Ozzy Onya A2Z
Yeah- Your average CTF (and objective game, for that matter) was awful. I think the changes will negatively effect the very, very top notch games. But when the bulk majority of your games were broken, you have to fix it. I think the changes will definitely bump up your average game a couple pegs.
The thing about all of these changes- without them, the population will probably suck and that will poorly influence gameplay. I may not love all of them, but I think in the long run it'll be a net gain.
That's exactly how I feel about the CTF changes, I think they dumb the game and objective skills down at the individual level far too much. However I am willing to live with it for the sake of the population and returning CTF to its former cornerstone glory.
343i better be on the ball with rapid changes for objective though, once per month is NOT frequent enough to keep objective players around.