Terrible GT please change.
But I love hearing people shout it in lobbies.
Terrible GT please change.
I hope Major Nelson releases a new Xbox Live top games list soon. It's obvious that Black Ops II will be dethroned by the juggernaut that is GTA V, but I wonder where Halo 4 is, especially with the Champions DLC released and the soon to be GOTY edition.
add me to "team bullet travel" (lol) as well.
As long as the netcode can support it, projectile based weapons are definitely the best way to go.
Ozzy's BR gif is laughable too, if that was Halo CE he would have landed maybe 20% of those shots. Bullet magnetism, extremely generous hitboxes, huge aim assist and a burst fire weapon, makes that firefight dumbed down to shit. Sick Out BR though dude.
When was the last time you had played Halo 4?
Who here still plays Halo 4?
But Hyper, Multiteam is where you find the best of Halo's online population!
Hey hey hey!
What's laughable is you think a 10+ year multi-50's player would only land 20% of CE pistol shots, be a little more elitist could you?
I would bet good money that you would land less than 20% of your pistol shots in Halo CE if you played a good player right now.
Not trying to be a dick, but 10+ years playing a game with aiming as easy as Halo has had doesn't prepare you for a game like Halo CE. It's not that you're bad or anything like that, it's that you simply can't practice for a game with a high aiming skill-gap by playing games with low aiming skill-gaps.
I would bet good money that you would land less than 20% of your pistol shots in Halo CE if you played a good player right now.
Not trying to be a dick, but 10+ years playing a game with aiming as easy as Halo has had doesn't prepare you for a game like Halo CE. It's not that you're bad or anything like that, it's that you simply can't practice for a game with a high aiming skill-gap by playing games with low aiming skill-gaps.
Here's a story. I got an Xbox and CE in 2003, a year before Halo 2 came out. I played the shit out of it with my friends but never against the level of competition I did online in later Halo games. I never knew the glitches, the spawns and on and on. Fast forward to this summer when I went to Seattle for the Halo 4 weapon tuning. We setup some Xbox's at Bravo's place and played some 2v2's. It was me, Bravo, Ghostayame and another Halo community member. (Okay Halo player)
I never got my ass kicked so bad in Halo in my life. Bravo and Ghost still play on a semi regular basis but they also played competitively back in the day. It took me until the 2nd day until I was putting up respectable performances in CE. I was re-learning jumps, learning the spawn system from scratch, learning weapon spawns, grenade physics and damage radii. The hardest part for me, for some reason was getting the pistol timing down. I kept subconsciously shooting it like the slower pistols in the more recent Halo games.
I think I'm better now at CE than I ever was because of all the Halo I've played throughout the years and have done so at a high level. However, I still don't know enough about the game and am not familiar with it enough to hang with the big dogs.
I think what has drawn me to Dota and Starcraft 2 in the past few years is that feeling of progression and improvement in actual gameplay. It not something I've seen in a long time with Halo. I was about as good as I was going to be at Halo 4 the instant I picked it up. (Besides learning spawns and maps). Especially these days because I don't have a team anymore to play competitively with (I miss that so fucking much)
I would bet good money that you would land less than 20% of your pistol shots in Halo CE if you played a good player right now.
Not trying to be a dick, but 10+ years playing a game with aiming as easy as Halo has had doesn't prepare you for a game like Halo CE. It's not that you're bad or anything like that, it's that you simply can't practice for a game with a high aiming skill-gap by playing games with low aiming skill-gaps.
