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Halo |OT11| Forward Unto Dong

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ThoughtProcess of HaloGAF:



>>this is sarcasm, btw<<
Finished up Ghosts of Onyx today. Enjoyed it quite a bit, although it started to slow down at the end. So far I've read Fall of Reach, First Strike, and now Ghosts of Onyx.

What is recommended next? How're Cole Protocol and Contact: Harvest?

Might as well get the two Kilo Five books out of the way. They're slow on the action, heavy on the dialog and feels.

Any other suggestions? Should I just skip Cole Protocol and Contact: Harvest and go right into Glasslands? Are the short stories in Evolutions any good?
Its ignorant to think that they cut campaign theater for ****s and giggles. It has been in the engine since 3, so obviously they had a starting place for it.

Like I said last page, they are pulling off some great graphics on limited RAM and 7 year old hardware. If this was Bungie's game we wouldn't be getting the 720p base, which does make the game look fantastic.

I stand behind that the system simply could not handle allowing players to fly around and view anything and everything. There's a lot more technically going on here than any of us know.

IMHO, I don't care about perf in theater since I'm mostly just taking screenshots.
RIP Campaign Screenshots.


Were it so easy.

I'm really fucking bummed out about this decision

Me too man. Probably one the most disappointing things to learn about Halo 4 thus far. I think I'm mad because if we had been told months ago, it could have set in. We are 2 weeks away from launch, and are just now hearing this news. Sad day for Halo.

Sofa King

No campaign theater would suck. There have been some great fail videos that would never be seen if not for theater. In fact, fail videos often times only work because of the ability to look at things from better angles. Things like Fails of the Weak are basically free marketing for your game that make people keep coming back.


The vitriol in here is a little disheartening, and I'm saying that as someone who is about as gunshy on a lot of the key changes as I could be, even just on a philosophical level. Can't really tell if the drivebys from all sides or the slurp/salt bullshit is more annoying at this point.

Any other suggestions? Should I just skip Cole Protocol and Contact: Harvest and go right into Glasslands? Are the short stories in Evolutions any good?
Onyx leads pretty directly into Glasslands, that'd be the route I'd take. Didn't like Cole Protocol, but Contact Harvest is okay. Ultimately not a really important story, especially not leading up to Halo 4.

Evolutions was pretty hit or miss to me, but it's definitely worth a read. I'd recommend getting to it after the Kilo-Five and Greg Bear books, solely due to their Halo 4 tie-ins.


ThoughtProcess of HaloGAF:



Like Halo, HaloGAF has seriously dumbed down since 2007.

And I'm referring to your post, not your broad generalisation.
I think Reach spun too many plates in terms of features and services it was providing. The fact that Halo 4 is still on that hardware seems painfully evident with decisions like these.
I think the skill curve in those two games is very different. CoD is easier in some regards and more punishing in others. The initial barrier to entry in Halo is certainly higher, but once you get past that, the skill curve starts to drastically flatten out.

I don't get how you can say the skill gap in CoD is lower when you have greater seperation between yourself and other players. Wouldn't that indicate a greater gap?

I guess there are sort of two gaps here:

1) FPS competency gap (low level)
2) Game-specific competency gap (high level)

Call of Duty is a game with a very low-level competency gap. If you can aim your gun, you're 90% of the way toward being great at Call of Duty. It's simply a product of a short lifespan: once you're shooting a guy, it's already over. There's no other higher level competency that necessarily has to come into place. The skill curve flattens a lot sooner than Halo, or especially Gears of War, in part because the gameplay involved is more than "am I shooting them first?"

Halo on the other hand leans more heavily on teamwork because after being shot you have a lot of options like shoot back, toss a grenade, use an armor ability, melee, retreat or most importantly: receive or pursue help&#8212;these are things that can't happen when you're already dead.

A lot of people don't enjoy Halo for this very reason: you can't be an effective lone wolf against high-level competent parties. I like Halo for this reason: when I play with friends we actually work together. Battlefield 3 is my favorite game in this respect because although people have short life spans, they can be revived and healed. Unfortunately, it's set within a stale, limited universe (ours).
Christ, I find this whole thing bizarre. This thread in particular.
The build up, over the past few years, to Halo 4 has been so odd, for so many reasons.

343 aren't devils. They just ain't saints either.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
There's a fine line, and a middle ground between both parties.

