There was no lube, my friend.
Damn. Collecting the sweat beading off angry fans faces paired with the saliva shot onto their monitors in frustration should help them. I think.
There was no lube, my friend.
@blinding After the trial period is over, those that have not purchased the map pack or map pass and want to continue accessing them will^RH
Man, could they handle this launch any worse? Is this MS's first halo ever?
Yup. I seriously regret my LE purchase. I'd rather just have the normal case too at this point. The more time that passes the more I feel bad about it. I figured I'd buy it because of the pass and because it was something they thought would be cool.![]()
Hey guys, they aren't removing the content from anyone who got it for free:
So yeah, feel bad for those who bought the map pass, even more so for those who got the LE considering the specializations giveaway.
Worst Halo launch. Absolutely nowhere close to worst game launch.Can this be called the worst game launch in recent memory?
edit: The Dead Island launch fiasco is almost as bad
That's fine. We can agree to disagree. I can completely understand being upset largely at how it's been handled from the PR/marketing end. I totally get that. What I don't get is the notion of being livid someone else might have gotten something for free that you paid for. Them getting it for free doesn't diminish it's value. If it does, maybe it wasn't that valuable to you to begin with. In fact, maybe that's what this whole thing boils down too. I'm not bothered because I think that the maps are worth 2400 (all three packs). I paid (essentially) 2000. Therefore, I got a great deal. It bothers me none whatsoever that someone else might get it for free. Lord knows I've gotten my fair share of freebies. I've got no issue with others getting some too.
I still love you all and apologize for some of my over-combativeness. It's been an odd evening.
Anybody know where they outsourced their PR team to?
@blinding We don't have specifics to share on that. Once the trial is over it will need to be purchased to continue use. ^RH
Anybody know where they outsourced their PR team to?
Hey guys, they aren't removing the content from anyone who got it for free:
So yeah, feel bad for those who bought the map pass, even more so for those who got the LE considering the specializations giveaway.
I read both of those tweets the same way. The first tweet you quoted also said that those who got the maps for free would have to pay to continue accessing them after the trial period.Don't know, but I do know their support staff is just as confused as us:
I don't see how they're going to remove the content though. it's not coded as trial DLC, and as far as I know they don't have a means of removing content from people's HDDs, the best they could do is replace it with something else in the download history so those who try to redownload can't, but that would require them to be able to differentiate between those who got it for free and those who didn't which I'm not sure they can. Hm.
Anybody know where they outsourced their PR team to?
Yeah me too.I'm still reading that we have to pay. Call me crazy.
I read both of those tweets the same way. The first tweet you quoted also said that those who got the maps for free would have to pay to continue accessing them after the trial period.
i.e. (his tweet): ‏@XboxSupport1:
"@blinding After the trial period is over, those that have not purchased the map pack or map pass and want to continue accessing them will (have to pay)"
A sincere apology is worth more than space bucks.So guys we can expect 400 points in return right for map pass owners and 800 points back to people who bought them out right? I MEAN, right guyss...
This shit is ridiculous.
A sincere apology is worth more than space bucks.
A sincere apology is worth more than space bucks.
Wow okay, I think I found something about the special delivery achievement that may be helpful:
On Wreckage, I used the man cannon and bounced around after I got off of the man cannon (carrying the momentum of the launch) until I got close to a dude who I shot up a but and then melee'd to get the achievement.
What this leads me to believe is that the achievement works on a timer after you get off of the man cannon, my estimate is within 10 seconds. So it doesn't have to be get a kill JUST as you land.
Let's post our dream patch notes.
Let's post our dream patch notes.
You're not crazy. People are only reading the answer without the question.I'm still reading that we have to pay. Call me crazy.
You normally associate great concept art with the act of building a world and its characters. You know, singleplayer stuff. But a shooter's multiplayer maps still need to be designed and dreamt up, and in cases like this the art can be just as stunning.
The pieces you're about to see are by Michael Pedro, an artist at Certain Affinity, a small studio that lends a quiet, helping hand on the multiplayer side of some of the biggest games around. The latest of which was Halo 4.
You can see more of Michael's art at his personal site and CGHub page.
They're both repurposed from Reach campaign spaces that got cut. You can tell from the escarpments.So, we knew CA helped with the MP, but I guess this confirms they did Solace and Adrift? Did 343 even make the MP on this game?
Good god, would people stop being so ignorant. It’s regurgitated hate for nothing. We know they did the multiplayer, freaking even 343 admits it. The thing though is that people think they did everything, instead it's actually a co-op thing.So, we knew CA helped with the MP, but I guess this confirms they did Solace and Adrift? Did 343 even make the MP on this game?
Good god, would people stop being so ignorant. It’s regurgitated hate for nothing. We know they did the multiplayer, freaking even 343 admits it. The thing though is that people think they did everything, instead it's actually a co-op thing.
People paid money for a product which other people got for free at the moment the product was released and you call them entitled? That's fucked up, dude.Good Lord, people will bitch about anything. HEAVEN FORBID they show good customer service and allow more people to experience the product.
The second anyone thinks they are somehow getting "cheated" out of something (whether it's true or not), or that someone else is somehow getting in some convoluted way a "better deal", it's FREAK OUT ENTITLEMENT TIME.
Get the hell over yourselves.
(If you aren't acting like this, then it's not addressed at you)
Where in my post did I ever accuse you of not liking Halo 4? What does that even matter in this discussion? We already knew CA did major lifting and we know that Kynan Pearson help design most of maps. That is not new news at all, you know it and we all know it.I like Halo 4.
But I really am confused about why so many different devs worked on the maps. It just does not make for a strong, consistent experience. 343 originally said they did the Forge maps... and then a little info came out that they may have helped with more like creating Dominion... Now it turns out they pumped out art for shipping maps (that I like). I just find the whole thing to be weird as hell.
For Kyle.
Halo. Ring. Hula.
Oh for fuck sake Microsoft. You made that shit up. I'm going to be honest and say that hardly anyone would have been handing away their spec code if they knew it'd get the first map pack for free.
And now I'm miffed that I missed out on this because I gave away my spec code because I thought it was worthless.
Dude what? This was a fuck up. There's no justifying it. Period.
Who give a fuck about maps & 400 points, what is this girls name?
Remy Lacroix.Who give a fuck about maps & 400 points, what is this girls name?
Where in my post did I ever accuse you of not liking Halo 4? What does that even matter in this discussion? We already knew CA did major lifting and we know that Kynan Pearson help design most of maps. That is not new news at all, you know it and we all know it.
I've read through the thread and the days events, I don't understand how anything but the above is a real opinion.
remy lacroix
You're welcome
Remy Lacroix.