1.5 hours till the bulletin. Why didn't she write it before she left for Boston...
You think they plan ahead?
1.5 hours till the bulletin. Why didn't she write it before she left for Boston...
No lie I want to move to Portland.Portland has barely had rain this year. We had like three weeks of winter, and then Spring started in January. B-)
No lie I want to move to Portland.
Dat 40k barrier...
OHHHH 343 you have to get death cam and definitely at the very least the final killcam in binary slayer, make the losers watch me quickscope them hard. So much good happenings in that gametype. Unfortunately your stuff is currently broked or turned off...and thats just sadddd.
(not the best pic)
Damn, the other team just went for two separate scarabs really damn fast
edit: Nockz is done. Who do I invite next?
OHHHH 343 you have to get death cam and definitely at the very least the final killcam in binary slayer, make the losers watch me quickscope them hard. So much good happenings in that gametype. Unfortunately your stuff is currently broked or turned off...and thats just sadddd.
Invo summon here.
Dont forget the final killcam.
1 more for Halo Wars custom?
Yeah, this is the first bulletin I've been excited about in a long time.Is the bulletin up yet? I'm waiting in excitement.
No lie I want to move to Portland.
Finally, my HaloGAF reality TV show can come to fruition.One of the three places I can end up later this year are Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. The last one is pretty ehhh since it has Vancouver-like real estate prices.
I am considering moving to Vancouver Washington just so I can say I moved from Vancouver to Vancouver (and it's pretty much Portland).
Is the bulletin up yet? I'm waiting in excitement.
Is the bulletin up yet? I'm waiting in excitement.
Yeah, this is the first bulletin I've been excited about in a long time.
Finally, my HaloGAF reality TV show can come to fruition.
Mindy Main > Tanner MayesShout out to Tanner Mayes
TU possibly playable.
You forgot Halo 3 PC.
Mindy Main > Tanner Mayes
Beaue Marie > Tanner Mayes
So Pax East:
- 343 Panel
- Forge World 2
- Castle Map Pack
- Season 2 SpOps?
- What Else?
Any of you guys here play DayZ?
I finally got a decent gaming laptop, considering picking up Arma 2.
Any of you guys here play DayZ?
I finally got a decent gaming laptop, considering picking up Arma 2.
Mindy Main > Tanner Mayes
Beaue Marie > Tanner Mayes
So Pax East:
- 343 Panel
- Forge World 2
- Castle Map Pack
- Season 2 SpOps?
Ah, didn't know the standalone version was nearing release.
Definitely interested in trying it out when it launches. Seems like it'd be a really unique experience, especially with a group.
That sounds amazing. Someday I'll get my ass in gear and give PC gaming another shot, but with new consoles on the horizon, probably not anytime soon. It sucks missing out on stuff like Day Z, though.We should get a HaloGAF group together for it.
One of my favorite moments in gaming came from DayZ, I spawned and went into town at night and I hear/see a chopper take off. I go into town and there is NOTHING they raided all the building and the only things in there were the bodies of dead players. They even blew up the school house. I go to the closest town to that to find supplies but on my way I found a bandit who had no weapon on him and told him to just continue to town and I wont shoot him, he proceeded to the cleaned out town and as I move forward I see the body of a player he just killed. I make it to the other town but same story, its completely empty. I eventually just got starved out in the middle of the woods and then the zombies came.
Was not action packed at all but it was fucking great.
We should get a HaloGAF group together for it.
One of my favorite moments in gaming came from DayZ, I spawned and went into town at night and I hear/see a chopper take off. I go into town and there is NOTHING they raided all the building and the only things in there were the bodies of dead players. They even blew up the school house. I go to the closest town to that to find supplies but on my way I found a bandit who had no weapon on him and told him to just continue to town and I wont shoot him, he proceeded to the cleaned out town and as I move forward I see the body of a player he just killed. I make it to the other town but same story, its completely empty. I eventually just got starved out in the middle of the woods and then the zombies came.
Was not action packed at all but it was fucking great.
That sounds amazing. Someday I'll get my ass in gear and give PC gaming another shot, but with new consoles on the horizon, probably not anytime soon. It sucks missing out on stuff like Day Z, though.
That sounds amazing. Someday I'll get my ass in gear and give PC gaming another shot, but with new consoles on the horizon, probably not anytime soon. It sucks missing out on stuff like Day Z, though.
That sounds insane!
I'd be down for getting a group together. I'm not sure how I'd play; I know I'd be super cautious at first, but I'd eventually want to take risks. Getting a crew together and robbing people sounds really fun.
We should get a HaloGAF group together for it.
One of my favorite moments in gaming came from DayZ, I spawned and went into town at night and I hear/see a chopper take off. I go into town and there is NOTHING they raided all the building and the only things in there were the bodies of dead players. They even blew up the school house. I go to the closest town to that to find supplies but on my way I found a bandit who had no weapon on him and told him to just continue to town and I wont shoot him, he proceeded to the cleaned out town and as I move forward I see the body of a player he just killed. I make it to the other town but same story, its completely empty. I eventually just got starved out in the middle of the woods and then the zombies came.
Was not action packed at all but it was fucking great.
Oh, anyone who thinks Halo 4 is dead, you don't even want to see Gears of War Judgments numbers...
25,571 players playing right now, world wide.
All I have is a 2011 Macbook Pro. Does BF3 run on that? And ugh, I don't want to have to learn KB/M controls...Go buy BF3 Premium doofus, I need squadmates for donging. It's $29.99 at the Origin store
All I have is a 2011 Macbook Pro. Does BF3 run on that? And ugh, I don't want to have to learn KB/M controls...
Tonight's theme:
I can buy the 360 version on Origin?360 version!
Playing C4 cat-and-mouse with a tank is some of the most fun you can have in a game.
It's out of stock. :-(
Enabled “X-Markers” on the HUD to designate when and where teammates are killed.
Updated Active Camo to fully reveal players when they fire all weapons.
Reduced the auto aim, magnetism and damage on the Gauss Warthog.
Fixed an issue in which some players at SR-130 did not see their Specialization on their in-game Player Card.
Fixed various issues with ordnance navigation markers.
Fixed various join-in-progress issues with Flood.
Added the ability to make weapon adjustments via backend tuning.
Didn't BS Angel say 1 AM Eastern...?
Where's my TU info.
^omg yay!
Still no DMR nerf? Really? Really? Freaking hell man! 2 title updates later and they still don't nerf the DMR? What's wrong with 343! I don't even care if they can now nerf it without needing an update, the fact that after 5 months of complaints, and 2 opportunities later, they still don't nerf the DMR, is just sickening.
We’ll be sharing more about the different things we can do with our soon-to-be-acquired weapon-tuning “knobs” in our PAX East panel, so keep your ear close to the ground for the latest on that particular aspect of the title update.
We've got a full 3v3 now. GAF vs GAF/HBO!
ggs everyone
fuckin' good game there, went down in a blaze of glory