Yes, Kyle's exaggerating for obvious effect, but there's a general point to what he's saying that needs to be heeded by all. If you don't believe the core changes to Halo multiplayer, of which there's many, none of which are at all original, are made with the intent to attract Call of Duty audiences, and thus a portion of Call of Duty's profits, then you aren't thinking critically enough, from my perspective.

Forget slurping, forget salt, it's common sense.

Oh I see that. I know 343 is borrowing the best aspects from the top multiplayer games right now (more than just CoD), why is this always a bad thing though? From what I've seen and played 343 has integrated these features in a way that still feel like Halo, and adds depth to the experience. They borrowed in the same way CoD has borrowed. In the same way every damn video game ever made has borrowed from other games. Borrowing features and making them your own is how this industry works.

Some of the cuts are baffling (theater), but the changes in gametypes and systems are (mostly) a breath of fresh air to me. Halo Reach was a bad Halo game albeit a solid game in general, Halo 3 got stale in the end. Something had to happen. 343 combined the best of the industry's ideas with their own, and Bungie's Halo legacy to craft something their own, and not everyone hates it.

I just see this thread turn into a train wreck and it's a bit overkill, like the game or not. SLRP or Salt.

Where's mah GameFuel.


I haven't seen this talked about, I kinda skimmed over the meltdowns in the last pages though.

If Spartan Ops has Theatre but Campaign doesn't... does this indicate that SpOps is running on different tech than Campaign? As in the netcode for SpOps could be more similar to MP than Campaign - aka actually playable online for other countries?
Team SLRP! Assemmbllllllleeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!



Nice strawman argument.

Its been confirmed that its not in the game.

The election is getting to me, And i should have put a winky face to show my sarcasm :'(

I am sort of confused, though. Everyone is saying Campaign Theater is cut, I asked for proof, all I've seen is 343 hasn't confirmed and is silent about it.

Who said it was cut first?
How did they find out?
Where is the damn proof?

Um, friendly fire is turned off... ergo there are no betrayals. Welcome to OT9

willow ve

ThoughtProcess of HaloGAF:



Um, friendly fire is turned off... ergo there are no betrayals. Welcome to OT9
more things to bitch about. YEAH!

EDIT - It was reported as "off" in some of the game modes. Maybe only Infinity Slayer? Or maybe it's something that will be "updated' on launch day? Who really knows anymore with all of the random information floating around between pirates, events, and lack of information directly from 343.


Modesty becomes a woman
Flag is auto-pickup.
Oddball is auto-pickup.
These are confirmed by 343.

All leaked sources say there's no way of turning this off in Customs. This hasn't been OFFICIALLY confirmed by 343. We also know from leaks that there is no way of making classic CTF in customs. If this was horseshit I feel Frankie or Ellis would have said something.



Me too man. Probably one the most disappointing things to learn about Halo 4 thus far. I think I'm mad because if we had been told months ago, it could have set in. We are 2 weeks away from launch, and are just now hearing this news. Sad day for Halo.
Yeah, thats my problem. They should have at least mentioned it at some point, in an interview or panel.
The whole, "oh they'll find out on their own" notion isn't cool.


Spill the beansfu
I've already expressed on Twitter how I feel. It sucks there isn't theatre for campaign. I don't know of anyone who would want that gone but I'm sure there is a reason.

I'm on my phone so ill have to make it brief but the rhetoric in here is incredible. Calling people who make the game assholes and idiots is terrible. These people are more than friendly and have extended more time, money, and effort to be inclusive to me at events and online than any other company, so I feel compelled to say that criticism is fine, in fact I encourage it, but at least in a respectful discourse.

"Oh god Heck is such a slurper," fine. But I consider these folks as close to friends as I could. If your friend at home made something, like seriously made something that took years, would you call them a fucking idiot because they didn't include your vision in what they were making for you? Probably not. You'd voice your opinion and so forth but this is on a much larger scale.

Again, I agree it sucks that there is no theatre for campaign. I only used it a handful of times but having the option would've been nice.

See how easy it is to say without being a complete jag?

Now fire away at your criticisms of me, I deserve it.


"Dongblainer" is no longer an achievement?

I can handle Assault and Campaign Theater getting the axe, but this...this I will not stand for.
I've already expressed on Twitter how I feel. It sucks there isn't theatre for campaign. I don't know of anyone who would want that gone but I'm sure there is a reason.

