The Real Napsta
For a month old game?that isn't a spoiler..
For a month old game?that isn't a spoiler..
What was he banned for? All I see is someone commenting on him "lol" posting.
Not that I'm sad, had that fool on ignore anyway.
Yes, End Game, comes out in March.
Dice is so fucking good at marketing. Battlefield 4 beta comes out next year not to far off of their DLC for BF3.
Dice hype never ends.
Wait, why do they need a BF4 right now? It came out barely a year ago.
For a month old game?
Probably because of that. If you consistently post like that and get called out on it... well...
I have no strong feeling on the ban one way or another. All I know is he didn't have an avatar so he didn't exist.
100% of his posts were cruel sarcasm or "lol"s.
Cleansing fire IMO. We need more positivity in here. And that didact gif is amazing.
And then ban your lying ass!I dunno but I hope they let me try it out for free first![]()
Wingdings!So I was going to enter that 20k Waypoint code on my IPad and this came up.
woah, has anybody confirmed that this works? What's the occasion?
And it needs to be visible in-game.If 343i would just add 1-50 ranks with no bullshit(ordnance, JIP...etc) watch how many people would come back.
If 343i would just add 1-50 ranks with no bullshit(ordnance, JIP...etc) watch how many people would come back.
If 343i would just add 1-50 ranks with no bullshit(ordnance, JIP...etc) watch how many people would come back.
To get me back they would also need better maps, better FFA, a permanent 2v2 OR 3v3v3v3 playlist, better matchmaking based on connection, and static weapon spawns across many playlists. I don't see that happening.
Maybe if the population keeps dropping Halo 5 will give me the overhaul that I'm looking for. Of course by then I'll probably have to purchase 17 different brands of junk food, and enter 5 codes a day in order to play the "fresh Halo 5 MP experience", but at least it will exist.
All the expansions are free with Premium.Is this free for premium members? I just bought the BF3 premium on 360 for $7 yesterday. Spent most of the fday yesterday downloading the four free 2gb map packs and three 1.5gbs title updates.
So many great PC attributes that came over to consoles with the updates. Tweak the HUD, server browser, rent servers, voice communication settings, etc. Really impressed.
And it needs to be visible in-game.
A few thousand+, but it would make the remaining Halo fans happy. Which should be their #1 priority at this point.
My gut feeling is the ranks at the current time will be like the BPR (like many have said) and won't make a difference and just piss off the older fans even more. I hope they prove me wrong.
How come some of you complain about JiP? It seems to me that not too long ago that people wanted that feature in a halo game.
How come some of you complain about JiP? It seems to me that not too long ago that people wanted that feature in a halo game.
Why is the Halo Council site not available..... eh?
Edit: just me apparently. Hmph.
Why is the Halo Council site not available..... eh?
Edit: just me apparently. Hmph.
Yes, thank you Ex. that's the screeen I'm getting in Safari and FF.
E: A friend accross town (L.A.) has no problems accessing from mobile, which made me think it was just me.
Tried 3 different browser and mobile and works for me. I'll refresh Cloudflair though soon.
Yes, thank you Ex. that's the screeen I'm getting in Safari and FF.
E: A friend accross town (L.A.) has no problems accessing from mobile, which made me think it was just me.
What is the source on this? Girl is fyne
Try it now.
There was also a few people who didn't want JiP, me included, and even listed out some of the problems it would bring like a lot higher frequency of quitting because why do I have to play out someone else's 100-500 game.
It wasn't implemented in the desired way.How come some of you complain about JiP? It seems to me that not too long ago that people wanted that feature in a halo game.
No one is quitting out of close matches. Why are you guys so surprised that the matches JIP places you in are lopsided? You're out of your mind if you consistent expect to be placed in competitive games. The lopsided ones are the ones which need JIP the most.
Same error. I'm in NM and ISP is Baja Broadband (cable) and Verizon Wireless (mobile) if that helps. Works on neither.Try it now.
What is the source on this? Girl is fyne
ENRAGEDAustin11 18 hours ago
its funny, because they made a custom games video about the fun that custom games are, when they have stripped away most of the old options we used to have in place of harder to use options that we cant control. We cant edit Capture the Flag options to take away the new "flagnum", they removed Assault, VIP, Juggernaut, cant make flood hold any other weapons, cant make flood look non flood, cant change human colors in flood. utter BS 343 on the custom game options.
NinjaJ10 1 day ago
Maybe if the guys at 343i took their heads out of their asses for a second and fix the file browser, we would all be able to share gametypes, like these, more easily.
HarryBillyBobGeorge 4 days ago
How about Grifball matchmaking, that's actually Grifball. You know, where the bomb explodes, which is the actual point of the game
Meesterlijker 4 days ago
So this is what 343's doing when they're not fixing the glitches and bugs in Halo 4...
Italian81 1 week ago
This goes great with the rest of the boring maps you have given us so far..
nessfek 1 week ago
We need rank mode like Halo 2 and Halo 3 1-50
Totally OT, but GTA: SA is a damn fine game.