Here's a story. I got an Xbox and CE in 2003, a year before Halo 2 came out. I played the shit out of it with my friends but never against the level of competition I did online in later Halo games. I never knew the glitches, the spawns and on and on. Fast forward to this summer when I went to Seattle for the Halo 4 weapon tuning. We setup some Xbox's at Bravo's place and played some 2v2's. It was me, Bravo, Ghostayame and another Halo community member. (Okay Halo player)
I never got my ass kicked so bad in Halo in my life. Bravo and Ghost still play on a semi regular basis but they also played competitively back in the day. It took me until the 2nd day until I was putting up respectable performances in CE. I was re-learning jumps, learning the spawn system from scratch, learning weapon spawns, grenade physics and damage radii. The hardest part for me, for some reason was getting the pistol timing down. I kept subconsciously shooting it like the slower pistols in the more recent Halo games.
I think I'm better now at CE than I ever was because of all the Halo I've played throughout the years and have done so at a high level. However, I still don't know enough about the game and am not familiar with it enough to hang with the big dogs.
I think what has drawn me to Dota and Starcraft 2 in the past few years is that feeling of progression and improvement in actual gameplay. It not something I've seen in a long time with Halo. I was about as good as I was going to be at Halo 4 the instant I picked it up. (Besides learning spawns and maps). Especially these days because I don't have a team anymore to play competitively with (I miss that so fucking much)
Ooh. May have to buy the BF4 one. I was - and still am - very satisfied with the value I got with BF3 premium.So Battlefield 4 and COD ghosts season pass are up in the marketplace with cross platforms options, Kinda nice to not double charge the people who will buy the same game for this gen and the next one.
Boom! Dat Truff Bomb Is GloriousI would bet good money that you would land less than 20% of your pistol shots in Halo CE if you played a good player right now.
Not trying to be a dick, but 10+ years playing a game with aiming as easy as Halo has had doesn't prepare you for a game like Halo CE. It's not that you're bad or anything like that, it's that you simply can't practice for a game with a high aiming skill-gap by playing games with low aiming skill-gaps.
I was under the impression that CE levels of autoaim and bullet magnetism would make for a shitty online experience due to internet networking conditions never comparing to a LAN. So which online enabled Halo thus far had the most preferable aim assistance? Halo 3?
I would bet good money that you would land less than 20% of your pistol shots in Halo CE if you played a good player right now.
Not trying to be a dick, but 10+ years playing a game with aiming as easy as Halo has had doesn't prepare you for a game like Halo CE. It's not that you're bad or anything like that, it's that you simply can't practice for a game with a high aiming skill-gap by playing games with low aiming skill-gaps.
Here's a story. I got an Xbox and CE in 2003, a year before Halo 2 came out. I played the shit out of it with my friends but never against the level of competition I did online in later Halo games. I never knew the glitches, the spawns and on and on. Fast forward to this summer when I went to Seattle for the Halo 4 weapon tuning. We setup some Xbox's at Bravo's place and played some 2v2's. It was me, Bravo, Ghostayame and another Halo community member. (Okay Halo player)
I never got my ass kicked so bad in Halo in my life. Bravo and Ghost still play on a semi regular basis but they also played competitively back in the day. It took me until the 2nd day until I was putting up respectable performances in CE. I was re-learning jumps, learning the spawn system from scratch, learning weapon spawns, grenade physics and damage radii. The hardest part for me, for some reason was getting the pistol timing down. I kept subconsciously shooting it like the slower pistols in the more recent Halo games.
I think I'm better now at CE than I ever was because of all the Halo I've played throughout the years and have done so at a high level. However, I still don't know enough about the game and am not familiar with it enough to hang with the big dogs.
I think what has drawn me to Dota and Starcraft 2 in the past few years is that feeling of progression and improvement in actual gameplay. It not something I've seen in a long time with Halo. I was about as good as I was going to be at Halo 4 the instant I picked it up. (Besides learning spawns and maps). Especially these days because I don't have a team anymore to play competitively with (I miss that so fucking much)
Praise the Sun. Against good players you missed all the fucking time in Halo CE with the Pistol, because it wasn't stupid easy and there was an actual strafe and strict hitboxes.
