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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Well, let's be honest - in this thread you're talking about a couple of dozen people. We all know each other, I know what people are going to type, you know what I am going to type. If you (I don't mean you literally) are done with Halo 4, then move on, let this thread retain a normal community shape for the people who are still invested in it. Lots of people don't post in here because of the constant negativity, so there's no scientific PH balance here, just tenure.

I have. I've posted my two cents about how I feel, the good, the great and the bad, and still read this thread. I only post when I have something I think is fun and relevant to the community. I am done with Halo 4 for the most part, but still love so much about the franchise and am always interested in the community and what is going on.
I'm in. And tonight if it's happening. Do we need to be good or sober?

Actually I would be OK with a meet-up even for haters. Maybe I can win hearts and minds by resting their teabags on my welcoming chin.

Maybe we can be on the same team this time. All you needed was some of dem quality callouts. Now, about your chin...

I'll be drinking, so whatever that means.
I've got some Sauza Blue Reposado waiting at home. Pretty sure Stinkles and I could finish it tonight. The Win/Loss would be terrible, but we'd be shitfaced for sure.


God. Going through your inbox would be fantastic entertainment I'm sure.

You should do a random daily message from there on a regular basis.

I always seem to get one or two after a good game. If you go into double figures with a few deaths, certain kids seem to automatically assume you've been camping with the rocket launcher for the entire game.

Didn't even teabag.


God. Going through your inbox would be fantastic entertainment I'm sure.

You should post a random message from there on a daily basis.
Agreed, for cartharsis.


Also is that Guardian remake on Forge Island done yet? The one on Inpact is pretty great but I want me some trees.

I'm not going to pretend I don't post single sentence bullshit sometimes but I'm also not promoting it like you are. NeoGAF is known for being not a shit hole and actually having smart discussion about games and the industry. This thread is a shit hole at times.

Also, pointless? What do you think the purpose of this thread is? To provide suggestions for Halo 4 and how it can be fixed? It's like you're saying, "why discuss things about the game when 343 isn't going to listen anyway" The point is to have a discussion about the game and not act like this thread is only a suggestion box.
I don't mean it's pointless in that way. I mean it's pointless "We've said what's wrong with the game so many times, that everyone (343, HaloGAF users, Lurkers) know what's wrong, and knows what needs to be fixed. There's no point in repeating ourselves when everyone understands it.

I'm also not promoting people making single line posts saying "Halo 4 is bad." I don't even do it myself, when I post anything like "Halo 4 is bad" I always add in a sentence or so explaining why I'm posting this again/why I'm feeling that way. and it always is a discussion, although, most times, the discussion is extremely one sided here with everyone agreeing, but still, we're discussing Halo 4, Halo:Reach, and Halo in general here all the time.

Haha, you should see my inbox.

XBL messages are pretty amazing sometimes.

Haha, you should post some screens sometimes. I'm curious to see how badly some users will message you without any rules or restrictions holding them back. Hope you don't let it get to you Frankie, seems like you don't though, which is good.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I don't mean it's pointless in that way. I mean it's pointless "We've said what's wrong with the game so many times, that everyone (343, HaloGAF users, Lurkers) know what's wrong, and knows what needs to be fixed. There's no point in repeating ourselves when everyone understands it.

I'm also not promoting people making single line posts saying "Halo 4 is bad." I don't even do it myself, when I post anything like "Halo 4 is bad" I always add in a sentence or so explaining why I'm posting this again/why I'm feeling that way. and it always is a discussion, although, most times, the discussion is extremely one sided here with everyone agreeing, but still, we're discussing Halo 4, Halo:Reach, and Halo in general here all the time.

You actually said, "I don't see a problem with it, it's just people expressing how they feel about the game." and then said, "Saying "Halo is dead/Halo 4 is bad" is repeating yourself as well, but it takes less effort that fully explaining yourself"

Those quotes are real. I didn't make those up. You can actually find those in this thread. In this very page actually.

