I'd say wait on Ghosts. Perhaps rent it out first. Test MP. If you really like it then get it.I'm having a hard time figuring out which FPS I want to go for this next gen. I had figured I'd skip the first COD, but stuff like this is making it hard.
BF4 looks really good. Most of my friends are either playing GTA V or BF4 Beta right now.
Titanfall looks fun but something's lacking about it. But can't put my finger on it.
Destiny looks good. Hopefully it's more than what people are saying it being a Sci-fi version of Borderlands.
Ellis said things aren't as active atm as before they were trying to meet Halo 4's deadline. It's been real quiet regarding Halo 5 news, we've only received Axis Animation trailer & Cloak Chief Avatar, nothing else yet.