I think its going to be only first person.1st/3rd person mix.
I think its going to be only first person.1st/3rd person mix.
I think its going to be only first person.
The ludicrous lock-on auto aim and 3rd person view, along with the atrocious enemy AI, are part of what made the game fun to me.
EA/Dice: "Oh hey, that's cool. Yeah... We're gonna go ahead and reskin Battlefield 4 with Star Wars characters. That's what you want, right?"
Still looking forward to it.
I hate games that play like that, lol.The ludicrous lock-on auto aim and 3rd person view, along with the atrocious enemy AI, are part of what made the game fun to me.
I'm definitely buying Battlefront but yeah there's no way it's anything more than a reskinned Battlefield.
It'll either be broken, a reskin, or both.I'm definitely buying Battlefront but yeah there's no way it's anything more than a reskinned Battlefield.
It'll either be broken, a reskin, or both.
It's Dice. You know the answer.
I don't think its gonna be delayed. It has to come out in the same time frame as the movie to get in on that disney money.As long as they've got space combat in there, I'll be happy.
Though I'd wager on it being delayed.
I don't think its gonna be delayed. It has to come out in the same time frame as the movie to get in on that disney money.
I'm definitely buying Battlefront but yeah there's no way it's anything more than a reskinned Battlefield.
And it will still shit on the earlier Battlefront's from a great height. Seriously, those games were bad.
EA/Dice: "Oh hey, that's cool. Yeah... We're gonna go ahead and reskin Battlefield 4 with Star Wars characters. That's what you want, right?"
Still looking forward to it.
And it will still shit on the earlier Battlefront's from a great height. Seriously, those games were bad.
I'd play the shit out of this, seriously.
I enjoyed the Battlefront games due to the IP- the gameplay was pretty forgettable, imo.
And it will still shit on the earlier Battlefront's from a great height. Seriously, those games were bad.
I don't think its gonna be delayed. It has to come out in the same time frame as the movie to get in on that disney money.
Not, like, super delayed, but I'd be surprised to see it drop before November.
It's Dice. You know the answer.
And it will still shit on the earlier Battlefront's from a great height. Seriously, those games were bad.
First time playing MCC in team snipers in a while and holy heck Halo 2 classic net code is straight-up garbage still.
Half my sniper shots were whiffing while clearly hitting them and my opponents managed to one hit KO's me every time.
Hilarious enough once the game switched to Halo CE I didn't miss a beat.
EA confirmed a 3rd person component at their Q1 Earnings Call last year. Probably vehicle or hero related though.I think its going to be only first person.
I know this does not make any sense as H2C is hitscan- but I've noticed on multiple occasions that you have to lead your shots with the sniper. I should have recorded clips of it the other night when I played, but I've done it enough now to know I'm not imagining it..
(I realize this doesn't explain the sniper missing shots when the target isn't moving at all- just sharing what I have seen)
I liked them, but yeah they weren't anything groundbreaking.
That said, I'd prefer Battlefront to be something other than a reskinned BF. Give it its own identity.
Looks nice. Dat shine.Custom Halo Xbox One 343 made for someone from Make A Wish.
How would you guys feel about a toggle for first person driving in Halo? I think it'd be pretty cool since I dig the look of it though they'd need to put a tad more detail into the vehicles.
Looks nice. Dat shine.
How would you guys feel about a toggle for first person driving in Halo? I think it'd be pretty cool since I dig the look of it though they'd need to put a tad more detail into the vehicles.
Looks nice. Dat shine.
How would you guys feel about a toggle for first person driving in Halo? I think it'd be pretty cool since I dig the look of it though they'd need to put a tad more detail into the vehicles.
Looks nice. Dat shine.
How would you guys feel about a toggle for first person driving in Halo? I think it'd be pretty cool since I dig the look of it though they'd need to put a tad more detail into the vehicles.
hm... has 343i mentioned if theatre mode is returning for H5 (campaign/MP)?
hm... has 343i mentioned if theatre mode is returning for H5 (campaign/MP)?
It better be. Upload Studio isn't enough.hm... has 343i mentioned if theatre mode is returning for H5 (campaign/MP)?
I'd be surprised if it doesn't at least return for MP, given what spectator mode is doing.hm... has 343i mentioned if theatre mode is returning for H5 (campaign/MP)?
I think it'll have its on feel, but I really hope DICE doesn't listen to the diehard fans. 1st/3rd person split games don't work, keep the 3rd person for vehicles I guess, and keep bots the hell out of MP, completely ruins the competitive aspect for me.
Playing Battlefront competitively is like playing Destiny PvP competitively. You're doing it wrong.
lol aiming in first person in a Warthog side seat was near impossible for me. It'd make for some kickass montages though.I've always hated first-person in vehicles, and the switch to third person in Halo was one of the things I really loved about the game (although on paper I would have thought I'd hate it.)
I know some people really want first-person view in passenger vehicles a la CE, which makes sense from an "I want to aim at stuff" standpoint.
It's certainly more of a want.It would be on a nice to have list. Not a has to have list. I would be happy with a toggle.
There's a mod I linked below that shows a basic idea of it.Eh. First person racing is cool, and it'd be a sweet custom games option, but I dunno about how well it'd work in regular gameplay.
1th person driving would kinda suck, though. Third gives you that view around you much better, and also controls general direction.
I do like third person driving for sure and its advantages.Hood cam is the best way to race, in actual racing games, you see the driving the line the best, and have a better idea of how your car is positioned to the track than you would in Cockpit view.
Cockpit is for Oculus/VR.
Halo does it right in third person, especially since it is about combat as much as it is about driving.
How would you guys feel about a toggle for first person driving in Halo? I think it'd be pretty cool since I dig the look of it though they'd need to put a tad more detail into the vehicles.
Sure, but it's not like the third person is a huge improvement. Side-seat snipes in Reach weren't doable because people could aim; they were doable because people didn't have to.lol aiming in first person in a Warthog side seat was near impossible for me.