Dongs Macabre
aka Daedalos42
Is there a Spartan Ops mission with 30 Watchers? Or a short mission with many watches?
I think Science Mountain (the Scorpion level) has a lot of Watchers. Not sure if there's 30, though.
Is there a Spartan Ops mission with 30 Watchers? Or a short mission with many watches?
Yeah this won't end wellQuality first post
xD I got water all over my computer now.
u mad cuz ur bad
fight me
I like you alreadyYOLO
Meet me somewhere.
ok. cum to my house. u can bring a bat and a relative if u scared bk
who wants to 1v1 me in halo reach
ok. cum to my house. u can bring a bat and a relative if u scared bk
who wants to 1v1 me in halo reach
Best new junior, or bestest new junior?
HaloGAF should do more 1v1s.
You're going to do this by navigating Reach's user interface.How are we going to do this? Just start searching in The Arena at the same time?
How are we going to do this? Just start searching in The Arena at the same time?
This spreadsheet might help:!217&app=Excel
When I was still doing challenges, I'd usually go to (I think?) Nothing Can Go Wrong (I think it's in Episode 5) for Watchers. There is a big wave of Watchers at the beginning, and you can just restart it when you've killed the initial wave and keep the challenge progress.
Infinity Slayer on Complex
no. dont be a scrub
1v1 on breakpoint. i get banshee. ars only. no other vehcles and pwer weapons.
no. dont be a scrub
1v1 on breakpoint. i get banshee. ars only. no other vehcles and pwer weapons.
lol this kid has already got himself on my shit list as annoying as all holy hell. I cannot wait to see what other dumb shit he has to say.
On a more positive note, Happy Easter!
Happy Easter, all that jazz.
PS: Dunno if the code has been posted yet.
One thing i wanted to mention about what Josh said.["steep learning curve"] Wasn't Halo always an easy to get into fps? Casuals bought it along with the hardcore. So what's the problem?
Easy to play, yet hard to master. That's what Halo used to be. 343i and Bungie decided to kill that.
lol this kid has already got himself on my shit list as annoying as all holy hell. I cannot wait to see what other dumb shit he has to say.
On a more positive note, Happy Easter!
When isn't it on repeat? :lolHaloGAF on repeat. No1curr to read pages.
It was pretty unpredictable for a while now. Those times are the best.When isn't it on repeat? :lol
I can't wait until some new things are revealed (new game/expansion/remake/whatever). From what I've seen, these threads seem at their best in those times.
Yea i think that model is the most fair for both gamers. Although i think this is an issue with the industry in general,look at the latest Gears of war for example.[well at least its a spinoff] I hope this new upcoming generation shakes things up and we get new game play and games have their own unique feel.
Game of Thrones TV is horrible now.
Read the books instead.
Game of Thrones TV is horrible now.
Read the books instead.
NahWait, we have novelty accounts now?
I think it kind of depends on whether or not the newer games have added elements that make them play drastically different than the older versions. Something like Headlong, which I adore, was awful in the Breakneck variant because of the new gameplay additions. I wouldn't want to play Warlock in vanilla Halo 4 because I suspect it would play like crap with boltshots, camo, jetpack, vision, whatever.
Just wondering, did 343i ever say CSR was 1-50?
haha why should I have to ask this
Can we please use the analog stick to determine if you're sprinting then
It's really stupid that you have to lose a button to sprint when you have an input that has 256 levels of tilt
Can we please use the analog stick to determine if you're sprinting then
It's really stupid that you have to lose a button to sprint when you have an input that has 256 levels of tilt
Woah this would be terrible.
People wont want to have to be super careful to only hold the analogue at half tilt to avoid sprinting - this would be a nightmare to control in a fast paced shooter like Halo.
Unless you mean that sprinting doesnt take you into a different animation and instead is just a faster base movement speed. I would be all over that.