The 3-shot Cross map Pistol killing all game long is some bullshit myth, people that didn't even put real time into Halo CE say it. Almost in an attempt to explain away how stupid easy it is to shoot in every other Halo, because it was supposedly so common to 3-shot in Halo CE. As a result, the kill times were too fast, the sandbox was marginalized, or whatever terrible excuses I have been reading for nearly 9 years of bad Halo. If you are playing in matches with good players, you are missing a lot, most of your kills taking at least 5 shots to kill.
(my name was "10 sens." ingame lol)
You can still play on xb connect right?
Oh, so MS isn't encrypting the HDMI signal on the One. This is good.
yea i got a big dick too thoWhat's laughable is you think a 10+ year multi-50's player would only land 20% of CE pistol shots, be a little more elitist could you?
yea i got a big dick too tho
Swat and Living Dead amirite?What's laughable is you think a 10+ year multi-50's player would only land 20% of CE pistol shots, be a little more elitist could you?
There is a difference between backing up your own skill level (confidence) and just being a dick (arrogant or elitist) about things mate. I only post silly stats like that in reply to give "weight" to skill based arguments. Note my original video post didn't have anything about mad skillzzz for teh xxxMLGZzzzxxx![]()
Wasn't this pretty much confirmed a few months ago when Microsoft said that we'd still be able to record with capture cards?
edit: I think the HDMI encryption is only for Netflix and other stuff like that so people can't record movies and shows.
From another thread. Probably fake but worth the read. Will be a good refrance to see if true.Halo Xbox One
ODST Xbox One
I confirm these are legit.
Wait, so Infinity Slayer is requiring Majestic DLC, but no other DLC? That's cool with me, cause Majestic is the only DLC I bought, hah.
Wasn't this pretty much confirmed a few months ago when Microsoft said that we'd still be able to record with capture cards?
edit: I think the HDMI encryption is only for Netflix and other stuff like that so people can't record movies and shows.
From another thread. Probably fake but worth the read. Will be a good refrance to see if true.
From another thread. Probably fake but worth the read. Will be a good refrance to see if true.
Sounds really fake.
Swat and Living Dead amirite?
I've never played CE multiplayer but I've seen competitive play and I'll also take Booshka and Bigshow's word for it taking way more skill.
1v1 me bk
For $200K?![]()
Who here still plays Halo 4?
From another thread. Probably fake but worth the read. Will be a good refrance to see if true.
Why don't you just purchase the majestic map pack? All three of the maps are perfect for team slayer.
Sure you missed against better players and in general it'snot like you 3 shotted every single time. Hoewever it's not to the extent of missing 4 out of every 5 shots as you posted either, that's exaggerating a bit mate to make an insult and I called you on it. .
I do somewhat disagree with the 3 shot across map though, on maps like Hang Em High it was often enough that it degraded every single match into pistols. Even when it wasn't 3 shots 4 was usually all it took and by 5 they were dead. Perhaps on other maps the 3 shot was far less likely due to map design so I can agree more with other maps I suppose.
For $200K?![]()
As for maps in CE degrading into only-pistol fights, that's partially also because a lot of Halo 1's maps just aren't that great. Hang 'em High is a poor map, but I've got plenty of fond memories of it.
As for maps in CE degrading into only-pistol fights, that's partially also because a lot of Halo 1's maps just aren't that great. Hang 'em High is a poor map, but I've got plenty of fond memories of it.
Yes, and I'll pay your airfare.
says the guy who couldn't play that one song on 2 stations at once like that other guyi cut to around 0:40 to see nerds attemping DDR
smfh get on my level
I don't know. I just said I only bought Majestic, lol.Was Crimson that bad?
And he'll still refuse to pay cuz stateside host.
From last night, but thanks. First try tonight and I finished with 20 odd seconds left. Went to the side like you said and didn't get hit at all!Make sure when you reach the final run to the ship, you go outside the barrels. You'll be less likely to be shot there than in between them in the proper "path" to the ship.