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Halo |OT18| We're Back Baby!


Wasn't one of the 343 devs part of the Turok team?


Josh Holmes was on Turok Evolution. I'm talking about OG Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, aka the real first game that proved FPS could really work on consoles (but as Goldeneye had multiplayer and came out soon after, is largely forgotten.) It's a fun game, but I'm amazed it sold millions at that price point.

Fun fact: it was the first 3rd party game for the N64 and temporarily saved Acclaim from bankruptcy.



So is someone
going to make a "Halo 3 is free OT" so we can get some new players possibly and discuss Halo 3 there?

Thanks for signing up.

Since this "Halo 3 Revolution" quite a few pros that didn't like Halo Reach/4 have been playing a lot of h3 and have been pretty vocal on twitter lol.

Welcome to the Prophets of Halo. The team includes myself, BigShow, Duji, FyreWulff, sometimes BaBooshka and now you.

Oh man we'd throw the cheeriest parties!

Josh Holmes was on Turok Evolution. I'm talking about OG Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, aka the real first game that proved FPS could really work on consoles (but as Goldeneye had multiplayer and came out soon after, is largely forgotten.) It's a fun game, but I'm amazed it sold millions at that price point.

The jumping sections. Dear God, the jumping sections.


Now check ODST!

You just missed the preorder window. I'll sell you my Legendary preorder for 700$, they're going to be pretty rare man

I'm so pumped for the Reach beta.

Goddamn. With all of this talk of having to test playlist updates, why are there still issues with Halo 4. The infinite lobby system is so stupid for most Halo playlists. It will constantly put me in games of 2v4. I don't like that shit, and quite frankly I don't think anyone does.


no way


ps: if you need help tashi hit me up on skype.

Not enough time to remove DLC requirements but enough time to make a advertisement to promote Halo 4. Got cha. I really do believe feel 343 is worried about Halo 3 making Halo 4 look bad at this point.
Appreciate you chiming in.

So from what I understand is something as seemingly simple as playlist management takes up a bunch of time and resources just for testing... Have there been any talks in potentially streamlining the process? It seems overly regulated and bureaucratic.

Something like removing some playlists, adding new ones in etc etc shouldn't take that long. I remember waiting weeks/months for a simple fix I could have done in 3 minutes in Forge. Or just removing a map from rotation.

Let me ask this, what is the WORST that can happen if you gave one person or a small team of people the keys to the entire playlist management system. To me it seems like the worst thing is you get playlists that aren't "optimal gameplay experience" and if so just change them on the fly.

If this is impossible for Halo 4, please try and develop some kind of back end system so you don't need to go through all this nonsense for some simple map and gametype tweaks. IMO just change what you want to change, and if the community finds some kind of bug/bad gameplay experience then adjust accordingly.

Phase One: Six minutes
Just paid off my PS4. I ordered AC4, Killzone and Battlefield. Destiny is the only one not paid. I just put my beta code in.

Anyone else take advantage of that DS4 deal on Amazon? I know I mentioned it last weekend during customs. Basically you trade in $30 worth of games and you get the credit +$30 off the DS4 essentially making it free.

Just got confirmation. To pay for my Xbox One, I've had to take up a job as a photographer for those shitty Santa pictures they do at malls over the holidays. Probably not worth it, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I found a better paying job when I realized I was a little short of cash and couldn't afford Call of Duty Ghost and Battlefield 4 and a new controller for my Xbox One at launch. :p

Saving for these systems is hard man. :p Been saving since E3 and still short $180 of the $940 I need to buy my System. Probably going to have to make some sacrifices to get there. Pokemon X tomorrow is probably the last game I'm buying. Won't get Ghost and Battlefield 4 on Xbox, just gonna hold out for the Xbox One version.

Heh, I'm so gratefully I'm not paying for my launch PS4. I'd poor this year if I did. :p
When 343 took over, there was, I think, a very conscious effort on their part to communicate in the developer-community bonhomie style which Bungie had become cherished by so many for. The "We're just getting started <3" and "Thanks for playing our game, you're awesome" platitudes are pure Bungie echolalia and an attempt at personable warmth at a sprawling mass market. All fine when the transition was occurring and people didn't know what to expect. Now it seems as though they forward face the community with a forced smile while an MS exec presses a tazer to the back of their neck. The game has changed and I don't think 343 can pull off the matey Bungie atmosphere when it's so nakedly corporate on so many issues.

