Paintball is a fantastic custom game! Serious fun. Plasma pistols, thruster, low jump, one hit kills and a very cool paintball arena map. So good.
You're just afraid of change man!
Honestly, increasing the skill gap with something as shallow as learning which area to holdbecause, for example, rockets will spawn in 3 minutesis also damaging to the game. It makes the game more unfriendly to new players. It makes learning the maps much more paramount not for battle-to-battle situations, but for who is going to win the overall match.
Both with the current implementation of static ordnance spawns and the old static weapon spawns, the end result is that veteran players appear to arbitrarily have power weapons, and newer players will not understand where from as veterans are always snatching them up.
The real solution to both global and random ordnance balance is to have a countdown timer of around 15 seconds to warn of a resupply, and communicate that resupply both audibly and visually. Playing Infinity Slayer should feel a lot like playing King of the Hill (or Extraction), except the team that controls the hill will ultimately control a power weapon.
"Ordnance resupply incoming..."
*ordnance icons flash on the screen with small countdown timers appearing next to their icons*
"Ordnance resupplied."
Something to that effect.
My hopes are also riding on Bungie at this point.
I think a successful mainstream console FPSMMO is something we haven't seen before.If destiny is anything similar to competitive PvP Halo, then truly: rip Bungie
That sector of gaming is dead to me.
I want something new and innovative, something that gives a cohesive, engaging, and constantly evolving experience; I don't want to play the same thing over and over again.
Did you somehow misunderstand the question?
I think a successful mainstream console FPSMMO is something we haven't seen before.
If destiny is anything similar to competitive PvP Halo, then truly: rip Bungie
That sector of gaming is dead to me.
I want something new and innovative, something that gives a cohesive, engaging, and constantly evolving experience; I don't want to play the same thing over and over again.
could you go in depth on why map control is strategically shallow please
I have a question for those who are split on Halo 4. What would it take for you to outright abandon the franchise? For me, I think it would limp on until some other franchise took its' place.
It appears to me, the gamer, on my first time playing this map ever, that a weapon spawns in this place. I discover this with regret though, as my memory will be wiped clean after finishing this fleeting 10 minute Team Deathmatch game.
ignore feature is awesome, brahIt sounds like you're being cunty again, but I'll humor you.
Obfuscating the objective mode that is Halo's Slayer—see: be where the weapons spawn—is not a deep or interesting aspect of Halo. The fact that new players have to learn from word of mouth or by stumbling onto power weapons in a game based around the control of those weapons is an oversight in Halo's design. Not giving new players a heads up on weapon spawns, and forcing veteran players to memorize intervals and watch the clock is hardly a game skill worthy of any note. It's not exciting or compelling. It's just homework that poor game design has introduced.
"Be near rockets when they spawn."
"Oh, where are they? When do they spawn? Why do I have to ask you?"
It's a lot of prior knowledge that the game could be providing players with as they need it, lowering artificial skill gaps and keeping the real skill—how well you can shoot people with something other than a 1sk weapon—as the most important aspect to who wins the game.
As a LE owner, give it out to everyone for free and I'll take the "bullet". Yea it sucks, but I honestly feel worse about the European Halo crowd with specializations, plus it would boost the dwindling population and make 343 look good to the majority of players.
A lot of their problems are common sense fixes, I just don't get it. 343 needs a PR person.
ignore feature is awesome, brah
It sounds like you're being cunty again, but I'll humor you.
Obfuscating the objective mode that is Halo's Slayersee: be where the weapons spawnis not a deep or interesting aspect of Halo. The fact that new players have to learn from word of mouth or by stumbling onto power weapons in a game based around the control of those weapons is an oversight in Halo's design. Not giving new players a heads up on weapon spawns, and forcing veteran players to memorize intervals and watch the clock is hardly a game skill worthy of any note. It's not exciting or compelling. It's just homework that poor game design has introduced.
"Be near rockets when they spawn."
"Oh, where are they? When do they spawn? Why do I have to ask you?"
