So Lord Zedd figured out how to get campaign games to save in Theater mode.
From the looks of it, it looks like it works just fine? Im assuming maybe the cutscenes in the middle of a few missions might screw it up? Im not sure yet.
Join me on H3 MP. For the very last time.
Where are you going?
Why is this your last time? What did Xand do?
Some very bad things. Unspeakable things.
Just spend the last month travelling Tanzania, shit was wick. How's Halo been? Oh yeah I remember! Eric Nylund; the last, best hope for the series fiction left 343i, presumably disgusted with how the canon turned out.
Fucking disaster.
Halo 3 Customs!
Halo 3 Customs!
Apparently I don't check this thread enough. Who should I add for Halo 3 customs?
Hey thanks! I'm old todayIf you're playing an unupdated Halo 2, sure.
Happy birthday, heckfu!
So Lord Zedd figured out how to get campaign games to save in Theater mode.
From the looks of it, it looks like it works just fine? Im assuming maybe the cutscenes in the middle of a few missions might screw it up? Im not sure yet.
So Lord Zedd figured out how to get campaign games to save in Theater mode.
From the looks of it, it looks like it works just fine? Im assuming maybe the cutscenes in the middle of a few missions might screw it up? Im not sure yet.
Does the screenshot functionality work (don't have access to a 360 at the moment). Could finally get some superendered pictures of all enemies and characters that appear in-game and other interesting stuff.
GGs! Wish more people showed up though :/
he also posted this on r/halo a couple hours ago
looks like the QTEs were part of the problem
Sorry, I was busy fixing some pcs and drinking coffe with some friendsGGs! Wish more people showed up though :/
looks like the QTEs were part of the problem
Wait. So you're telling me one of the only reasons we got a core feature of Theater removed was because they decided to add a function in-game that shows up exactly twice, and to everyone's detriment? I am shocked. Almost too shocked for words.
Wait. So you're telling me one of the only reasons we got a core feature of Theater removed was because they decided to add a function in-game that shows up exactly twice, and to everyone's detriment? I am shocked. Almost too shocked for words.
It sucks to see HaloGAF falling apart even more. A ton of us only rarely play Halo, and that'll become even more true once the next gen systems hit, especially for folks getting the PS4. I'm getting one, and I really don't see myself paying for both PSN and XBL.
And if Halo 5 goes down the same path as Halo 4, it won't be worth buying an Xbox One for (though I'm sure I'll get both eventually).
What makes this even worse is that there's no game that interests me enough to replace Halo. Battlefield is fun, but doesn't hold my interest as much. Titanfall looks great, but not in the least bit balanced. Destiny has potential, but again, it doesn't sound like they're really going for balance or "even playing ground". Whoever steps up and makes the next great arena FPS on consoles will have my money.
I don't think there will be an fps for you then. Simple games is what sells now.
Damn, Karl and I got a wave with Elites plus drop pod Elits. Forgot how overwhelming they can get in Firefight
The four packs of Ultras that drop into Firefight are terrifying. They were one of my favorite elements, for the way they flushed everyone out of their perches. That pod comes down and it's bail out time. I had a knack for leaping over railings and running away to take them out from a safer vantage, while my "teammates" were slaughtered. I mean, while they bought me time.
Mostly talking about Limited, RIP.
Actually got a Limited NEP game tonight before Karl got on.
Also got wiped out by the Elites in that one.
I miss Firefight.
Firefight combined with a Spartan Ops creator, throw in some Forge and add in some pvp modes..all on dedicated servers.
Could be a deadly thing.
Yup. ODST was the best.I do too. Halo ODST FireFight is king IMO. I hope to see it back in Halo (5) with that thrill of survival, fun gameplay, and accomplishment per round.
Been requesting this for awhile now lolYep. Exaclty why I feel we should get a pc-based "forge" aka Map maker. Give us the power to add A.I and pathing and boom, we can make our own firefight and Spartan Ops maps along with MP maps. Hell, through in Master Chief and Cortana and UNSC marines and we could make campaign expansions or some crazy shit like that.