Like two ships passing in the night...
GG HiredN00bs
GG HiredN00bs
That won't fit in a tweet though
Your mam won't
something something Halo...
I don't know why I'd post this in here, but here you guys go. I kinda tried to kill myself...
Makes sense
So since Halo 4 is annoying/frustrating to play I thought "hey, let's get max rank in Reach"
I need 3022630 credits for max rank
Considering Firefight is probably where you get the most credits, with an average of 7000 credits per match, I need to play about 431 matches of firefight.
At about 15 minutes each, that's 6477 minutes which is equals about 108 hours.
Hey bobs, take a look at this:
Hey bobs, take a look at this:
Can't wait for the new gameplay trailer tomorrow. Sounds like the beta will also be announced.
Would be quite sad if the beta is only for ps3/ps4 users. I'm expecting it though. :/
Trying to get the kids off to school so I didnt read the other thread. You posted this in 2 spots though. I might be one of the elder posters here on GAF and in all seriousness you should go talk to someone. Even if you feel better getting to that point is serious. Also see your doctor, make sure there are no meds are diet changes screwing with you.
Hey bobs, take a look at this:
Should be halo 3 mythic
GUNS GUNS GUNS CAPES also Commander Shepard onmitool
Come on bungle.
Do they even have that on XBL? ODST is just ODST.
Either way can't wait to play with friends again that are on Halo.
You think they would make a $10 DLC bundle and wag it obnoxiously in front of people when they go to download it.I think it's possible, but Microsoft won't do it because $$$$$$$$$$ on Mythic 2.
Halo 3 is the 2nd free game of October.
I really don't see Halo 3 being made free on XBL moving the needle very much at all. Maybe for a day or two. I don't expect my friends list to be suddenly filled with H3. Almost everyone on my list already has the game.
Should be halo 3 mythic
We can still critique/poke fun at the specific implementation.Didn't Ken Levine say that unless they have like some guy with a gun on the box art of a game, it just doesn't sell as well? (for Bioshock Infinite).
We all know what Destiny is, but little Timmy who's used to tanks, helicopters, and men with guns on the cover won't really pay attention just browsing the aisles.
Finally. Been loving Halo 3 lately so any population boost will be appreciated. Will 343 be the amazing, we'll-love-and-care-for-all-the-Halo-games-like-they're-our-own company they promised they would when they told us they were just getting started? A playlist consolidation is now or never for Halo 3.
Me!Who's getting the BF4 beta tomorrow? I have 2 major tests Wednesday that I have to study for, but I'll get in a few games.
Who's getting the BF4 beta tomorrow? I have 2 major tests Wednesday that I have to study for, but I'll get in a few games.
GTA Online sounds fun too.