Destructible environments to some degree would be cool.I think people are reading too much into that trailer thinking there will be destructible environments. Trailer was pretty cool though. I still wish ground pound wasn't in the game, keeping things simple is better, ground pound just muddles things. At best, it's used for humiliation kills in the same light assassinations are used.
THAT MYSTERIOUS X BUTTON HAS TO BE SPRINT!To be fair, this wouldn't be the first time a cgi trailer showcased new additions that seemed a bit out there.
I think the key factor would be clearly indicating what can and can't be destroyed so you're not hiding behind what you think is a safe piece of cover only to have a giant mortar blow you to hell.Destructible environments to some degree would be cool.
To be fair, this wouldn't be the first time a cgi trailer showcased new additions that seemed a bit out there.I think people are reading too much into that trailer thinking there will be destructible environments.
I'm saying Halo has failed at a campaign level implementing these new ideas in action. The AA's and such were never an integral part of the gameplay. I'm just really tired of straight forward shooting in FPS campaigns at this point.
Yeah, but it's a can of worms.I think the key factor would be clearly indicating what can and can't be destroyed so you're not hiding behind what you think is a safe piece of cover only to have a giant mortar blow you to hell.
Yeah, but it's a can of worms.
Do you paint these walls a certain colour? Do you have it be an icon in detective mode so the player is switching that on every time they enter a room? Why can I smash through all these big walls and not this puny one?
You'd probably want to avoid glowy/shimmering walls. Perhaps it could be certain types of material or types of structures. If there's a detective mode it could be outlined with a certain color or an icon like you said.Yeah, but it's a can of worms.
Do you paint these walls a certain colour? Do you have it be an icon in detective mode so the player is switching that on every time they enter a room? Why can I smash through all these big walls and not this puny one?
If it's not in the game it shouldn't have been in the trailer. (mostly, I can't absolutely condemn them for it, but I don't like, especially since it's all about demonstrating how "cool" you can be in game)
Just imagine what it could mean for assault/invasionI don't really care about destructible environments, but I could definitely see that being a new twist in BTB.
Vehicle traits really would be awesome to customize. It doesn't even need to be super in depth. Just making all the Warthogs on a map indestructible with a, b, or c type physics would be cool.Speaking of DESTRUCTION, I really hope there's an option for indestructable vehicles and floaty physics for vehicles, similar to gravity settings etc. for multiplayer.
Basically what I'm saying is Hog Wars needs to return.
THAT MYSTERIOUS X BUTTON HAS TO BE SPRINT!Too bad it wasn't, Halo 3 could have used it. pwn.
I wonder if we can Spartan Charge through walls.Ground pound radius looked about right, hope we'll be able to spartan charge banshees to bring them down.
I doubt there'll be destructible environments in the game. If there were, it would probably be minimal or mostly scripted stuff. If they want scale, high res, and 60 fps then I can't see it happening. That was some anime tier shit, though.
As for the last line, I think it's an unwise idea to look at a franchised game(whose premise is based on a combat loop of 30 seconds of fun) to not be "straight forward shooting". That or you're just getting old.
Absolutely.And the superior Jackal designs.
Pretty sure the only reason people don't like the new design is because its different and because H4=auto bad.
So the series can't evolve from a campaign standpoint? Of course you keep the focus of the game on shooting, but I don't see any reason you can't add abilities and environment puzzles to switch things up. Especially when you're unveiling a trailer like the Locke one that emphasizes his strength/agility/move set.
I dunno, FPS campaigns just bore me to tears at this point, I'd like to see one of these companies try and expand beyond a 30 second combat loop for 8 hours.
Or they look bad.
But being associated with Halo 4 isn't doing the design any favors.
Campaign could always be restricted to 30 FPS.
So the series can't evolve from a campaign standpoint? Of course you keep the focus of the game on shooting, but I don't see any reason you can't add abilities and environment puzzles to switch things up. Especially when you're unveiling a trailer like the Locke one that emphasizes his strength/agility/move set.
I dunno, FPS campaigns just bore me to tears at this point, I'd like to see one of these companies try and expand beyond a 30 second combat loop for 8 hours.
Like metroid prime corruption and you have your own ship? Maybe flying around to different worlds and such.
I could get behind that
Campaign could always be restricted to 30 FPS.
I would be willing to bet large sums of money that had the design originally been the dinosaur version and was switched to the bird version in H4, the majority would still be complaining.Or they look bad.
But being associated with Halo 4 isn't doing the design any favors.
I would be willing to bet large sums of money that had the design originally been the dinosaur version and was switched to the bird version in H4, the majority would still be complaining.
I'm gonna be honest with you Jem: It being Halo 4 has nothing to do with why it's trashed.
Everything is just worse from an artistic standpoint. Menus, UI, HUD, enemies, guns, etc.
Opinions of course, but it seems to be the majority opinion.
I'm gonna be honest with you Jem: It being Halo 4 has nothing to do with why it's trashed.
Everything is just worse from an artistic standpoint. Menus, UI, HUD, enemies, guns, etc.
Opinions of course, but it seems to be the majority opinion.
Ah, but you're failing to account for the reverse opinion factor. Your overall impression of a game (or movie, TV show, etc) influences your feelings about the individual components. It's why ME3 is apparently one of the worst games of the generation, and why the Raimi Spider-Man movies retroactively became shit.
People who say this are evil.and why the Raimi Spider-Man movies retroactively became shit.
I think this is a big factor, alongside the fact that it's changed and that people very often label change as negative.Ah, but you're failing to account for the reverse opinion factor. Your overall impression of a game (or movie, TV show, etc) influences your feelings about the individual components. It's why ME3 is apparently one of the worst games of the generation, and why the Raimi Spider-Man movies retroactively became shit.
Totally happy for campaign to be 30fps and multi 60fps.
Nah, that would suck. Would be a fairly jarring change between going from SP to MP, and one of my favorite parts about Halo was how the game was fairly consistent between the two.
I would be willing to bet large sums of money that had the design originally been the dinosaur version and was switched to the bird version in H4, the majority would still be complaining.
The H4 version actually looks like a scary ass alien
As opposed to the really goofy looking bird versions
...and why the Raimi Spider-Man movies retroactively became shit.
People who say this are evil.
I would be fine with one interconnected planet that opened up more and more based on clues you find like ODST, or anything like that. Anything is more appealing to me than 9 linear shootbang missions again.
Like I said, they have no issues taking a dump on MP norms, but rarely ever try anything new in campaign, it's puzzling to me.
Makes MoS look like an episode of Teletubbies.
The dumbest and most over the top super hero movie of all time.
More like they took unique enemy designs and homogenized them so that they represented a small, medium, large of the same faction. Grunts looked nothing like Elites, which looked nothing like Jackals. And yet, in Halo 4, they all have the same skin texture, look very similar. I've even read a few posts on other places asking if they are all from the same planet.
Jem, we get it, you like Halo 4, and almost everything that people don't like about it doesn't bother you, but there are valid reasons for almost every complaint. And yeah, everytime you change something in an existing series, it's always going to scrutinized.
So much this. Like, all of this.Those Jackals are awful because they look like uninspired lizards and kinda like GoW Locust. Same with the Elites. They all looked bad way before anyone ever touched a controller and played Halo 4. Go back to the old thread(s). You'll see I'm not wrong.