From left to right: Jetpack, Thruster, Camo, Hologram, Hardlight, Sentry, Promethean, Regen
It's like halfway through they said "Fuck it, let's just copy the rest" :lol
That is fucking ridiculous.
From left to right: Jetpack, Thruster, Camo, Hologram, Hardlight, Sentry, Promethean, Regen
It's like halfway through they said "Fuck it, let's just copy the rest" :lol
Cat and Mouse
Each team has a mongoose and a mantis
Bridge is split in half (and walled off).... Goal is to get their mongoose on the other side of the bridge
Yay? Nay?
I just want Frankie/Ellis and the rest of 343 to know that there are a lot of people still hyped for the game. I'm personally amazed at all the cry baby tears being shed here. It's kind of pathetic.
Game looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
Profitable? There isn't any way or outcome that exists in this universe where Halo 4 wouldn't be profitable.
If you increased the amount of employees that all my options were implemented (ok maybe not 60fps) but everything else. You would still have a much better, still profitable H4.
Cat and Mouse is played with Wraiths!
I just want Frankie/Ellis and the rest of 343 to know that there are a lot of people still hyped for the game. I'm personally amazed at all the cry baby tears being shed here. It's kind of pathetic.
Game looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
So your issue lies with Microsoft and their budget for halo 4, not 343.Profitable? There isn't any way or outcome that exists in this universe where Halo 4 wouldn't be profitable.
If you increased the amount of employees that all my options were implemented (ok maybe not 60fps) but everything else. You would still have a much better, still profitable H4.
I've never been involved much with HaloGAF or the community as a whole, but damn I love me some Halo.
I am fucking HYPED for this game. The last few pages of bitching don't make any sense to me, Halo 4 looks to be the best in the series by a considerable margin.
I just want Frankie/Ellis and the rest of 343 to know that there are a lot of people still hyped for the game. I'm personally amazed at all the cry baby tears being shed here. It's kind of pathetic.
Game looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
I've never been involved much with HaloGAF or the community as a whole, but damn I love me some Halo.
I am fucking HYPED for this game. The last few pages of bitching don't make any sense to me, Halo 4 looks to be the best in the series by a considerable margin.
I just want Frankie/Ellis and the rest of 343 to know that there are a lot of people still hyped for the game. I'm personally amazed at all the cry baby tears being shed here. It's kind of pathetic.
Game looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
There is totally a cost. Great job thinking throwing more employees is the solution. The cost comes directly from the very limited hardware. Throw in all those features? Plenty of them will either run like shit or have piss poor depth. The 360 has limited space, limited RAM, limited everything. Infinite resources making features does not translate to infinite features on the 360. Look at how every 360 port of a game that is also on PC (or ask Letters) sacrifices something to run on old hardware. At least with PC gaming, the hardware market is expanding far more regularly. Consoles are limited to the optimisation that the devs can get out of it.
Hire Juices, he knows one half of his arguments.
Im in semi disbelief. I get that there's things that people used that are missing but seriously, supplemental stuff that i barely ever looked at. Give me good weapons good graphics and good map design. Oh noes i cant set the game to make me a pot of coffee every 3 games and update my twitter every time i get a headshot!! Who gives a fuck. Game looks awesome.
There is totally a cost. Great job thinking throwing more employees is the solution. The cost comes directly from the very limited hardware. Throw in all those features? Plenty of them will either run like shit or have piss poor depth. The 360 has limited space, limited RAM, limited everything. Infinite resources making features does not translate to infinite features on the 360. Look at how every 360 port of a game that is also on PC (or ask Letters) sacrifices something to run on old hardware. At least with PC gaming, the hardware market is expanding far more regularly. Consoles are limited to the optimisation that the devs can get out of it.
Hire Juices, he knows one half of his arguments.
Except for the whole ranking thing which drove the popularity of H2/3 up and drove reach into the ground
O really does the 360 have limited RAM? Please tell me about that because I have no idea how anything works!
Mantis War
Two teams start on opposite sides of the map. Offense must escort their Mantis across the map to capture points that only the Mantis can capture. Each capture upgrades the Mantis Driver's shields/health (which don't regen) and upgrades the loadouts of their escorts and drops a weapon on the capture point.
