This might seem weird.. but I don't know where else on GAF would be knowledgeable of this...
Is there halo themed bedding available anywhere? Lol.
Cortana body pillow?
This might seem weird.. but I don't know where else on GAF would be knowledgeable of this...
Is there halo themed bedding available anywhere? Lol.
If you do find it, be sure to pick up a fleshlight while you're at it.
Cortana body pillow?
I'm moving into halls for University in a few weeks and was looking to give the room a Halo feel and thought halo bedcovers would be cool. Never mind then![]()
I'm moving into halls for University in a few weeks and was looking to give the room a Halo feel and thought halo bedcovers would be cool. Never mind then![]()
fuck YES it's weird, but here you go.This might seem weird.. but I don't know where else on GAF would be knowledgeable of this...
Is there halo themed bedding available anywhere? Lol.
Robberta, you know you want it. I know you want it.right...
fuck YES it's weird, but here you go.
god who the fuck would order this
But the guns have a cohesive design between them for the different factions, which is the basis of "art direction". Whether you like how they look compared to older designs is besides the point.
I really like how the br looks, personally.
My girlfriend was actually looking for Halo themed Bed covers, we can't find them anywhere, its ridiculously annoying.
god who the fuck would order this
exaggeration of course, she adores me. but seeing as i'm the nerdy type, and she isn't, i tend to not venture into territories she has no interest in.sounds like a shitty girlfriend to be honest
dump her ass first
This page is gold.
If my girlfriend found out that I was so much as talking about video games online, she'd break up with me on the spot.
This page is gold.
If my girlfriend found out that I was so much as talking about video games online, she'd break up with me on the spot.
So you're in a relationship with someone you have to hide your passions from.
Sounds great.
exaggeration of course, she adores me. but seeing as i'm the nerdy type, and she isn't, i tend to not venture into territories she has no interest in.
Lol I guess I'll just stick with the poster then. +1 for common sense
I was going back and playing Reach's campaign yesterday, and the first thing that struck me was how much more like Halo it felt from the AV perspective. The second thing that struck me is how much worse it felt than playing Halo 1, 2, 3, or 4. I felt hobbled.
I keep my MC helmet next to me at night.Lol I guess I'll just stick with the poster then. +1 for common sense
Is this Halo Wars 2 rumour legit or complete BS?
Played some 3, Reach and Halo 4 last night with a usual party and in terms of movement, damage and just feeling in control of your Spartan it is easily Halo 4 as a clear winner. Not launch 4 but 4 as it stands now.
Reach vanilla DMR is utter shit going back to it now, some of the loadouts are just ugh too. Also what the fuck is all the blur in Reach, it's amazing what you get used to when playing a current-at-the-time game version. Seeing the UI party bar on the right was nice. Sprint as an AA choice was ok and seems like an interesting trade off against other AA's. Health packs were annoying. Finding games was real slow and objective in Reach is totally dead population wise.
Halo 3 BR sound is superior to 4 IMO, just a more gut style feel. No sprint sucks on returning to Halo 3 IMO. Last Resort is pure gold, timeless map and please bring a version or map inspired by Zanzibar/LR in X1. Predator customs in 3 are still fun as hell. Finding games was quick but dotted with quitters still even to this day. Pre game chat is still hilarious and players still care about in game rank, also rank verbal abuse still present.
I can see why JiP during matchmaking and start of games is a good choice now. Again the launch to now iteration feels spot on in 4.
Party chat when changing games is living room or LAN level shit. Anyhow just some random thoughts from playing those 3 Halo titles back to back last night. Only talking about multiplayer though.
But the guns have a cohesive design between them for the different factions, which is the basis of "art direction". Whether you like how they look compared to older designs is besides the point.
I really like how the br looks, personally.
Wall of text time, sorry guys.
Halo 4 BR is space FAMAS
blah blah blah blah blah
Yeah I definitely think that overall I prefer Halo 4's feel of the 360 games. I can't really compare it to Halo 1 and 2 as well.
If they just hadn't changed so much stuff that didn't need changing, I personally would be much happier with the game. Everyone has their big focus, lots of people here focus on multi, and rightly so, but a lot of my enjoyment of the game does come down to a pure design and art level. If Halo 4 had been the first game in a new franchise I'm sure I would have loved it but changing things like Chief's armor, the Dawn, Jackal and Grunt anatomy and retconning the UNSC logo just make me feel out of sorts when I'm playing. I don't feel as home almost any time in 4 as I do in Reach, even if in Reach I'm failing to headshot some grunts with that weak bloomy pistol.
*Reclaimer's Librarian passage nailed that Halo feeling in a way none of the games since 1 had for me with the alien feel.
I dunno how a Halo Wars 2 would do, commercially. The first one only sold something north of 1 million units, which certainly isn't bad but a console RTS is a built-in limited audience, and I'm not sure what else they could do to improve on Ensemble's gameplay work and controls. The only pitfall of the game IMO was the weak story, which I think would be something improved by a post-Bungie world, but it doesn't seem like something worth revisiting to me.
On the other hand, if they're going to have Jun pop up alive, have the Spirit of Fire crew come in from the cold. There's a lot of good fodder there in the story. Would make an awesome comic or short fiction piece.
If my girlfriend found out that I was so much as talking about video games online, she'd break up with me on the spot.
This page is gold.
If my girlfriend found out that I was so much as talking about video games online, she'd break up with me on the spot.
exaggeration of course, she adores me. but seeing as i'm the nerdy type, and she isn't, i tend to not venture into territories she has no interest in.
Yeah that's called being incompatible. I had a GF like that who was awesome in every other areas except my passion. Know what I call her now?
