Yep, on Assembly red base was had worm tanks and blue had energy... things, and you could see them being used to build Scarabs above. You never really saw the worms being pumped up there or anythign, so it's still kind of unclear exactly how they're used.
Yep, on Assembly red base was had worm tanks and blue had energy... things, and you could see them being used to build Scarabs above. You never really saw the worms being pumped up there or anythign, so it's still kind of unclear exactly how they're used.
Yep, on Assembly red base was had worm tanks and blue had energy... things, and you could see them being used to build Scarabs above. You never really saw the worms being pumped up there or anythign, so it's still kind of unclear exactly how they're used.
They can take take whatever shape they want and all we got were the same Hunters for six games in a row.
Everything about this post is just freaking cool. Do you think this is in a Carrier or High Charity or something? Kinda reminds me of the Human battery farms from the Matrix.
(still hoping to see a Covenant map/environment in the future)
Everything about this post is just freaking cool. Do you think this is in a Carrier or High Charity or something? Kinda reminds me of the Human battery farms from the Matrix.
(still hoping to see a Covenant map/environment in the future)
I wasn't fan of Assembly, but look at the huge ass map. Lots of intricate background geometry and detail.
And no slowdown.
Halo 4's framerate is a lot more stable than Reach's, wat?
Wow. That's beyond fucked up. Just indefensible.
You could do it in Halo 3 too, remember?I never understood why did they make you receive damage if you ramp against another spartan in Halo 4.
Yeah. But outside of just screwing around, what else is there to do in Halo 4?That's pretty shitty.
A Scarab factory inside a carrier? Just how friggin' big is a carrier then? I would assume it's just a planet or space station near a moon somewhere where the materials needed could be mined.
Can anyone really defend this game anymore? I mean, holy shit wow.
I hope this man gets banned and all others that do the same.
Yeah it's still a pretty damn good multiplayer game at it's core, still the best on the console market from the looks of it's competitors.Can anyone really defend this game anymore? I mean, holy shit wow.
You could do it in Halo 3 too, remember?
Yeah. But outside of just screwing around, what else is there to do in Halo 4?
I actually enjoyed Assembly somewhat. It usually had some really tight games on it.
Yeah. But outside of just screwing around, what else is there to do in Halo 4?
Aye, the bases were a good mixture of defendable and vulnerable. There were numerous points of access, but the material on the base was transparent one way, in favour of the defenders.
It's pretty clear the map was designed with doubles in mind, and in that respect, with three entrances, the map really shone. If you were chasing the game you'd be able to collect rockets from the middle, if it was tight you'd duke the other team for them, and if you had the lead you'd consolidate back in your base.
Great map, gave me some wonderful moments.
Hated assembly with a passion, maybe if the br was more accurate or killed faster I would have enjoyed it more
+1 on both accounts.I hope this man gets banned and all others that do the same.
Yeah it's still a pretty damn good multiplayer game at it's core, still the best on the console market from the looks of it's competitors.
I didn't even comment on the gameplay.Yeah it's still a pretty damn good multiplayer game at it's core, still the best on the console market from the looks of it's competitors.
Eh. Forge is too fidgety for my liking in H4. It's too frustrating to use (in comparison to Reach's)Forge Haven so that it has symmetrical initial spawns and static weapon spawns. Forge small symmetrical maps on Impact. Custom games without AAs and perks on said maps. That is, if I still knew people playing Halo.
Don't get me wrong, I don't do this at all (Hell, I haven't even played in a few weeks). It's just that the only fun I can find in H4 is if I'm screwing around... There are too many little things that are frustrating if I try to play seriously.Play a different game. Don't go on just to be a douche.
RIP Tawpgunyou sure turned into a douche.
There were a few concept art images for H3 Brutes that I thought looked extremely cool, but yeah the in-game implementation didn't capture that at all.The concept art was ok, but I thought the in game implementation was pretty comical.
I never had a huge issue with the Halo 3 BR, to be honest.
I get the complaints, but if your connection was good shooting accurately wasn't a problem, and I think the kill times were perfect. Four shots, clinical. Such a good feeling.
On lan it wasn't too bad, online is another story. Still, kill times were too slow and movement was too slow, mind you it didn't get any better in reach and 4
Haven's layout doesn't really lend itself well to symmetrical initial spawns. With the current setup there are three ways to go off spawn: left, middle or right(and the bottom floors). With symmetrical spawns you're limited to only two options: middle or to the side (plus the bottom). Seems like a bit of an oversight on the designer's part.Forge Haven so that it has symmetrical initial spawns and static weapon spawns. Forge small symmetrical maps on Impact. Custom games without AAs and perks on said maps. That is, if I still knew people playing Halo.
Movement was extremely clunky and slow in Halo 3. How people would want to go back to that is beyond me.
Yeah it's still a pretty damn good multiplayer game at it's core, still the best on the console market from the looks of it's competitors.
Someone dig up that clip of a pro strafing (was it T Squared)?
Only thing about H3's movement I didn't like was the floaty jumping.
I'd return to those kill times and movement speeds in a heart beat. I appreciate that better players will always want those things tuned upwards, but there's a general balance needed so players of all abilities can at least cope. I thought the kill times on the Battle Rifle were perfect, actually; any longer and encounters could be frustrating, any shorter and it'd allow for lesser skilled players to gain kills against better players.
Call of Duty is an example of how quicker kill times can reduce the skill gap in gunplay alone, and Reach is an example of how prolonging the kill times can make duels frustrating.
Know your audience.So can someone explain this to me?
When he says they can't run Halo, does he mean at events, or other stuff too?
Also, GG Microsoft, of all companies to partner with... 'Virgin Gaming'.
So can someone explain this to me?
When he says they can't run Halo, does he mean at events, or other stuff too?
Also, GG Microsoft, of all companies to partner with... 'Virgin Gaming'.
Know your audience.
We can't do it without 343/MS
They signed a deal with Virgin
343 wants to work with us
Sooooooo what does that mean exactly? Weird tweet.
We can't do it without 343/MS
They signed a deal with Virgin
343 wants to work with us
Sooooooo what does that mean exactly? Weird tweet.
So can someone explain this to me?
When he says they can't run Halo, does he mean at events, or other stuff too?
Also, GG Microsoft, of all companies to partner with... 'Virgin Gaming'.