Defense wins by holding back the Mantis team from capturing all 5 points. Every time offense loses their mantis, someone is randomly chosen to be the new driver and gets spawned into a new one, and lose an upgrade level. Smarter teams will be more conservative with the Mantis and let the other players be the forward team, while other teams may attempt to have the Mantis carry the weight, trading upgrades away for speed of captures.
Two 5 minute rounds, BR/AR start, no PP, Mantis escorts get Hardlights and Sentries, defense chooses between Boost and Hologram.
From left to right: Jetpack, Thruster, Camo, Hologram, Hardlight, Sentry, Promethean, Regen
It's like halfway through they said "Fuck it, let's just copy the rest" :lol
I don't think their popularity was put solely down to ranking systems (although I agree Reach's approach went in the wrong direction).
Reach came out at a time when there were much more options available to 360 players, and it tried to compete with games like CoD in various ways. When Halo 2 (and even 3) were in their prime, nothing really came close to what they did online (on consoles anyway). Sure, CoD4 was around a few months after Halo 3, but the fever didn't really kick in until MW2 swung around.
There's constructive criticism and then there's whining. And then there's speculation and whining about that speculation, which is the worst. It's not hard to see that this thread has a lot of all of these in it.
I just want Frankie/Ellis and the rest of 343 to know that there are a lot of people still hyped for the game. I'm personally amazed at all the cry baby tears being shed here. It's kind of pathetic.
Game looks awesome. Can't wait to play it.
I see we have a junior applicant for the Kylej scholarship award for Team Downer.
No one is forcing you to buy or play the game guys.
So your issue lies with Microsoft and their budget for halo 4, not 343.
I went from playing halo 2 all the time
To playing halo 3 all the time
Then reach for a week
Then nothing...
I went from playing halo 2 all the time
To playing halo 3 all the time
Then reach for a week
Then nothing...
*high-fives you* SERIOUSLY, all fuckers do is complain complain complain on videogame forums, it's like "why don't you get a new hobby if you think there's something wrong with a videogame?"
Everyone on one team starts in Mantises and the other team has no vehicles and has Rockets and Splazers. The team in the mantises can't get out and also have over shields and only 1 life each. After all of the Mantises are dead the round ends and they switch sides. The team who survives the longest in the mantises wins the game. And every time the Mantises get a kill it adds 10 seconds to their survival time.
Or it can be switched where the team with the Splazers and Rockets have over shields and have to survive against the Mantises and every time they kill a Mantis they add 20 seconds to there survival time.
lol I swear everyone, there aren't THAT many open vacancies for employment at 343, don't try too hard to be the most outraged over people criticizing the fact that the Halo series' design has stagnated and the handful of people here who want better design and better features (who, puzzlingly enough, aren't playing a different game at this point) have to wait another few years to play the "did this simple functionality change that I've been waiting years for make it in?" lottery
Xbox 3 doesn't exist so not sure what you mean by better hardware. PC version? that would rock but I'm not sure why anyone would be expecting that. MS killed PC halo long ago.Meh it lies with not enough upgrades being present, not enough options. The fact I can't play it on better hardware. The fact I'm pretty sure this Halo is going to be more of the same very quickly.
Also, Reach was an entirely different game compared to conventional Halo and the series lost a lot of fans because it tarnished the core gameplay Halo was famous for.
And don't try to hard yourself to get your panties in a twist over some bleep bloop bleeps in a video game.
I'm okay with the criticism, I just love a good debate.GTFO if you can't handle the criticism. People are allowed to let their disappointments out of their chests while still being excited and still planning to buy the game. It doesn't have to be as simple as either slurp or downer.
I'm okay with the criticism, I just love a good debate.
Its just you'll play another 400 games of that next Halo. While I'll have knocked that out in the first couple weeks. I'll go onto playing the game 15 times as much as you, then you ask me why I want better things for my Halo. Ask me why I bitch about this game.
GTFO if you can't handle the criticism. People are allowed to let their disappointments out of their chests while still being excited and still planning to buy the game. It doesn't have to be as simple as either slurp or downer.