It's a lot of prior knowledge that the game could be providing players with as they need it, lowering artificial skill gaps and keeping the real skillhow well you can shoot people with something other than a 1sk weaponas the most important aspect to who wins the game.
Random global ordnance with a heads up in the form of a countdown timer doesn't nix map control. It just removes the predictability of where in the map control needs to be placed. It solves a lot of problems with map design, too, as power positions like Ring 3 must be sacrificed to grab the weapons as they appear on the map. Halo 4 falters in that it only gives a heads up to Engineers.
But that's the issue with customization. Halo 4, as Ghal has mentioned, is a design in breaking the game and letting players fix the parts they hate having broken the most.
If destiny is anything similar to competitive PvP Halo, then truly: rip Bungie
That sector of gaming is dead to me.
I want something new and innovative, something that gives a cohesive, engaging, and constantly evolving experience; I don't want to play the same thing over and over again.
the funny thing is that the implementation of Global Ordinance (lol at that name still) is like a dozen times harder to understand or analyze than "x thing spawns here"
I think it's pretty easy to figure out but not knowing exactly when something might drop seems just plain annoying. I do like getting a random weapon, since it makes more of a risk-reward scenario for sticking by the drop point.I still don't fully understand it. I know the initial drop is the same every time on each map but from then on I think the weapons can drop randomly at certain designated points. But only certain weapons will spawn in certain areas. The time it takes between drops is also random and can be as early as 120s or as late as 320s.
I think that is all correct but it still leaves me completely lost on which power weapon is going to drop where and when. Those are a lot of unknowns and generally I had a pretty good handle on the weapon spawning in past Halo games.
I had fun last night playing Halo and most of the time it was on BTB maps. Certain things were bullshit like I spawned right in front of a warthog out in the open...yea I wouldn't even had time to charge a PP lol I was dead instantly. The majority of the time I was having fun though, but be prepared this is as positive as my post gets. From here on out it gets a little salty:
The maps were pretty rough (especially regarding performance) and I still dont get the layout of the whole thing (it almost doesn't really make sense - logically) but I know most of the map now. I really really wish weapons would be on the map again I hate Global Ordnance and not knowing when Global Ordnance was available, we played Ragnarock and I couldn't for the life of me figure out when our sniper respawned, so it tells you initially but after that you need to time it?
I hate weapons despawning so fast. Played Ragnarok CTF against a pretty good group of players, probably the most trueskill equal game I've seen so far. I took guy out top mid in the beginning saw two guys coming so I grabbed laser and booked it got it to our side like a bit past the river where the two rocks converge I was taken out, by the time I got back to it it despawned. So there I am, then a Warthog comes charging at me from their team that I could have annihilated with laser if it was any of the previous Halos I could but instead it gets an easy kill on me as I'm pretty out in the open. So I basically spent the first minute or so on a fools errand. All because the game has a shitty despawn setting. When really what I did was pretty strategic at every move, I thought quick knew I was going to get taken down moved a power weapon to our side, but none of my knowledge paid off.
Also not a fan of the rock ledges on Ragnarock people can jetpack up to and snipe from, especially since the rock ledge has a lip they can hide behind if getting shot at, and they dont have to drop down. If you can get a vantage point like that you should have to drop down if you're getting shot at there shouldn't be a wall on the vantage point. IMO.
I now mention that 4 of their team ended negative while me n Ram both had around 25 kills or so. They got one cap. Winning a battle at mid when both our flags were out at middle. Respawn times still dont penalize death enough in objective. Combat wasn't even close, was their team that much more tactical? No. No, they were not.
What this makes me realize though that even though the game can be fun, once you start to play at a competitive level it becomes more about abusing the game than playing good Halo. I don't think this game was playtested enough at a competitive level, but at a casual level. Once you have the hardcore fans come in they break your map, find glitches, and abuse spots that are too powerful because no teams with a ton of skill playtested extensively.
I also don't think they analyzed the gameplay hard enough with respect to the player and the experience, and analyzed it more in theory or on their whiteboard.
The game was not designed well in terms of evolution. Why release the BTB map pack first when more of the maps are already big than small maps? Why release Team Regicide after FFA Regicide?
