I'm a fan of sprint. But there is a ton of stuff I would modify with it. I would include a sprint meter. I would decrease melee power after sprinting. I would obviously change the control schemes. I wouldn't design maps for sprint, I would design with it in mind.Let's analyze what Sprint did to Halo 4.
Ruined control schemes - seriously, it fucked them up
Made maps too big
Made vehicle turrets get buffed
Gave sword guy even more power
Made Campaign missions with long ass hallways
That's off the top of my head. Sprint wasn't a simple addiction.
Also, my roommate was messaging me last night as he played through campaign with his friend. His friend has played all of the Halos and read none of the books. My roommate has played them all, and listened as I explained the books. Both of them(and myself) are perplexed by how book dependent the game is. And only reading all or part of Cryptum only, isn't going to confuse you that much.
As another OT aside, it's about the same temperature here than what it is in Iowa.