I'm on my phone so ill have to make it brief but the rhetoric in here is incredible. Calling people who make the game assholes and idiots is terrible. These people are more than friendly and have extended more time, money, and effort to be inclusive to me at events and online than any other company that I feel compelled to say that criticism is fine, in fact I encourage it, but at least in a respectful discourse.

"Oh god Heck is such a slurper," fine. But I consider these folks as close to friends as I could. If your friend at home made something, like seriously made something that took years, would you call them a fucking idiot because they didn't include your vision in what they were making for you? Probably not. You'd voice your opinion and so forth but this is on a much larger scale.

Again, I agree it sucks that there is no theatre for campaign. I only used it a handful of times but having the option would've been nice.

See how easy it is to say without being a complete jag?

Now fire away at your criticisms of me, I deserve it.
I'm with you. Say whatever you want about the game, but attacking the guys who made it is ridiculous. Especially when they're part of the community.


The election is getting to me, And i should have put a winky face to show my sarcasm :'(

I am sort of confused, though. Everyone is saying Campaign Theater is cut, I asked for proof, all I've seen is 343 hasn't confirmed and is silent about it.

Who said it was cut first?
How did they find out?
Where is the damn proof?


and frankie/david ellis would have said something about the feature being there. they just ignore things if they don't want to answer them
Probably because they know Halo fans will buy it regardless and they don't give a shit. It's COD money they want. I swear some people here forget all this shit is a business. They don't make a limited edition because they want to sell you really cool stuff. The make a limited edition because they get an inflated margin on top of standard sales.

Halo 4 is not being made to sell to anyone in here.

There is some truth to this. I mean the evidence is there. Who out there who is a Halo fan do they need to convince? Most likely why there is no beta. Just look at the thread, would at minimum have affected Holiday sales as some of you sat on the fence.


they just ignore things if they don't want to answer them

they dont have to say anything ever.
they choose to participate, and I dont blame them for not wanting to be anywhere around here right now

I consider "us" lucky to have such great support and interaction for the devs

the treatment gaf and hbo get at conventions is insane, they dont have to do any of that
But doesn't the engine also need to render things you normally wouldn't be seeing during an actual playthrough. As far as I know, most game engines only render things that the player can currently see. When you have a camera that you can detatch and move to places a player normally would not be, it needs to render a lot more. Add on the fact that it's also processing the actions of the player in addition to rendering more, that could be the limiting factor.

In replay mode, the engine is rendering on the fly, its not just "replaying" what was already rendered.

Not true AFAIK. Generally the engine will render what can be seen from a specific area. So if you're in a room with only one single door, and no windows, it will render only what you could possibly see from any given angle within the room, but nothing behind the room you are in(unless it happens to be a part of what you're looking at through the door), or anything beyond your viewing distance, etc. Theater shouldn't change this. It should still only render what is your area's visible group.


I've already expressed on Twitter how I feel. It sucks there isn't theatre for campaign. I don't know of anyone who would want that gone but I'm sure there is a reason.

I'm on my phone so ill have to make it brief but the rhetoric in here is incredible. Calling people who make the game assholes and idiots is terrible. These people are more than friendly and have extended more time, money, and effort to be inclusive to me at events and online than any other company, so I feel compelled to say that criticism is fine, in fact I encourage it, but at least in a respectful discourse.

"Oh god Heck is such a slurper," fine. But I consider these folks as close to friends as I could. If your friend at home made something, like seriously made something that took years, would you call them a fucking idiot because they didn't include your vision in what they were making for you? Probably not. You'd voice your opinion and so forth but this is on a much larger scale.

Again, I agree it sucks that there is no theatre for campaign. I only used it a handful of times but having the option would've been nice.

See how easy it is to say without being a complete jag?

Now fire away at your criticisms of me, I deserve it.
Good post, I have also serious concerns with Halo 4, even after playing it, but some people here sound like they think 343 do this just to piss us off.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I've already expressed on Twitter how I feel. It sucks there isn't theatre for campaign. I don't know of anyone who would want that gone but I'm sure there is a reason.

I'm on my phone so ill have to make it brief but the rhetoric in here is incredible. Calling people who make the game assholes and idiots is terrible. These people are more than friendly and have extended more time, money, and effort to be inclusive to me at events and online than any other company, so I feel compelled to say that criticism is fine, in fact I encourage it, but at least in a respectful discourse.

"Oh god Heck is such a slurper," fine. But I consider these folks as close to friends as I could. If your friend at home made something, like seriously made something that took years, would you call them a fucking idiot because they didn't include your vision in what they were making for you? Probably not. You'd voice your opinion and so forth but this is on a much larger scale.

