And when the game loads me into a 2v4 and I'm on the 2, I'm penalized across the system? Fuck that.i think its the perfect punishment, if you think its ok to ruin the game for others by quitting then you should also have the game ruined for you people need to stop quitting and the problem will be solved
You're being too harsh on jem, that's just a standard daedalius post.This is Jem quality analysis.
3 Plots on Warlord? Who even wants that?Nice job fixing MM.
I have a bunch written up about it. 343i's web team has managed to make Halo 4 stat pages look good.Why does game history on waypoint only go as far as this now:
rather than showing detailed stats of each player in any particular game ala this:
or this:
Must we always be going backwards?
Played five games earlier to test new patch. Significantly less quitting. Audio much improved on H3. The sensitivity settings seems to be analogous to their original state now. Still getting players going HUGELY negative on either team which basically decides the match (See my k/d to loss pattern above).
Oh and it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes but the theatre glitch where you couldn't rewind if the film was at its end has been fixed.
Haven't played since this patch, but BTB has been the smoothest experience for me as well. Mainly because most of the map/gametypes are solid. Compared to getting AR's on snowbound.
Also since that big patch that fixed MM I don't think games match you with uneven numbered teams anymore. If you recall near launch it would legitimately match 8 people into a 3 v 5.
From my experience, the game matches people up fine. The issue I believe is sometimes people will either
A. Crash from the game lobby
B. Don't like the voting options, or something bad gets voted and so they dashboard out.
It has reverted back to that launch state of 3v5.