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Halo |OT18| We're Back Baby!

I guess the bright side of Halsey losing her arm is that the Elites forgot to bandage the bullet wound up... so she'll probably just bleed out and die. And then we won't have to put up with another Karen Traviss fuelled campaign against her, right? Right?

Nahhh. Moral Dick Tatas will consist entirely of the Arbiter coming back to shit on Halsey's grave for 600 pages.


She was shot in the shoulder so they cut off her arm above the elbow. Right before she started working with the Elites.

what a complete shitfest, :lol. I still can't believe what they've done with the story

She'll come back with a robot arm or something. Having her lose her arm will be utterly pointless in the long run I'm sure.


There are like 3 people in all of HaloGAF that think Halo CE is far and away the best Halo game in all aspects. I am one of them, Halo 2 was a severe and soul crushing disappointment to me. After that, I kinda tuned out to the Halo franchise as a whole, watching from the sidelines with my insatiable appetite for nostalgia never being satisfied.

If Halo anniversary had Halo CE MP on XBL then I wouldn't even bother talking about anything else Halo. But, because it doesn't, I feel obliged to bitch and moan about Halo until the magic of CE Multiplayer is either recaptured or repackaged.

This. All of this.

I basically consider Halo CE a separate Halo franchise, and then Halo 2 is the first entry in the shitty Halo series. Nothing can match the soul-crushing ruination of Halo that I felt during Halo 2. All these little foibles over minor differences in the series from Halo 2 to 3 to Reach to 4 are pretty irrelevant to me, because none of those games have the fundamental elements that I fell in love with in Halo CE.



I expected halo 4 more of chief being alone trying to get off Requiem. but as usual, the unsc comes in to save the day. plus I don't think they sliced of halseys arm at the elbow, I'm pretty sure that's just her shirt tied.


1v1 or 2v2 matches in Halo:CE are what made the series for me. I love everything about Halo:CE, it's top of my list for campaign and multiplayer.

I can see for a lot of folks why Halo 2 has the best multiplayer, especially because of Xbox Live. I think Halo 2 is probably my most played multiplayer game in the entire series. I still feel that as long as you enjoyed Halo 1-3 as they released, you experienced great games, even if in hindsight, Halo 3 isn't as great as some folks remember.


I expected halo 4 more of chief being alone trying to get off Requiem. but as usual, the unsc comes in to save the day. plus I don't think they sliced of halseys arm at the elbow, I'm pretty sure that's just her shirt tied.

There's still the mystery of the unbandaged bullet wound to deal with.


Halo CE was great but I'm sure I wouldn't liked it if it had matchmaking.

Halo 2 past patch was great IMO and also more watchable


So apparently we're getting Crackdown and Dead Rising 2 for the whole Xbox games for Gold thing MS is doing. Pretty solid titles - even if they're a bit old. I've never played either of them, so that's something.

Halo 3 in December, just watch :lol


So apparently we're getting Crackdown and Dead Rising 2 for the whole Xbox games for Gold thing MS is doing. Pretty solid titles - even if they're a bit old. I've never played either of them, so that's something.

Halo 3 in December, just watch :lol


Conor 419

Oh my god, I mean just think about it right. The thought of a character losing an arm or something the original trilogy is just not something which would have happened, is this their attempt at being 'dark' or 'gritty'? It's all so Gears of War.


Halo 4 was my first Halo and it is definitely the best.

It's so fast paced and anything can happen at any time.



Oh my god I forgot about this, for FUCK sake 343i, what is even the point? Were they trying to go all Jaime Lannister on her or some shit but completely forgot that a plot device needs, y'know, plot.

Well Conor is gone again but I agree with his point, glorifying Palmer and shitting on Halsey needs to stop.


Well Conor is gone again but I agree with his point, glorifying Palmer and shitting on Halsey needs to stop.
I really did not mind the Spartan Ops take on Halsey. Traviss' books were the ones that made me mad though, the droning on and on about her being evil was just ugh.