Why is updating playlists a zero-sum game? If they update Halo 3 they can't do 4? Halo 4's playlists have probably seen more updates in eleven months than Halo 3 did in three years. To be candid, Halo 4 is a rapidly sinking ship in terms of the total amount of folks remaining compared to how many purchased it; Halo 3 is going to shoot into the top ten of the xbl charts by virtue of being a free game. Now would be the time to let a single Halo 4 playlist update slide in favour of updating an admittedly old Halo game, but one which will bring fresh exposure to the franchise as a whole. It should be seen as an opportunity to secure new business for the future. You think kids won't put up with no sprint in your focus tests? Wait until they're playing Team Rockets on a map as vast as Valhalla, getting a kill every three minutes or spawning with a weapon that has an effective range of 10 feet on Last Resort. Or playing Duels. That shit should've been tidied up to have given a better representation of the Halo brand to newcomers.

A Halo 3/Reach update wouldn't have even occurred to people had Frankie not promised them, which is fine, Frankie's heart was no doubt in the right place when he said that. But it has made people consider the fact that 343 was created to serve a single franchise. A whole studio with a singular focus. It just would've been really nice if they could have done these updates despite the fact they aren't of immediate capital profit. It's those sorts of gestures that really show a community love and justify the <3's.

But the rules have changed. Frankie said that he's "Old and farty and remember how excited and optimistic folks used to be about this hobby" (http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=45592516&postcount=8852). Well, equally, Halo fans are old and farty and remember when a player didn't have an advantage over another just because they paid more money to your studio at launch. They are old and farty and remember when legacy features of the game like campaign theatre and firefight weren't just hacked off like a dead limb in favour of, respectively, nothing at all and a mode which one had to be a member of MS's premium subscription service to even access. They remember when they could customise whether they could sprint in the game or not. Most importantly, they remember when this hobby was this hobby: Halo. Not a template upon which to layer current market trending gameplay tropes in a broad swipe at an even bigger pie than the one you've already got. Don't misunderstand; I remember when Turok 64 was 70 quid in Toys R Us and offered a piffling amount of content in comparison to most games now which retail for less. I know production costs are higher now than they've ever been. In many ways, all the pre-release and pre-order DLC shit for Halo 4 was justifiable. But when it starts to affect the base game; when rocket launchers fall at your feet out of luck; when you can stare through walls; when you put our super soldier in a wheelchair because accessibility means easier, easier means more people can play it and when more people can play it, more people give you money, you sacrifice what made the game so special in the first place. Halogaf may have become more sneering and suspicious but it's a mirror reflection of an industry turned cynical staring right back at them.

got damn, someone get this man's walls of truth trending on twitter again


Thee Henery is incapable of posting something less than 200 words.

He is also incapable of telling a lie because that is one military grade truth bomb
Matchmaking Updates:

-Minor tweaks across the board to ensure a cohesive Halo 3 experience
you can't prove that we didn't do anything

-Added blurb to link to Halo 3 DLC. Now available individually for $2, $5, and $5 dollars - or buy the Speedy Bundle to get all Halo 3 DLC for the low, low price of $17.70!

-Added blurb to link to Halo 4. Coming soon is a Halo 4 GOTY edition that has most* of the pre-order exclusives and DLC!

We'd crank the updates up to eleven to offer a traditional Halo experience, but let's face it: do we really need you little shits beating out our Most Anticipated Game of 2012 According to VGCChartz?

See you on the virtual battlefield! <343
no way


ps: if you need help tashi hit me up on skype.

Guys, come on now. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is too busy making Halo Five the master piece needed on Xbox One. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is working very hard all day and all night to make a game that will please casual gamers true Halo fans. They can't afford to spend time updating Halo Three, it would effect the development of Halo Five to much to do so! Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries needs all the time they have to make sure Halo Five has the Prettiest Graphics possible best Halo gameplay possible! They're doing this all for you! Don't worry about a beta either! They don't have enough time to have a beta, but don't worry about the lack of beta! We're sure our in house testers who we hired specifically to dislike Halo nothing but true Halo fans who love the series, will make sure our terrible armor abilities that you hate but we're bringing back anyways 4 shot BR and player movement work just fine! Remember, they aren't updating Halo Three because they don't care, it's because they're too busy making Halo Five the worst greatest Halo game in history!