But I'm not arguing about this ish anymore. There's been an insane amount of meta discussion in this thread this afternoon


Missed a lot in this thread, are drunk customs/Matchmaking happening tonight? Have yet to play with any of you while drunk and that needs to change.
you guys are playing Reach with all the DLC maps?

I deleted all of them to make space.

We get DLC in Reach MM now and again.

Right now I have a Reach LE console and a Halo 4 LE console with all 6 Xbox 360 Halo games + all DLC + all bonus content (Halo: CEA is the only non-GOnD copy and it sits in the tray, installed).

Still on the 20GB drive, original console?
Absolute fucking horseshit, sir. You honestly make some awesome posts, but this is 100% untrue.

When "nobody plays Halo" is listed as the problem with the community, it tells those of us who do play (whether people think we should or not) that we don't matter.

Firstly, I meant to type "Halogaf doesn't play Halo 4" which is an important distinction. Secondly, re-read the second sentence of my post. 'Multiple posters in the thread playing the latest Halo on a frequent basis' is an allusion to a time when the vast bulk of the community thread actively played the current Halo game ala the Halo 3 thread (which, upon recent reinspection, had a lot of back and forth on the minutiae of said Halo game). Of course people who post on gaf play Halo 4 but if you look at that Halo 3 thread, I don't think there's a single poster there who wasn't actually playing Halo 3 on a regular basis. I'm aware that many of the people who occasionally post in this thread play Halo 4 - yourself, Cyclone, Jazzy, Nockz, three legged goat, Havok and more - but there are an equal amount if not more who do not play Halo 4 or play so infrequently that they don't have much to say about it beyond the obvious stuff that was called out when it was first revealed in GI. To think that I was belittling yours and newer members contributions as irrelevant missed the point of the post. Whatever you think about the old guard of this thread you cannot deny it misses posters such as Ghaleon, Dax and the insights of remaining posters when they're actually playing the game on the regular.

As Bigshow said, it ultimately comes down to the pull of the latest Halo game to bind the community and galvinise discussion. The worst thing about post-release Halo 4 criticism (and I'm as guilty of this as anyone) is that it is centered on elements of the game that were singled out as bad ideas here before anyone had even played the game. Instant respawn, ordnance, random weapon drops, flinch etc. That's why I think the Halo community as a whole (not just gaf) will go in circles until a new one is announced.


Well of course people are going to disagree and argue. That's the nature of this forum. And yeah, people are going to shit talk a game if they aren't happy with it. If you aren't used to that by now, then you clearly haven't been on GAF for very long. You just need to let the shit slide off of you, as I'm sure everyone at Bungie and 343 know all too well.

Well, not everybody. ;)

But in all seriousness, if you got all riled up because of my dumb joke then you need tougher skin. Plus, there's always the ignore feature.
Firstly, I meant to type "Halogaf doesn't play Halo 4" which is an important distinction. Secondly, re-read the second sentence of my post. 'Multiple posters in the thread playing the latest Halo on a frequent basis' is an allusion to a time when the vast bulk of the community thread actively played the current Halo game ala the Halo 3 thread (which, upon recent reinspection, had a lot of back and forth on the minutiae of said Halo game). Of course people who post on gaf play Halo 4 but if you look at that Halo 3 thread, I don't think there's a single poster there who wasn't actually playing Halo 3 on a regular basis. I'm aware that many of the people who occasionally post in this thread play Halo - yourself, Cyclone, Jazzy, Nockz, three legged goat, Havok and more - but there are an equal amount if not more who do not play Halo 4 or play so infrequently that they don't have much to say about it beyond the obvious stuff that was called out when it was first revealed in GI. To think that I was belittling yours and newer members contributions as irrelevant missed the point of the post. Whatever you think about the old guard of this thread you cannot deny it misses posters such as Ghaleon, Dax and the insights of remaining posters when they're actually playing the game on the regular.