I think with the addition of a bunch (5 or 6) small Arena maps mostly symetrical and the removal of sprint (added option with a patch) and a dash of boost to base speed this game could be played great competitively and would suit a very well needed competitive playlist. Slayer Pro fails mostly because of the maps, like what are you going to play Haven over and over for three hours? No you end up just playing the game for a shorter period of time.
And for gods sake do not add Forge maps into MM to fill the void of small maps. Every Forge map I've seen looks like crap. Forge fails, because you can't make anything that doesn't look like just another map. You still have no foliage, trees, dirt patches and other general terrain objects. So what you end up with is pieces upon pieces of steel and you get to see the line where they meet at each piece, and its not great. Its the opposite of great. For shame CA. What were you thinking?
I still don't fully understand it. I know the initial drop is the same every time on each map but from then on I think the weapons can drop randomly at certain designated points. But only certain weapons will spawn in certain areas. The time it takes between drops is also random and can be as early as 120s or as late as 320s.
I think that is all correct but it still leaves me completely lost on which power weapon is going to drop where and when. Those are a lot of unknowns and generally I had a pretty good handle on the weapon spawning in past Halo games.
It sounds like you're being cunty again, but I'll humor you.
Obfuscating the objective mode that is Halo's Slayer—see: be where the weapons spawn—is not a deep or interesting aspect of Halo. The fact that new players have to learn from word of mouth or by stumbling onto power weapons in a game based around the control of those weapons is an oversight in Halo's design. Not giving new players a heads up on weapon spawns, and forcing veteran players to memorize intervals and watch the clock is hardly a game skill worthy of any note. It's not exciting or compelling. It's just homework that poor game design has introduced.
"Be near rockets when they spawn."
"Oh, where are they? When do they spawn? Why do I have to ask you?"
It's a lot of prior knowledge that the game could be providing players with as they need it, lowering artificial skill gaps and keeping the real skill—how well you can shoot people with something other than a 1sk weapon—as the most important aspect to who wins the game.
Random global ordnance with a heads up in the form of a countdown timer doesn't nix map control. It just removes the predictability of where in the map control needs to be placed. It solves a lot of problems with map design, too, as power positions like Ring 3 must be sacrificed to grab the weapons as they appear on the map, and players can't just sit on inevitable weapon drops even before the notification. Halo 4 falters in that it only gives a heads up to Engineers.
But that's the issue with personal player customization in a competitive game. Halo 4, as Ghal has mentioned, is a design in "breaking" the game and letting players fix the parts they're bothered by most. Hate Flinch? There's an app for that. Hate random ordnance? There's an app for that.
The issue is that 343 and whoever else is making maps were very inconsistent with how they implemented "Global Ordnance". Some initial drops respawn after 3 minutes. Some never respawn. Some maps have inconsequential random drops like Sticky Launchers and Needlers. Others have Binary Rifleslol, Haven). And some might have different drops than they had at launch
lol, Haven?).
It's peculiar, and obviously rushed.
It's every two minutes after the start of the match, and that's consistent from the tests I've done. Each Random Drop item can be tailored to have a certain pool of weapons that can appear there. I believe that the system picks a weapon from the full list of possible weapons that can be dropped on the map, which are set up with weightings so Rockets aren't common, then picks a spot on the map where that weapon drop is possible. It's an entirely opaque system to the player, totally removing a key predictive element of the game that I found fascinating in past games.I still don't fully understand it. I know the initial drop is the same every time on each map but from then on I think the weapons can drop randomly at certain designated points. But only certain weapons will spawn in certain areas. The time it takes between drops is also random and can be as early as 120s or as late as 320s.
I think that is all correct but it still leaves me completely lost on which power weapon is going to drop where and when. Those are a lot of unknowns and generally I had a pretty good handle on the weapon spawning in past Halo games.
All this means is that players need to be shown an overlay of the map with where all the weapons will initially spawn instead of being shown a black screen. Hell make the overlay appear when you press back button to check the scores of players. Hold BACK, Overlay fades in on the right side players names and scores fade in on left release and it fades back away all smooth and seamless.
