Are you assaulting my sensitivity?
Can we not change our sensitivity?
Are you assaulting my sensitivity?
Buddy just confirmed no theater clips for campaign he can't try sp ops likely because he would have to connect to Xbl to download it.
Buddy just confirmed no theater clips for campaign he can't try sp ops likely because he would have to connect to Xbl to download it.
So why don't you?
Buddy just confirmed no theater clips for campaign he can't try sp ops likely because he would have to connect to Xbl to download it.
-Bunch of random shit on the map and a portal gun
Am cry :____________________________________(
I'm confused. Is there no Campaign in theater ENTIRELY, or just not being able to make clips just like in previous games?
I'm confused. Is there no Campaign in theater ENTIRELY, or just not being able to make clips just like in previous games?
You couldn't make campaign clips in Halo 3 or ODST unless you rendered the whole film clip. I don't think you could make clips in Reach either.
Also, JuanGGZ got banned.
WHY? really why...Was it bothering you that much. It's a feature that competitive players loved. We could have at least been given the option in customs.
Helen = 343 employee explaining the rationale behind campaign theater's removal. "blah blah schedule blah blah bandwidth blah blah canon"
2) Why we're finding this out through pirates/early copy getters is beyond me. Why?
Like Gears of war 3 when they discovered all the DLC content was in the disk.
So why don't you?
I think your mixed up with this, only the weapons skins were on disc the actual dlc was real dlc
You can make clips in Reach Campaign and Firefight.
I think your mixed up with this, only the weapons skins were on disc the actual dlc was real dlc
I haven't been this hyped since Halo 2.
There are those that thought this day would never come.
What are they to say now.
Does anyone have an HD shot from the Live action trailer of you know who standing in front of you know who at the end?
Would be much appreciated.
Is there any word whether or not Spartan Ops contributes to rank and unlocks?
You couldn't make campaign clips in Halo 3 or ODST unless you rendered the whole film clip. I don't think you could make clips in Reach either.
Also, JuanGGZ got banned.
So, a related question.
Does this mean no Spartan Ops theater?
In ODST and Reach, Firefight and Campaign theater features are joined at the hip because they use the same engine. I have assumed that Campaign and Spartan Ops tech are the same in Halo 4 as well, since Spartan Ops is basically campaign DLC.
A Forge and War Games-only theater would be hugely disappointing.
Also, JuanGGZ got banned.
So, a related question.
Does this mean no Spartan Ops theater?
In ODST and Reach, Firefight and Campaign theater features are joined at the hip because they use the same engine. I have assumed that Campaign and Spartan Ops tech are the same in Halo 4 as well, since Spartan Ops is basically campaign DLC.
A Forge and War Games-only theater would be hugely disappointing.
Why would 343 want to ANNOUNCE cut features ?
" I know you guys are excited and all about this game, so let's first talk about all the things we removed..."
I don't remember what was the first DLC, the explanation for skins was valid enought it was so others could see them. It coil of been delivered by a mandatory patch but it's 6 and 2 3'sSkins, Character Skins and the First DLC.
Say what you want about Bungie with Reach, but at least they kept all the features from previous games(besides party viewing) and were clear on what was there and what wasn't. 343 has done a really bad job about being clear on things, and the whole release of information in general has been poor.
Truth. I really hope 343 does a better job with Halo 5, or at least after the game launches. As a consumer I appreciate transparency about products I am buying.
Huh? Why? As far as I knew he has played the game because of legitimate reasons. He also knows some people that may have it illegally because of the site that he runs.Also, JuanGGZ got banned.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Now I'm just confused.
Huh? Why? As far as I knew he has played the game because of legitimate reasons. He also knows some people that may have it illegally because of the site that he runs.
Now I'm just confused.