Shake Appeal
Works for me!Her.
Works for me!Her.
The thing that bothers me is I seem to be the bearer of bad news again, and it isn't on purpose.
I don't know how to feel, yay my friends can get on now with the map pack but the LE is worthless now.
Seriously - where do i go to complain about this?
Where in my post did I ever accuse you of not liking Halo 4? What does that even matter in this discussion? We already knew CA did major lifting and we know that Kynan Pearson help design most of maps. That is not new news at all, you know it and we all know it.
I'd pay $60 for that thanks. You are an ungrateful bastard.Europe gets:
1) "thanks for trusting us with your baby. <3 343"
Europe gets:
1) "thanks for trusting us with your baby. <3 343"
I would say the value is totally lost if they screw up the subsequent map packs. Even then LE buyers got major shafted.I don't know how to feel, yay my friends can get on now with the map pack but the LE is worthless now.
That's fascinating. I just think it's really baffling (yet somehow totally understandable in the grand scheme of things) that a big part of their strategy is to artificially create or promote more "wow" moments when those moments don't need to be created by the designer. Halo is at its core an emergent gameplay generator, and when its core systems interact those fantastic moments happen just by the players doing their thing, without the need of sweet waypoints so everybody knows everything at all times and rad YOU'RE A COOL GUY text popups.
The best moments in Halo aren't when the announcer spews a verbal blowjob at me for 10 seconds, it's when I throw a grenade under a Warthog and it goes sailing over my head and off a cliff. One of those will always be awesome because it's something that I did, that I controlled, and one of them feels like the game is trying desperately to appease players. That they're trying to create gametypes that cause comebacks and unpredictable outcomes rather than letting them happen solely through players doing their damndest to win a game with clear, fair rules is completely missing the point - when my team was up against another great team in Halo 2 on something like CTF Colossus and we came back after a 0-2 start, capping the flag at the last second in Sudden Death, we didn't need anything shouting at me and saying YEAH WAY TO GO MAN, my team was doing that. It didn't feel like something was being forced down my throat, it was natural elation.
I know he says that those moments can't be scripted, but by leveling the communication playing field with the information overload Halo 4 has and losing a lot of the nuance of certain gametypes, it feels like they're trying to. When it's hard as fuck to get a flag cap because you have to push with an entire team in a decent game since solo runs are impossible, yeah the game is going to go to the final seconds.
I also think there are better ways to ease new players in than to bombard them with HUD information like Halo 4 does. The MOBA genre is the hardest to get into, period - the community is filled with assholes, the games themselves don't explain a damn thing, there's no campaign to teach you mechanics. With DOTA 2, Valve is implementing a mentor program where a player can sign up to be a mentor and just play with new guys and teach them the ropes. They don't need to flash objective markers on the screen every ten seconds, it just happens via the community and seems like a much more elegant and long-term solution.
I respect what he was trying to do, but I don't think that making it the default (and near-universal) setting is good for the game long-term, because a lot of depth has been lost due to those efforts. A lot of the time, especially when I'm playing CTF, I feel like the game is designed to create a contentious match rather than allowing player action to do so (the waypoint, the super long announcer quips (PROTECT YOUR FLAG, KILL THEIR CARRIER) and increased capture limit contribute to this).
If it's true that the freeloaders get the pack revoked then why are people still bitching?
We couldnt really get enough people so I guess we'll try again tomorrow.
I can sympathize somewhat but paying for stuff, sight unseen and with very little to go on, months before release - it's, it's crazy. With these passes there is *always* something that arises that people wish they knew ahead of time. Always.If they do though - then even still a week or two is enough time to enjoy the pack. If I knew free trials existed I would have used them to Judge the pack before buying.
@(name hidden) You would still have to pay 800MSP for that map pack after Dec. 18th, along with the other free users. ^JI
Sorry if old, but I just came across this on B3D[IMG]
I laughed[/QUOTE]
Crimson Map Pack handling is bullshit.
Also what is B3D?
My friends cant...
Now that it's official:
America gets:
1) double exp
2) perks
3) a whole map pack for free
Europe gets:
1) "thanks for trusting us with your baby. <3 343"
Seriously - where do i go to complain about this?
You know, the stupid thing about this whole DLC fiasco is that BF3 premium - which is controlled by EA (i.e, quite possibly the worst company to ever grace this planet in regards to customer service) - has run flawlessly for those on Xbox.
It still bewilders me how this screw up happened in the first place (it's quite obvious that it wasn't on purpose). Surely someone at some stage asked themselves how they were going to deliver DLC content to LE/Map pass owners. Surely.
Exile is bullshit?Sorry if old, but I just came across this on B3D
I laughed
I paid for the map pass, but since I'm not a heathen, I'm happy people managed to get in on these maps for free. Wishing that they revoke the maps from people who were lucky... lol. Grow up. Live your life.
Exile is bullshit?
Exile this man.
Did you dl aftermath? It is refreshing after this mess. now the map pack is only temporarily free?
Ok confirmed on Twitter.
Free maps and access ot them is temporary.
Yeah, it seems to be temporarily free. And if I'm understanding those tweets right, it will STAY free for those who manage to get it for free (though whether those people can redownload it for free is unclear). At some point, though, the map pack will be 800 MSP now the map pack is only temporarily free?
I don't know. Microsoft doesn't know. Nobody knows. Flip a coin.
I paid for the map pass, but since I'm not a heathen, I'm happy people managed to get in on these maps for free. Wishing that they revoke the maps from people who were lucky... lol. Grow up. Live your life. The only thing bothering you is the knowledge that you wasted $5. Get over it, you were already happy that you spent it before people won the Halo sweepstakes.
Originally Posted by Digital Limit: View Post
:lol ur a fag
Doing it tonight! I have to download the update too (In total another 3GB or something) so I had to wait until I used most of my monthly Internet bandwidth (I get 15GB a month. Once I use that I get ~9 hours of unmetered downloads).
I've waited long enough. Really excited. Haven't played in over a month, so I'm expecting to be terrible though.
How's the population going?
Yeah, it seems to be temporarily free. And if I'm understanding those tweets right, it will STAY free for those who manage to get it for free (though whether those people can redownload it for free is unclear). At some point, though, the map pack will be 800 MSP again.
Edit : Oh. Nevermind? Damn. There's no way I'm paying for those maps after December 18. :lol
Crimson Map Pack handling is bullshit.
Also what is B3D?
it's okay he's gay too![]()
that's the rule right
edit: he's gay! heathen confirmed! c u in hell digilimit. it'll be rad <3
edit 2: this is a bad post please ignore me and continue to play halo 4. anyone have any advice for the Bros to the Close achievement in the campaign level Infinity? I could swear I did it and none of them died, but that wasn't the case apparently![]()
Guess you guys will just find out on the 18th, I thought the maps all sucked dick, so what's it matter anyways?
Push the button WAY OVER THERE.Crimson.
Push the button WAY OVER THERE.