Watch the terminals after you beat the game, explains a lot.
Are you going to put on some skulls to bump it up?Half way through my Legendary playthrough... and I have to say, it really isn't challenging at all. I can't tell the difference between it and Heroic if I have to be honest. Even Halo 3 was harder than this, and that was the easiest in the series.
Happens to me a LOT
Yeah, it's the Select Next Loadout option.Can you pause while you are alive and switch loadouts for next time like in CoD?
Are you going to put on some skulls to bump it up?
7 with more data terminals.How many terminals are there in the game? I've only found like three. Waiting until I find them all before I watch them.
Since 2004, devs have tried to put the tank in matchmaking, and each time it's failed. Why keep making the same mistake?
Regicide is some backwards ass game type.
I had 8 more kills and 1 less death and i come second, after donging the whole game as the king. Can i not just have classic free for all please.
While i'm here- Haven>Adrift>Abandon>>>>>>>>Solace>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Complex/
I hope there more simple close range maps in the DLC, Solace is all over the fucking place, too much shit everywhere yet you can get spunked on from the vantage points either side.
People don't hate the game, they're just getting frustrated that poor decisions are making it hard from them to enjoy what should be a great game.
Solace and Complex, nope, NOPE.
I hated asymmetric Avalanche. The spawns were so terrible that once the Scorpion murdered your Hornet and your Wraith (which was inevitable, because none of them hold a candle to the Scorpion at anything but close range), killed your rocket guy because it took more than one rocket to kill a tank, and probably killed your laser guy (if you had one at all), he could just shell the base's spawns from way back behind the mancannon. It was awful.It worked on Avalanche. Avalanche one-sided CTF = best Halo MP experience ever. sooooooo good.
Why isn't Switch Grenade Type on D-Pad Up? Make it a rotating toggle rather than a full left/right control.-Wanting to change grenades and having an ordinance at the same time which they changed to the D-Pad so I can't change grenades while I have an ordinance or I'm going to be forced to use it
Complex would be an ok map if they cut away most of the excess fat, it's too big for 4v4.I know, right? I JIPed into a Regicide match and managed to win at the last second despite having 4 fewer kills, due to the fact that I managed to get 7 king kills. Shit's crazy.
Also, are you on crack? Abandon is a thousand times worse than Complex.
I'm not down on Complex like you guys are. I certainly need to play more of it but I don't think it's as bad as you guys say it is. Also, the more slayer pro I play the more I want Infinity Slayer without radar.
Set me free 343, set me free.
Solace and Complex, nope, NOPE.
It's was kind of unexpected for me, but my favorite playlist by far is CTF.
Already had some incredible games on it. Adrift is actually pretty decent for CTF.
What would compel them to make the AI this fucking cheap on Legendary solo?? My advice, do not play it your first time on Legendary if you actually want to enjoy this Campaign...
Not to mention I've had several power outages several hours in, several times.. At this point, I've beaten half the game like 7 times and not to mention the mission with the Mammoth glitched and I had to restart it all over ;\
Die in a river damnit.
Holy crap dude. Hopefully a doctor can figure out what caused you to black out.So, not that any of you particularly care but, I was just in a huge accident about 3 hours ago. I blacked out at the wheel and nearly hit a car head on as I was crossing the road. I hit a tree and my car ended up down an embankment. I am fine, no injuries, but my car is seriously fucked.
I'd appreciate your guy's thoughts and support. I'm seriously lucky to even be alive at this point.
I understand Complex, but Solace? Maybe I haven't played it enough, but it's one of my favorites.Solace and Complex, nope, NOPE.
Holy crap dude. Hopefully a doctor can figure out what caused you to black out.
I understand Complex, but Solace? Maybe I haven't played it enough, but it's one of my favorites.
Also, the more slayer pro I play the more I want Infinity Slayer without radar.
Set me free 343, set me free.
What would compel them to make the AI this fucking cheap on Legendary solo?? My advice, do not play it your first time on Legendary if you actually want to enjoy this Campaign...
Not to mention I've had several power outages several hours in, several times.. At this point, I've beaten half the game like 7 times and not to mention the mission with the Mammoth glitched and I had to restart it all over ;\
Die in a river damnit.
I'm not down on Complex like you guys are. I certainly need to play more of it but I don't think it's as bad as you guys say it is. Also, the more slayer pro I play the more I want Infinity Slayer without radar.
Set me free 343, set me free.
From your complaints about Crawlers, it sounds like you need some headshots in your life. I'd say they're easier to knock off than Grunts.My biggest pet peeve about the Prometheans, definitely. They are just cheap. There's one part on Infinity where you need to hold off a bunch of them while Cortana opens a door, with no cover, no ammo, and you get Crawlers in multiple waves of thirty or so, as well as Knights who are apparently not solid as Railgun rounds pass straight through them. It's stupid on Normal, I can't imagine what it'd be like on Legendary.
And these hold true pretty much every time you face fucking Crawlers. It's never 5 or 6, it's always in at least the high teens. What they lack in actual intelligence they make up for in sheer numbers and firepower and speed. They're like kamikaze Skirmishers crossed with Combat Forms.
You know, I've played 10+ games of Dominion, and I still don't even know how to earn points. I just capture bases and hope for the best.Random people on XBL have no fucking idea how to play Dominion, shocking.
From your complaints about Crawlers, it sounds like you need some headshots in your life. I'd say they're easier to knock off than Grunts.
You know, I've played 10+ games of Dominion, and I still don't even know how to earn points. I just capture bases and hope for the best.
Franky, please let us customize our controls. That's just silly.-Wanting to change grenades and having an ordinance at the same time which they changed to the D-Pad so I can't change grenades while I have an ordinance or I'm going to be forced to use it
Guess I'm just a better shot with campaign enemies. Crawlers go pop.Grunts don't move at the speed of light, don't crawl over intervening cover, don't melee you from behind while you're dealing with five of his buddies a Knight and three Watchers in the front, and don't have a head that's really narrow and very close to the ground so a shot that's slightly short hits the ground instead of their torso. They also don't stagger when hit by weapons fire.
What would compel them to make the AI this fucking cheap on Legendary solo?? My advice, do not play it your first time on Legendary if you actually want to enjoy this Campaign...
Random people on XBL have no fucking idea how to play Dominion, shocking.
Guess I'm just a better shot with campaign enemies. Crawlers go pop.
Someone brought up a hilarious complaint in the Halo 4 OT:
Franky, please let us customize our controls. That's just silly..
Yea I'm annoyed by that whole "we cant do it because there MIGHT be glitches"
Heres an idea...implement the system, test for glitches. If someone finds them after release PATCH YOUR FUCKING GAME...
Just reeks of laziness and supports the notion that they won't be doing all they can after release like they are stating.