The P of Poland
Swordbase rules
It's only really disliked on Halo GAF
Beloved everywhere else
I actually kind of like Sword Base.
But to call it the sixth-best map in the history of Halo is ludicrous.
Swordbase rules
It's only really disliked on Halo GAF
Beloved everywhere else
Swordbase is not only disliked by HaloGAF. That map is a poor man's Boarding Action.
Buy my controller.
Make sure you update the firmware when you get them, you'll have a few issues otherwise.
I have the A50s, didn't know about firmware. How do you update? Just USB them to the PC and download?
nope.gifBlood Gulch is bad.
Coagulation is bad.
Hemorrhage is bad.
Valhalla is a good version of Blood Gulch.
I feel obligated to say something. Promethean architecture works alright when transferred to enemy targets, but needs some definite tweaking to work well for UIs. I'd say raise the contrast a bunch and make the background darker on the icons so it's not a gray. For example:
Granted this would look nothing like the finished product, but I'd be more than willing to help design all the UI elements/sounds/etc if you programmed them or whatever.
I really want A50s, but damn, I can't justify $300 for a headset.
I'm still rocking Turtle Beach x41s, they work for now.
I really want A50s, but damn, I can't justify $300 for a headset.
I'm still rocking Turtle Beach x41s, they work for now.
They'll be justified after a few years have passed and you still have the same sexy ass headset.
Well in about 3 years is gonna have to changed the battery in is A50 or get the newer model.They'll be justified after a few years have passed and you still have the same sexy ass headset.
Jesus, it's as if my 360 is dying a slow death. I've slowly ben working my way through The Walking Dead and I get to the end of episode two and the game starts chugging. Scenes start with a still frame and after a second or two it catches up. Shit sucks.
That's not your 360. Ep 2 of TWD is notoriously shitty on 360. The entire episode stumbled like crazy for me.
Team Doubles. Match starts, teammate dies 6 times and then leaves. I decide to leave. Join a new match which happens to be the same match because somene had joined right as I left. They have all the power weapons and damage boost. Yay.
Going to give a plug here for Kentucky Route Zero. Just finished the first chapter and really enjoyed it.
trailer -
website (scroll down) -
It's a point and click adventure that's very surreal; almost ethereal. Has an original half-folksy, half-ambient soundtrack that is great. If this type of mellow Lynchian vibe is something you dig, I think KRZ will grab you. First episode is only about an hour or so long, looking forward to the rest.
Kinda reminds me of Swords and Sworcery. That game was amazing. I'll check it out.Going to give a plug here for Kentucky Route Zero. Just finished the first chapter and really enjoyed it.
trailer -
website (scroll down) -
It's a point and click adventure that's very surreal; almost ethereal. Has an original half-folksy, half-ambient soundtrack that is great. If this type of mellow Lynchian vibe is something you dig, I think KRZ will grab you. First episode is only about an hour or so long, looking forward to the rest.
Team Doubles. Match starts, teammate dies 6 times and then leaves. I decide to leave. Join a new match which happens to be the same match because somene had joined right as I left. They have all the power weapons and damage boost. Yay.
I really want A50s, but damn, I can't justify $300 for a headset.
I'm still rocking Turtle Beach x41s, they work for now.
Nah, I'm alright. Thanks for the offer though!
Nah, I'm alright. Thanks for the offer though!
Can someone please post the .gif of Chief asking Cortana if Halo 4 is a good game yet? I'm a lil drunk and can't find it and want to show it to my brother thanks in advance.
Jesus man I was just thinking about the possibility of Halo 2 remake for the nextxbox this fall. Seriously, if they launch the nextxbox with Halo 2 remake as launch title, I would wrap 500 $1 bills around my dick and helicopter that shit to the register, just for 343 and MS.
Jesus man I was just thinking about the possibility of Halo 2 remake for the nextxbox this fall. Seriously, if they launch the nextxbox with Halo 2 remake as launch title, I would wrap 500 $1 bills around my dick and helicopter that shit to the register, just for 343 and MS.
Yuk yuk. Still lots of work to do but it's getting a bit closer... manually having to upload the files to the phone and respring is a pain for demo purposes. Some of the icons are pretty boring but I wanna get placeholders in first.