If you dont treat your game as an esport its not going to be played as an esport. Even for awhile CoD was more popular than Halo but when it came to MLG events Halo was still more popular, even when MLG tried CoD at first, it was ignored and cast in shadow by Halo.
Remove ranks, so people have no idea where they stand as a player, no motivation to actually win, ignore the demand for spectator modes, competitive playlists, skill gaps, weapon control, add randomness in and you have all the wrong moves to make your game sink in the competitive players eyes.
You now have 50,000 people on average playing Halo 4. Most of which are in traditionally non-competitive playlists. BTB, Infinity Randy Slayer, Action Sack are top 3 right now accounting for more than half of those players. What do you expect though when most of the maps large, your underlying additional systems from this iteration all add more and more randomness, and your playlist management is a complete punch to the dick to competitive players. Of course Throwdown will instantly sink down to the bottom of the playlists.
You have not captured the CoD players. You have done nothing progressive, you've ruined Halo, you've got the barebones players that would just always be playing Halo no matter what game was given to them. You have ignored communities like HSH, MLG, and this shows, people have left the game. They aren't playing it.
And the user experience...don't even get me started, its awful.
Msg me when you're ready.