Global Ordnance is a sloppy, convulated system that wasnt implemented well enough to take over the system of map control and static weapon drops, it destroys the location of spots as a ton of callouts...
Nope thats by design.
At the start of the map you always have the same weapons at the same locations in the initial drop.
Then, every 2 minutes there's one RANDOM weapon (could be needler, could be incinerator...) spawn in at a RANDOM location (could be bottom mid, could be near a teams base...)
The fact that you think this is bugged, glitched, and rushed design is hilarious and really shows what a poor system it is. Static across all maps 343.
I agree with you. It's sloppy. It's not a fit replacement as it stands. Honestly, if all they did was remove random ordnance drops, have global ordnance respawn on a 2-minute timer and give everyone the Engineer perk, Halo 4 would be more fun.That said, I think a consistently and properly implemented Global/Random Ordnance system is friendlier and more dynamic (HaloGAF Radio called it "reactive" rather than "predictive") than the antiquated system of previous Halo games. Halo's Slayer is an objective mode without an announcer or HUD elements, despite what you might like to believe.
I agree with you. It's sloppy. It's not a fit replacement as it stands. Honestly, if all they did was remove random ordnance drops, have global ordnance respawn on a 2-minute timer and give everyone the Engineer perk, Halo 4 would be more fun.
That said, I think a consistently and properly implemented Global/Random Ordnance system is friendlier and more dynamic (HaloGAF Radio called it "reactive" rather than "predictive") than the antiquated system of previous Halo games. Halo's Slayer is an objective mode without an announcer or HUD elements, despite what you might like to believe.
Digital Limit 1v1 me
It's every two minutes after the start of the match, and that's consistent from the tests I've done. Each Random Drop item can be tailored to have a certain pool of weapons that can appear there. I believe that the system picks a weapon from the full list of possible weapons that can be dropped on the map, which are set up with weightings so Rockets aren't common, then picks a spot on the map where that weapon drop is possible. It's an entirely opaque system to the player, totally removing a key predictive element of the game that I found fascinating in past games.
BS Angel. Good Person. Bad content writer.
If they did that then it would be fine (since it basically would just be the weapon drop system). Although maps generally drop a lot of weapons where Global Ordnance is just a few spots, can you imagine all that grey weapon text?
I'd just want an overlay and weapon drop system. Besides power weapons need different drop times than regular weapons and who knows if the global ordnance system in 4 is even that customizeable (I'd guess no)
I don't want you to feel intimidated, but my BPR is a 100.My KDR is 1.96. You sure about that, big boy? :lol
You're wrong and it's embarrassing. Go do your research before you condescend.
Scattershot on Abandon? Never respawns. Sniper on Ragnarok? Respawns after 3 minutes; also respawns in random ordnance elsewhere.
Global ordnance encompasses both initial+resupplies AND random ordnance. You know less than me and you should feel bad for thinking otherwise.
The thing about picking the location first is that it would be harder to weight high-tier power weapons, right? I mean, on something like Solace, you'd have a flat 2/10ish chance to get an Incineration Cannon since each spot only has one weapon tailored to it. I dunno honestly, that we have to guess like this speaks to what I think of the system.Actually, I think it's the opposite. First it randomly picks the location from all of the spawn points available, and then it randomly picks a weapon from that specific location's list.
I'll post my Global Ordnance article tonight. I've had it typed up for a while but I wanted to give "Picturing Destiny" room to breathe.
My KDR is 1.96. You sure about that, big boy? :lol
I agree with you. It's sloppy. It's not a fit replacement as it stands. Honestly, if all they did was remove random ordnance drops, have global ordnance respawn on a 2-minute timer and give everyone the Engineer perk, Halo 4 would be more fun.
That said, I think a consistently and properly implemented Global/Random Ordnance system is friendlier and more dynamic (HaloGAF Radio called it "reactive" rather than "predictive") than the antiquated system of previous Halo games. Halo's Slayer is an objective mode without an announcer or HUD elements, despite what you might like to believe.