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Halo |OT18| We're Back Baby!

...I was thinking when I played on Vertigo, that what if that giant storm you saw brewing in the distance actually came over half way or 70% into the game and made it all stormy and foggy and lightning-y to change up the gamestyle.

I know it's too complicated to add in Halo :(


Gears of wars already did it and it was awesome, too bad they cut off the interactive switch to move that box and defend the upper section.

I just got an idea for an interactive map element. What if there was a key power weapon or two (think bottom mid Rockets or maybe one Sniper per base) that operated on a consistent timer / resupply rate, but there was a button somewhere on the map to actually modify the ordnance? That is, a switch in a neutral location on the map that would use space magic to modify your (in-universe) ordnance commands and send down a different weapon? You'd still have to wait however long for the ordnance to return, but if you went up to the button and activated it you'd spawn, say, a Gravity Hammer instead of a Brute Shot or a Grenade Launcher instead of a Beam Rifle.



Just throwing it out there: I know we don't even have 16 people left in HaloGAF, but maybe we should have two parties minimum. One for Ricochet, one for the people who haven't bought the Champion's Bundle.

...or is Ricochet free to play?

I believe the Richochet playlist is free for everyone now.

I need a headset.

gAg CruSh3r

Just throwing it out there: I know we don't even have 16 people left in HaloGAF, but maybe we should have two parties minimum. One for Ricochet, one for the people who haven't bought the Champion's Bundle.

...or is Ricochet free to play?

Ricochet is free :)...


343i Lead Esports Producer
I think Ricochet is a good choice because it's new, fresh, free and exciting. It will also make for some competitive games as well as more off the wall stuff. Especially if we get some really unique gametypes.

gAg CruSh3r

I think Ricochet is a good choice because it's new, fresh, free and exciting. It will also make for some competitive games as well as more off the wall stuff. Especially if we get some really unique gametypes.

I have a fun gametype Called Zombie Races. Which there is one man Standing and the last man try's to shoot the zombies from a far distances with rockets and other high power weapons to kill the zombies before the zombies get to the banshee to kill the last man. :) This is a very fun game type :)

Also I have Hunger Games gametype and maps (based off the movie/books). Everyone spawns with Camo, a plasma pistol, and one life for each round. Everyone spawns in a circle facing each other with weapons in the center and weapons and armor ability scatter around the map. Very fun and chaotic! Rounds are 4 mins long.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I have a fun gametype Called Zombie Races. Which there is one man Standing and the last man try's to shoot the zombies from a far distances with rockets and other high power weapons to kill the zombies before the zombies get to the banshee to kill the last man. :) This is a very fun game type :)

Also I have Hunger Games gametype and maps (based off the movie/books). Everyone spawns with Camo, a plasma pistol, and one life for each round. Everyone spawns in a circle facing each other with weapons in the center and weapons and armor ability scatter around the map. Very fun and chaotic! Rounds are 4 mins long.

This would be just Ricochet for now. We'll see about later.

Can I join? gaf parties are amazing

Of course!

I'm play. Put me down for streaming.



I played Halo 4 for the first time in months today... I stumbled upon Legendary Slayer BRs on Shutout. I was so surprised - it felt like Halo!

Then next match I got Infinity slayer and remembered why I stopped playing Halo 4.

Does Legendary Slayer BRs only exist on Shutout and Abandon? In the 6-ish games that I played today, those were the only two maps to turn up :/

Halo 4 was so close :(
I sure as hell dont. Waiting on halo free.

I am so over gamers wanting free shit, pony up like a man and pay for what you want.

I played Halo 4 for the first time in months today... I stumbled upon Legendary Slayer BRs on Shutout. I was so surprised - it felt like Halo!

Then next match I got Infinity slayer and remembered why I stopped playing Halo 4.

Does Legendary Slayer BRs only exist on Shutout and Abandon? In the 6-ish games that I played today, those were the only two maps to turn up :/

Halo 4 was so close :(

The playlists and vote variants need an overhaul, vote player toggles I say.


He's probably waiting for Halo 3 to go free so it can be better populated and Microsoft said they were making it free at some point anyway. Not sure why you're snapping at him.

Because, we should all be excited to pay for the next amazing and revolutionary entertainment experiences that 343 and Microsoft will be offering us in the near future.

Mace Griffin

Neo Member
Yea but was it compelling because of the gameplay on show or because 200 grand was at stake? I can only speak for myself but a point and click magnet BR and a zero-nuance concussion rifle with a short projectile travel time do not excite me in the slightest. Go and watch Ninja's Reach 1v1's. Disgusting sniper shots squeezed in between a descope. Masterful use of the Grenade Launcher. Halo 3 had leading shots and a snipe that took real appreciable skill to use. Quite frankly, if the weapons aren't difficult to use or have no depth then where's the buzz coming from for the viewer? I could find tension and hype in a game of rock paper scissors if 200k was up for grabs. Still, I give props to 343/MS for actually stumping up that sort of cash and the venue/setup was well done.

I agree. Also even if there is lots of money on the line you're only being drawn into the hype, the competition is still only as exciting as the gameplay allows it to be.

I just had a look at the global championship on youtube and my first impressions are:
Maximum hype
Maximium money
Mediocre gameplay

I don't know the viewing figures but I suspect the Halo 3 mlg events were far more popular even though now they have direct advertising and viewing via xbox live and a far larger potential Halo fanbase to draw from.