Thank you guys for all the love and support, remember, just. BELI343

Matchmaking Updates:

-Minor tweaks across the board to ensure a cohesive Halo 3 experience
you can't prove that we didn't do anything

-Added blurb to link to Halo 3 DLC. Now available individually for $2, $5, and $5 dollars - or buy the Speedy Bundle to get all Halo 3 DLC for the low, low price of $17.70!

-Added blurb to link to Halo 4. Coming soon is a Halo 4 GOTY edition that has most* of the pre-order exclusives and DLC!

We'd crank the updates up to eleven to offer a traditional Halo experience, but let's face it: do we really need you little shits beating out our Most Anticipated Game of 2012 According to VGCChartz?

See you on the virtual battlefield! <343

Change your name back.

Anyway, watching Halo 3 streams is sooooo much better than Halo 4s.

Guys, come on now. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is too busy making Halo Five the master piece needed on Xbox One. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is working very hard all day and all night to make a game that will please casual gamers true Halo fans. They can't afford to spend time updating Halo Three, it would effect the development of Halo Five to much to do so! Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries needs all the time they have to make sure Halo Five has the Prettiest Graphics possible best Halo gameplay possible! They're doing this all for you! Don't worry about a beta either! They don't have enough time to have a beta, but don't worry about the lack of beta! We're sure our in house testers who we hired specifically to dislike Halo nothing but true Halo fans who love the series, will make sure our terrible armor abilities that you hate but we're bringing back anyways 4 shot BR and player movement work just fine!

Thank you guys for all the love and support, remember, just. BELI343

What....the fuck?
Will we get a Halo 5 beta?

I'm way late to this, but I think this alone might sell a decent amount of Xbox Ones if the H5 MP Beta was included, Halo won't have that sales push for consoles like it did with H3, but still, it can't hurt either the game nor the company.

EDIT: Actually, this is why it will not happen, would make way too much sense. Carry on.

Dude, I had just turned 14, 6 days before H2 came out in 2004, and I remember this clear as day. Fuck... the feels man, the feels.


Just paid off my PS4. I ordered AC4, Killzone and Battlefield. Destiny is the only one not paid. I just put my beta code in.

Anyone else take advantage of that DS4 deal on Amazon? I know I mentioned it last weekend during customs. Basically you trade in $30 worth of games and you get the credit +$30 off the DS4 essentially making it free.

Nope. Since I play by myself I only need the one that comes with the console. I myself am picking up NFS, COD, knack at launch. Destiny is of course preordered.
The conspiracy theorist in me believes Bungie intentionally killed Halo on their way out knowing Microsoft would continue in the wrong direction.

RIP proximity voice

The conspiracy theorist in you would be correct, if only by the fact that that's exactly what happened and by Reach, Frankie was no longer part of Bungie but 343.


The conspiracy theorist in me believes Bungie intentionally killed Halo on their way out knowing Microsoft would continue in the wrong direction.

RIP proximity voice

Screw conspiracies. I think this is true. Easiest way to make sure Destiny was better received and to kill off a massive soon to be competitor. It makes all the sense in the world from a business point of view and Bungie had all the control they needed in order to do it.


Probably more like they just didn't want to make Halo anymore and went balls to the wall with Reach, their final Halo game. Tried out all sorts of new things they wanted to such as extreme verticality in maps, invasion gametype, armor abilities such as jetpack. It's almost a given to believe their 'Reach' experiment will translate to Destiny.


Guys, come on now. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is too busy making Halo Five the master piece needed on Xbox One. Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries is working very hard all day and all night to make a game that will please casual gamers true Halo fans. They can't afford to spend time updating Halo Three, it would effect the development of Halo Five to much to do so! Three Hundred and Forty Three Industries needs all the time they have to make sure Halo Five has the Prettiest Graphics possible best Halo gameplay possible! They're doing this all for you! Don't worry about a beta either! They don't have enough time to have a beta, but don't worry about the lack of beta! We're sure our in house testers who we hired specifically to dislike Halo nothing but true Halo fans who love the series, will make sure our terrible armor abilities that you hate but we're bringing back anyways 4 shot BR and player movement work just fine! Remember, they aren't updating Halo Three because they don't care, it's because they're too busy making Halo Five the worst greatest Halo game in history!

Thank you guys for all the love and support, remember, just. BELI343


Did anyone ever think this would be really happening? A tournament playing Halo 3, two generation Halo old game, and people asking if anyone wants to play Reach?
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