of a lot more lethal than most.
The average CoD player would HATE getting knocked out of ADS, this will only apply to DMR/Sniper.
Do we have a thread for Halo:CE custom matches for MCC?
Because he would have presumably died trying to plant. Instead he and his team tried to wipe out the recently spawned enemies.
Next step is to change your avy and stop posting in this thread right?Maybe this was their plan. Add some kind of ADS, rile up the fanbase so as to avoid the other inclusion of things like sprint still, and all the rest of the stuff.
Whatever happens with the footage, I'm not confident in 343 handling the franchise going forward. It's just not something that appeals to me as a 14 year Halo fan. I'm sure someone like me will be replaced by ten new people who love the formula so it is what it is. For me, Halo now joins the dozens of other series I grew up with but don't really have to play anymore.
People are also kidding themselves if their feedback will change what has already been shown aside from things like spawns, weapon spawns, maps, and nerf/boosts to weapons. They aren't going to develop these animations, these features to scrap them later.
You can cancel our pre-order at any time. They'll say you can't or try to push you against it but the game isn't out so you can do whatever you want with your pre-order.
Man I haven't played assault in years, I completely forgot about time to plant.
So because he assumed that he would be killed while planting the bomb, he decided to drop it and fight off enemies to plant later on, correct?
That makes sense. Thanks.
It's functionally no different than scope. It does not affect gameplay differently than scope.
There's a fucking huge difference between pretty much what we already had, and CoD style ADS.
Map restart?
God damn, sort it out 343. You're game releases in 24 hours!
3 week old build or something. Mikwen said in a tweet earlier.
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
There's a fucking huge difference between zoom tied into the HUD and zoom tied into a player gun animation that takes up 35% of the screen.
It just smacks of change for the sake of change. Change to make it a "new" Halo or put a new stamp on 343's "vision" for Halo.
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
Oh and my MCC preload says 59.1GB so that means it has the content update right?
Just bought it/downloaded it overnight.
Why are they using a 3 week old build when the final game has been released?
It would be the first time I would change from the default control scheme.
Yeah gtfo with this trolling shit![]()
Just stirring the pot a little bit.
I couldn't help it.
I agree with you but I really feel like that's what they're going to do. Especially if every weapon (or thereabouts) has this ADS mechanic.what would the point to that be? fucking hell. it removes grenades from their 14 year place just to pacify fucking CoD abortions.
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
Yup, you're good.
Oh and my MCC preload says 59.1GB so that means it has the content update right?
Just bought it/downloaded it overnight.
I think it should be grenades to left trigger like always.So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
I agree with you but I really feel like that's what they're going to do. Especially if every weapon (or thereabouts) has this ADS mechanic.
So how would you guys feel if ADS/zoom is mapped to LT be default? If you have to hold it to use it?
Whether it works or not, whether they care or not, that's still not an excuse to act like a total jackass and be inflammatory all the time. If you don't like a game and feel there is nothing you can do about it, quit posting about it and move on. Or, post about the things you do like or actually care to discuss. Berating developers and implying malicious intent on their part doesn't help.Been there, tried that. Developers aren't listening to feedback on message boards, no matter how well articulated.
If you were holding down the left trigger and get shot and knocked out of scope and you were still holding down the left trigger... that would be super awkward and frustrating.
rumble triggers on X1 shake your index finger off when descopedIf you were holding down the left trigger and get shot and knocked out of scope and you were still holding down the left trigger... that would be super awkward and frustrating.
2 things:
1. I question if that's such an awful thing. Should they not be allowed to put their own mark on the game? Should they be stuck endless remaking Bungie's Halo? I understand not wanting it if it hurts the gameplay, and this still might, but come on now.
2. If it is truly cosmetic, fixing it should be easy. All we have to do is push for it during the beta.
I really like this Neutral Bomb game type.