Mace Griffin

Neo Member
Yea but was it compelling because of the gameplay on show or because 200 grand was at stake? I can only speak for myself but a point and click magnet BR and a zero-nuance concussion rifle with a short projectile travel time do not excite me in the slightest. Go and watch Ninja's Reach 1v1's. Disgusting sniper shots squeezed in between a descope. Masterful use of the Grenade Launcher. Halo 3 had leading shots and a snipe that took real appreciable skill to use. Quite frankly, if the weapons aren't difficult to use or have no depth then where's the buzz coming from for the viewer? I could find tension and hype in a game of rock paper scissors if 200k was up for grabs. Still, I give props to 343/MS for actually stumping up that sort of cash and the venue/setup was well done.


Practices for one week, makes the final. That just shows you what is wrong with the skill gap in Halo 4. I know Ace was a top player back in Halo 3 but if you don't keep well on top of your game you shouldn't be able to compete with the best. There just isn't nearly enough to master in terms of weapons, map/item control, accuracy and movement.


...I was thinking when I played on Vertigo, that what if that giant storm you saw brewing in the distance actually came over half way or 70% into the game and made it all stormy and foggy and lightning-y to change up the gamestyle.

I know it's too complicated to add in Halo :(
Sounds like a gimped version of "levalution" or whatever they're calling it in BF4.

Would be cool to see in BTB maps, but yeah - Highly unlikely. But we'll probably get a moving gate or something. Pushing dat next-gen hardware to the limit


He won by fair standards. Trying to argue he won because the skillgap is smaller in halo 4 is such a bullshit statement. It was ffa and 1v1 luck, killstealing and movement wins, of course someone different than the top 4v4 players has a chance there.

I also liked the gameplay, pretty exciting and no I would not prefer watching ninja's 1v1s.

I still say if Halo 4 would have released like this. This tournament happened in january and we would have got a 4v4 tourney now in summer I would be quite happy with it, but the bad launch left a bitter taste.

Also descoping has to be back in h5


And the BoltShot ruins Ricochet as well. GG 343! Nice to see you guys are learning from your mistakes and moving forward with the franchise!

Should be set loadouts.


Customs with GAF sounds fun. I should be around.

Forget ordance, forget Armor Abilties. If 343 was able to bend human will so that going into matchmaking alone was like playing with a party, it'd be the best Halo. I feel bad for the people who never team up or do LANs. You're missing the best kind of play.


I can't believe this game is still peaking at around 25K. Who is still playing this garbage . Stop! Or Halo 5 will be Halo 4-2

...its had like the same exact population number for the past 5 months. According to Halo charts anyway.

And Major Nelson hasn't posted a LIVE Activity Chart going on like 3 months now, I believe, I dont know what gives with that. I wanna see the stats.


What I'm kind of worried about is how the playlist population is more concentrated in BTB then anything else. When I played BTB I got loads of black screens, lag & framerate problems, not to mention shit gets especially crazy and stupid with 16 players all with different perks and abilities.

It just seems like 343 may get the idea that the people who will stay for their next game will be the people who like the craziness of BTB and will design H5 around BTB like they did with 4.

Mace Griffin

Neo Member
He won by fair standards. Trying to argue he won because the skillgap is smaller in halo 4 is such a bullshit statement. It was ffa and 1v1 luck, killstealing and movement wins, of course someone different than the top 4v4 players has a chance there.

I also liked the gameplay, pretty exciting and no I would not prefer watching ninja's 1v1s.

I still say if Halo 4 would have released like this. This tournament happened in january and we would have got a 4v4 tourney now in summer I would be quite happy with it, but the bad launch left a bitter taste.

Also descoping has to be back in h5

I didn't say he didn't win by "fair standards". I said he shouldn't be able to compete with the best with only a week's practice. That is the problem with Halo 4, the skill gap is so small that someone can pratice for a week and already they are on/back on a level with the best (at the current time). Its no disrespect toward him.

A more skill based game would require lots of practice before each event to be able to stay on top regardless if you had a high skill level before then stopped playing.

That is why multiplayer is so unsatisfying because there isn't that skill gap, especially in accuracy, movement and map/item control that allows you to outskill other players who are less dedicated than you. You essentially say it yourself with reference to 1v1 luck. 1v1 should be designed in such a way that luck is a minimal factor such as Quake.

I don't watch Ninja's 1v1s. I've little respect for anything in Reach either though its not quite as lacking in skill as 4 when both stripped down. Now Neighbor 1v1s from Halo 3 and earlier is more interesting.
Looking at CA's map packs compared to the stuff 343 made for the second half of Spartan Ops, 343 can actually make some really beautiful environments and level designs when they want to, it's such a shame they made so little of the multiplayer.

My main issue with some if not all of the maps is there doesn't seem to be much of a flow to them. Take Vertigo, it's all over the place. Random crate here, some caves. Now take Valhalla, Stand Off or Blood Gultch. Big open space, strategically placed items in the map. It makes sense.

If you look at the most popular Forge maps in MM they aren't just random spaces filled with shit all over the place.


This has probably been asked, but have we heard anything about Destiny and couch coop?

Didn't know where else to ask this


I just got an achievement while typing message in a game. Halo

Also, I never wan't to hear Jeff Steitzer say ''gooaa!!!'' again.

Steitzer talks way too much in Halo 4 and I agree that he sounds like a doofus when he says "goal". I really hope they cut back on that crap and the white text in the middle of the screen in Halo 5.
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