Extraction on Shatter is good fun. KOTH, however, is not.
CTF on Harvest is awesome. Infinity Slayer isn't bad either, but if you're not in a vehicle its probably wisest to stick to the bottle-necked middle passage unless you have a heavy weapon.
Wreckage is great for Oddball, and the many nooks and crannies keep the vehicles from being overpowered. As an Infinity Slayer or CTF map, however, the Red Team is clearly given an advantage with two (!) man-cannons leading to an easily defendable high-ground. On Red Team it was incredibly easy to spam Camo and long-range DMR -- those opportunities don't emerge on the blue side.
Overall a fun map pack...Halo 4 is still framy, and still buggy, but it's also a hell of a lot of fun.