It doesn't get better man, once marriage and kids come they are A LOT more honest about what they hate about you. I'm 41, no mortgage and she STILL hates that I game.
The funny thing about Halo Wars is it actually beat our sales forecasts, so it was a bigger success than we expected
I can see why JiP during matchmaking and start of games is a good choice now.
Yeah that's called being incompatible. I had a GF like that who was awesome in every other areas except my passion. Know what I call her now?
It doesn't get better man, once marriage and kids come they are A LOT more honest about what they hate about you. I'm 41, no mortgage and she STILL hates that I game.
I think it's kind of silly to expect your partner to be into all the same stuff. My girlfriend is about as nerdy as me, except where I'm into sci-fi, Star Trek, Halo and games she's into a lot of fantasy writing and runs her own magical realism webmag. We have activities we enjoy and we share similar mindsets, but it's nice being able to do different things independently and get a break.
One day I'm going to make a video to try and explain Halo's story to her though.
Ehhhh I can kind of understand. Vidya gaems are just an outlet to get away from the missus for a bit for a lot of people just like sports are. I mean I know some people would love to play Yoshi's Mysterious Dungeon Plunder Chrono Tensei Part IV: The Final Chapter HD Remix with their wives but I don't really see the appeal of it. I mean hell, I may be CEO of Gravity Gauntlet Industries but I'd rather a ladyfriend of mine push me out of my fat basement otaku comfort zone, not dwell in it with me.
That being said, if the bitch has a problem knowing her Olive Garden fund comes from crappy Halo fanfiction disguised as good original fanfiction, then we may have a problem.
Fuck that shit. It's one of the main reasons why I stopped playing. Got sick and tired of joining losing games alone and searching in 2's and 3's. It also sucks when you have to carry a random who joins in on your team.
At least give an option to disable it. And if there is ranked at all in Halo 5 get rid of it completely.
People quit when there is nothing to lose so penalize them like in Halo 3.
I agree for ranked matches it should be disabled but social it should be enalbed. In Halo 4 It is disabled for playlists like Throwdown and there are quit bans/penalties so IMO Halo 4 trumps Reach or 3 in it's current JiP iteration. At launch JiP was too full on and therefore sucked, so if you haven't played recently JiP is playlist based and far better in terms of it's working parameters.
Social matches like CTF or slayer playlists have small windows where players can JiP in during player matching or very early on in the game (like first 10 kills or few minutes).
Going back to Halo 3 last night just reminder me of how many players quit before the game even starts just because they see a full party or a few high ranks or 50's etc. So you're stuck with a shit game and even when only 1 or 2 players are on the enemy team they don't quit.
I'd like to see one more iteration to the current playlist based JiP in Halo 4 and that is a surrender democracy vote. Basically for disabled playlists or playlists with games in progress when JiP becomes disabled if 2 or more players quit on the same team then a vote option should group democracy vote to surrender a match without quit penalties.
It would still process rank for the winning team, weight the players that surrendered so their rank/quit bans don't get affected as much as the actual quitters. This please all the good players that stay in games, penalises the quitters and returns players in shit games back to the matching pools/playlist searching.
Elegant and not too hard to development either.
lol, fuck dude, I don't know whether to be happy or sorry for you.
But me and my girlfriend are really into each other, we both have things that the other are not really into, she likes Teen Mom and all that shitty ABC family drama, and I'm into the Sci-Fi stuff like Doctor Who/Stargate/Halo and stuff. It's not a deal-breaker for either of us, I wouldn't really want to date someone who is exactly like me, I've done that before and it's really weird, especially when you can be as awkward as me sometimes.
That being said, if I had Halo bed-covers, I'd probably break up with me too.
LOL, a couple years ago, my mom wanted me to explain the games to her, shit was cash.
I sat down and tried to explain it in depth for about 20 minutes, and she looked pretty sincere, when I asked her about it a couple days later, didn't remember a thing lol.
Dude you're like 12 years old, you have NO clue.
It's not about being into the same stuff. It's about not having to hide it or be ashamed of it. Why in the fuck would I want to be in a relationship with someone I would have to hide things from?
My girlfriend doesn't mind when I wear my Halo 3 boxers.
I rarely encounter(ed) quitters in Halo 3. I couldn't finish one match in Reach without at least one enemy quitting. Bans won't stop people from quitting. Skill ranks do.Well they help a lot.
I just want to start a match from the beginning at the lobby. It's so simple and I hope 343 includes an option to disable it.
I'm the girlfriend in this case though. I'm pretty ashamed I'm so into gaming and my last girlfriend was a non-gamer, but still made efforts here and there to feign interest (asking to do simple Nintendo shit or somehow knowing when Halo 4 came out - I wouldn't wax lyrical to her about Halysis, believe it or not) because, I admit, gaming is probably an effective bonding outlet. I mean hell, nameless wahrer ladyfriend probably humored/enjoyed my dorky brand of gaming industry's guiltiest pleasures more than I could ever hope to tolerate it.
All I'm saying is that in the long run, a pair of people with similar minds and interests probably won't do much better than complete opposites who are into eachother but not eachother's interests. It's a matter of compromise.
Also: I nominate we make Halo OT pure salt and Halo 4 OT pure SLRP. Simultaneous pro/con conversations in here are weird.
Start of Halo 3 online and there wasn't too many quitters but by mid-life to current day quitters are everywhere. 50 objective, 50 slayer and social skirmish were terrible for quitters for me personally, it was almost every match. BTB was guaranteed one quitter at least 90% of the time and usually more as the games became lopsided.
I know that Halo 3 started to flood with derankers in ranked by mid-life but that was because the system was flawed. I think going back to Halo 2's ELO system would prevent cheating. Live security has improved since the OG Xbox days.