I'm not sure, if I like FF to be taken out, but we'll see. The fact. that you had to pay attention to your teammates and not accidentely killing them, was something good in Halo, but yeah, it was abudes, by all those, who wanted the power weapons...
Was it really abused? I feel like they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this issue.
Oh, grenades are spammed: make it so you can't pick them up!
People betray for power weapons: make betrayal impossible!
Ranks lead to cheating and boosting: remove any sort of visible rank possible!
Great/experienced players know how to time weapon drops and powerups: put that shit on a roulette wheel and give everyone a waypoint!
Spawn traps are frustrating for the the team getting donged: change the spawn to random all over the map!
It's hard to play as a team and push to get rockets/sniper/etc.: give everyone the opportunity to "earn" their own power weapon!
It's so boring to sit out for 3-5 seconds after being killed: just mash X to instantly get back into the battle!
Capture the flag is so confusing: no more dropping the flag, add waypoints, Steitzer should yell at you!
How these decisions sound fun to so many on HaloGAF is even harder to understand than the actual decision making process that has led to Halo 4 being COD.