With my cousin and he just bought the A50's. Will report back on quality and sexiness.
Make sure he does the firmware update, then they will be awesome. They are comfy too. I love mine.
With my cousin and he just bought the A50's. Will report back on quality and sexiness.
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
That kid is going to grow up feeling like his birthday and Christmas gifts are combined.my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
Wow, congratulations!
Also thanks for all the games earlier guys. Most of them were really good. Although when the connection is bad, it's sooo bad.
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
You watch that thing, you damn dirty ape!
Those of you raving over Dark Souls, did any of you get to play Demons Souls too? If so, how do they compare?
my son was born today at 2:40 am. Evan. 9 lbs 5 oz (!!!).
Halo 4: Could have been worseI'm going to buy Halo 5, people are quick to criticise 343, but this was their first game and frankly, it could have been worse. It could have been a lot worse.
I'm not seeing the similarity in feel. I feel a more apt comparison is the Boltshot, how it devalues the rest of the sandbox and makes a lot of engagements a lot staler.
Notice the blue sparkles below?
The thick layer of shields when you jamming the person
first person view
What it looks like when you are teleporting
All of this happens within like 0.2 of a second.
Oh god teleportation
edit: I wonder if these are DLC
I think you've proved my point right there.Nahhhhh
You don't really 'get' Gears then. Gears Gnasher Shotgun is Halo's Pistol/BR/DMR.
Boltshot is the sawed off, meaning super cheap kills requiring little skill.
And congrats on your son ivy!
Another feature 343 axed from previous halo games. I used this all the time in reach.Woah those are pretty cool. Does the teleporter actually go through walls like in Shadowrun? Can you end up inside the map if you use it wrong?
Ahhhhhh I want to download that gametype but I don't feel like turning o my Xbox. If only someone would invent a system by which you could view shared files online, and queue up downloads fir later. Probably an impossible dream, I know.
that's pretty fucking insane. little nervous we can get banned for downloading tho
They'll probably patch the game to go beyond SR 130 and have those as the end game reward. Only available to DLC purchasers, of course.
Ah, so you're one of those people.I think you've proved my point right there.
I miss hanging out on Halogaf. How you all doing?
Even as someone that enjoys Halo 4 a lot more than most of this thread, this is what worries me. It simply isn't going to go backwards, 343 has committed to these game mechanics.I fear they've cast the die with Halo 4. It seems like an acknowledgement that armor abilities are never going away, perks are never going away, the investment system will be an unlockathon. That's the framework going forward; I'm not sure how you dial it back from here. (Short of remaking Halo 2 complete with the multiplayer pipe dream.)
That AA blocker would be fucking hilarious to use.
That AA blocker would be fucking hilarious to use.
I wonder if hardlight shield would block the blocker.
Nope, just tried it on all AA, only one that it didnt work for was the Hologram. Clicked making a video on it now.
It is an INCREDIBLY useful AA, why it got cut I have no idea, these are both perfect counters for the Camo/Boltshoters.
It's one of two DLC specializations to be released in a later quarter.
Nope, just tried it on all AA, only one that it didnt work for was the Hologram. Clicked making a video on it now.
It is an INCREDIBLY useful AA, why it got cut I have no idea. It's a perfect counters for the Camo/Boltshoters, my guess is they cut it because most people would use it to play to play "core Halo".
Not sure if anyones posted, if so my bad, but my friend Lord Zedd released a gametype in his fileshare allowing you to use two unreleased Armor Abilites that were left on Halo 4, on the map Harvest.
Just go into his fileshare, and just download the gametypes, then go play them on Harvest.
One of the abilites is a teleporter ability, kind of like what the Prometheans have, then the 2nd ability, is an AA jammer, and if you activate it, a blue dot where be on your HUD, and you have to highlight the player. When they are highlighted, a thick layer of green shields will cover them, and any ability they are using will go void, and stop working.
Armor Ability Jammer:
Notice the blue sparkles below?
The thick layer of shields when you jamming the person
first person view
Teleporter Ability:
What it looks like when you are teleporting
All of this happens within like 0.2 of a second.
Anyways, just thought it was cool. These would have been pretty bad for gameplay. Atleast the teleporter one. This aint shadowrun.
Does it just cancel the AA's in use, or does it also add a period of time they are unable to use it?
Yeah, got that unfortunate fate of desiring more of the sandbox to be useful and not containing weapons that make others considerably less useful, even when a power/non-power weapon distinction exists like it does in both games.Ah, so you're one of those people.
I would rock the AA cock blocker 24/7. Fuck armor abilities to hell.