I thought at first they were going for some civil war angle with Oni and the new Spartans led by Palmer as being greedy and power hungry etc. With the older Spartans rallying to help Halsey, but with the books, Spartan Ops, and Sarah Palmer love fest with new comics, Spartan Assault and saying how she was instrumental in recovering Chief and her defeat of Jul Mdama, they're really going to make Halsey a villain in the next game most likely and Palmer a hero.


So apparently we're getting Crackdown and Dead Rising 2 for the whole Xbox games for Gold thing MS is doing. Pretty solid titles - even if they're a bit old. I've never played either of them, so that's something.

Halo 3 in December, just watch :lol

Makes sense to me. Release old titles for free, adds value to Gold and (wishful thinking) builds up an audience who might have missed the games the first time around if you're going to make sequels. Hope they decide to increase their goodwill after the X1 missteps by continuing the program pass this X1 launch.


Maybe HaloGAF can explain to me why the heck people love Half-Life 2 so much. It's got boring enemies, boring weapons, a bunch of frustrating first-person jumping segments, and stupid things like auto-killing me because I had the nerve to try and continue the chapter without using one of their vehicles, which handle about as well as they appear to be constructed. Then there's the story, which requires you to accept that your mute character is treated like God for some reason.
Maybe HaloGAF can explain to me why the heck people love Half-Life 2 so much. It's got boring enemies, boring weapons, a bunch of frustrating first-person jumping segments, and stupid things like auto-killing me because I had the nerve to try and continue the chapter without using one of their vehicles, which handle about as well as they appear to be constructed. Then there's the story, which requires you to accept that your mute character is treated like God for some reason.

gaben da best, he can do no wrong
brb buying two billion hats


Maybe HaloGAF can explain to me why the heck people love Half-Life 2 so much. It's got boring enemies, boring weapons, a bunch of frustrating first-person jumping segments, and stupid things like auto-killing me because I had the nerve to try and continue the chapter without using one of their vehicles, which handle about as well as they appear to be constructed. Then there's the story, which requires you to accept that your mute character is treated like God for some reason.
The game does a great job at creating a convincing world and the story telling is top-notch. These things can help a game a lot more than some people think (see: The Walking Dead). The gunplay and enemies aren't that amazing, but they manage to mix things up very nicely through-out the campaign. There's barely any replay value, but the first time through it was amazing.
I like Barrow Roll's idea of making the thruster pack a default ability, replacing sprint. Make it a bit more powerful, with the recharge rate a little faster.

Otherwise, kill off armor abilities forever.
My original idea actually had sprint stay and thruster pack just take up the AA slot across the board, simply because I don't believe that sprint is going anywhere, for better or worse. No sprint would be lovely though.

Thruster pack should also work as a double jump by doubling tapping A (or whatever your jump button is) but have it all tied to the same recharging meter so it's not completely OP.


My original idea actually had sprint stay and thruster pack just take up the AA slot across the board, simply because I don't believe that sprint is going anywhere, for better or worse. No sprint would be lovely though.

Thruster pack should also work as a double jump by doubling tapping A (or whatever your jump button is) but have it all tied to the same recharging meter so it's not completely OP.

I agree that I doubt sprint is leaving us (and personally I don't want it to go), but 343 should really make that a supported option for customs. As much as possible having a "backwards compatibility" in the game to play fairly close facsimiles of the old games should be attempted, and sprint is a big one to be stuck with in those cases.


When do the new perks come to Halo 4 anyway? I'm interested to see if the one that stops you from slowing down when being shot while sprinting is abused.


When do the new perks come to Halo 4 anyway? I'm interested to see if the one that stops you from slowing down when being shot while sprinting is abused.

Pretty sure whenever the title update comes out for all this stuff, within the next 3 weeks.

That perk you described is only going to be unlocked if you buy the champion bundle, then is going to be released for all a couple months later.


The introduction of new perks can be seen in a number of ways:

a) They are getting their perk fetish out of the way before Halo (5) One. Halo 4 has a declining population, so why not.
b) They are testing these new perks for Halo (5) One.
c) Space Jesus vs Mechs. Guillermo del Toro directing.
d) Perks are now canon, because of nanomachines and ponco wearing space corgies.
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