As Bigshow said, it ultimately comes down to the pull of the latest Halo game to bind the community and galvinise discussion. The worst thing about post-release Halo 4 criticism (and I'm as guilty of this as anyone) is that it is centered on elements of the game that were singled out as bad ideas here before anyone had even played the game. Instant respawn, ordnance, random weapon drops, flinch etc. That's why I think the Halo community as a whole (not just gaf) will go in circles until a new one is announced.

I understand your point, with possibly one small correction re: the bolded. One could argue that many of those listed (and more) are the ones that are most often still posting here. As you noted, there are those that post literally only to complain, or sparingly, or about previous games or whatever. On the other hand, there are those of us who post to find people to play with, joke around in the thread, and interact in general. Maybe I've gotten to the point where I subconsciously ignore some stuff, but I'd say for once in the last 4 OT's or so, the top posters are actually the people playing, even if they're like Juices and they're playing Reach. People be playing Halo, yo.


If people want an "active community," there needs to be a central interest that they all discuss. "Playing Halo" is no longer the primary interest here, the primary interest is "why do I not like playing a game that I used to love playing." That's where the interest lies, and that's why so many of the posts deal with that.

Community threads can't be willed into existence; something brings people together. That used to be playing Halo and all the intricacies of Halo and how to get better at Halo; it's not anymore. No matter how hard people try to force a "we love Halo" community here, it simply won't happen because there isn't enough interest to sustain it.

You can try and separate forums, but one will die (hint: it's the "we love Halo" forum) and everyone will merely come back here, to the more active one.

You come here and complain about the rampant Halo negativity as if it's the communities fault for not liking Halo anymore. It's not. The community is merely reflecting the state of Halo, as it has always done. If you want this community to return to the fun-loving, "we love Halo" of days past, then fix Halo.

Your opinions on Halo 2 are still wrong, but this post is great.


How many hours from now is that group getting on?
I'm going to get dinner in about an hour, so maybe an hour and half or 2 hours from now?

Or whenever everyone else gets on, whatever comes first.
Surely you don't mean to apply this to every newer member, fracas. I feel as though I don't shit the thread up. If I do then please tell me how. I Wish only to bring good things to HaloGAF.
Nah, I was pointing out the irony of older members claiming that the new guys shit up the thread while it's actually them a lot of the time.

Either way, it's super meta and should probably be dropped. Wasn't insulting you or any of the other new guys.


I seriously miss enjoying this place. It's so back and forth now that I just try to place banter in to lighten up the space. I post because I wanted to for so long; because I genuinely enjoyed all of you people and the discussions you had. I want, no, I NEED the next OT to be more positive than this one.


I seriously miss enjoying this place. It's so back and forth now that I just try to place banter in to lighten up the space. I post because I wanted to for so long; because I genuinely enjoyed all of you people and the discussions you had. I want, no, I NEED the next OT to be more positive than this one.

hey man we're not here to make your ot enjoyable.

as someone said earlier, if halo were in better shape, we wouldn't be as salty and negative.
I understand your point, with possibly one small correction re: the bolded. One could argue that many of those listed (and more) are the ones that are most often still posting here. As you noted, there are those that post literally only to complain, or sparingly, or about previous games or whatever. On the other hand, there are those of us who post to find people to play with, joke around in the thread, and interact in general. Maybe I've gotten to the point where I subconsciously ignore some stuff, but I'd say for once in the last 4 OT's or so, the top posters are actually the people playing, even if they're like Juices and they're playing Reach. People be playing Halo, yo.

All perception then. I just get the impression that many of the most prolific posters (and the longest serving) don't play Halo 4 an awful lot. And I know other Halo's continue to be played here which is great (even if it is Reach which I think is crazy but more power to them!).


I seriously miss enjoying this place. It's so back and forth now that I just try to place banter in to lighten up the space. I post because I wanted to for so long; because I genuinely enjoyed all of you people and the discussions you had. I want, no, I NEED the next OT to be more positive than this one.

You could start by not posting melodramatic posts.


Why are we the only two HGS applicants that still have their HGS application avatar up? Are we not getting in? Have you heard back from anyone?

I think we're posting too much :(

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