Again, I agree it sucks that there is no theatre for campaign. I only used it a handful of times but having the option would've been nice.

See how easy it is to say without being a complete jag?

Now fire away at your criticisms of me, I deserve it.


Kyle/Juices may see me as "that dude who wants to work at 343 lololol, what a suck up" but that wouldn't come without seeing how awesome and passionate those people are. Being able to go to an event, walk up to someone who's worked on your favorite series for years (Frank) and be able to have a conversation about the game and life (without security being called instantly) is awesome. Not to mention all the time David and Frank spend here dealing with HaloGaf. Those guys deserve nothing but respect, like their game or not. Same goes for the whole of 343. Make fun of me for wanting to work at such an awesome place if you will, but when people like that work there it's easy to see why someone would want to.

In the end the game we are seeing is the game we are getting. You all will just have to decide to hop on board, or cancel your order.

Ok, I need a beer.


RIP Dongblainer :(

I'm really disappointed about the lack of Campaign Theatre, - I don't feel like I would use it that often, but I loved seeing other people's screenshots and videos.

I've already expressed on Twitter how I feel. It sucks there isn't theatre for campaign. I don't know of anyone who would want that gone but I'm sure there is a reason.

I'm on my phone so ill have to make it brief but the rhetoric in here is incredible. Calling people who make the game assholes and idiots is terrible. These people are more than friendly and have extended more time, money, and effort to be inclusive to me at events and online than any other company, so I feel compelled to say that criticism is fine, in fact I encourage it, but at least in a respectful discourse.

"Oh god Heck is such a slurper," fine. But I consider these folks as close to friends as I could. If your friend at home made something, like seriously made something that took years, would you call them a fucking idiot because they didn't include your vision in what they were making for you? Probably not. You'd voice your opinion and so forth but this is on a much larger scale.

Again, I agree it sucks that there is no theatre for campaign. I only used it a handful of times but having the option would've been nice.

See how easy it is to say without being a complete jag?

Now fire away at your criticisms of me, I deserve it.

I agree, however I think that a lot of the sarcastic posts by people like Kylej and Juices are taken too seriously. I usually just have a chuckle then move on.


Oh I see that. I know 343 is borrowing the best aspects from the top multiplayer games right now (more than just CoD), why is this always a bad thing though? From what I've seen and played 343 has integrated these features in a way that still feel like Halo, and adds depth to the experience. They borrowed in the same way CoD has borrowed. In the same way every damn video game ever made has borrowed from other games. Borrowing features and making them your own is how this industry works.

This argument doesn't wash with me though.

Modern Warfare didn't borrow so blatantly from one game series like Halo 4 is. It carved out something that was completely unique and untested at the time and turned that into a success. Halo 2 did exactly the same. When people read about MW and Halo 2 prior to release, the information was both a little alien, and thus incredibly exciting.

Halo 4 hasn't done this whatsoever. Each and every core change is overtly relatable to a comparable and at times identical feature in not just Call of Duty, but tons of other first person shooters that have subsequently fallen at the wayside trying to chase after Call of Duty's almost monopoly-like stranglehold on the genre. I wouldn't say 'monopoly' because traditionally Halo has (through 3 and Reach) managed to co-exist quite healthily alongside Call of Duty, and Reach suffered because of asinine design decisions that brushed against traditional aspects of Halo.

Halo's always been the tip of the spear when it comes to console multiplayer, the one to set it's flag in the sand and declare a way of playing, a philosophy of playing that was so unique and still incredibly popular. That 343 have taken the keys to the franchise and reneged on this is something I don't enjoy seeing, they can add the BR, crank up the movement speed, but if weapons are dropping randomly, killstreaks are being awarded, I'm unlocking weapon skins and helmets, and earning 15 points for throwing a grenade 100 yards then it kills a lot of the magic.

More importantly, when playing as a team to win is thrown under the bus for personal satisfaction and visual carrots, and player balance is sacrificed for an emphasis on individual growth through unlockable attributes and ability buffs then it just isn't Halo to me.

I accept that all successful videogames contain an element, often times a smattering of borrowed features and philosophies, but rarely, if at all, have I seen such a blatant move from one gaming powerhouse to accede to another close competitor.

And outright butchering of other features to be ripped and rolled into your own sandbox isn't a guarantee of success, see: Resident Evil 6.
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