It's probably CBOAT stuff, the source of their info was found to be another gaffer.There are already a couple of closed threads talking about it, but I've been getting regular time outs since yesterday.
It's probably CBOAT stuff, the source of their info was found to be another gaffer.There are already a couple of closed threads talking about it, but I've been getting regular time outs since yesterday.
Viewable stats are a mixed bag unless they make it harder or more punishing to back out, because people leave the lobby all the time in 4 even with stats slightly buried. If I were King of Halo, I would have stats viewable only after the vote and treat leaving the post-vote lobby like quitting a game (a loss).
Someday we all will find that special someone. In the mean time: tv-series.feels bad man
It's probably CBOAT stuff, the source of their info was found to be another gaffer.
I really want Devo to rip apart my UI demo. Y'know, for science.
Also, in unrelated news, the guys over at Achievement Hunter have a gaiden series called "Go!" where the name of the game is to complete a random objective every week selected by Geoff (the voice of Grif), and this week's happened to be "complete a level in any Halo game other than Wars or Spartan Assault [or Reach's Lone Wolf]." Cutscene missions don't count.considering it's actual halo
Go watch! Couple of funny things for Halo vets tucked away in their commentary.
Also, off the top of my head, fastest missions for all the first-person Halo titles are:
CE: Keyes, using the deployable cover noclip exploit
Halo 2: Uprising, for sure, possible in under 2 minutes
Halo 3: Floodgate? Not any real exploits at play, it's just a short mission, ~5 mins
ODST: Uplift Preserve
Reach: Nightfall, ~4:30 thanks to running past fights and clipping through the gate
4: Shutdown (rip)
Time to put that ad revenue to useAh yeah I was getting confused. "it's not E3 why is GAF dying?"
What's the Keyes exploit exactly?
That machine gun looks like it belongs in borderlands as a tediore weapon. As for UI player stats are important K/D or a visible rank shouldn't be buried in different menus it should be visible once the player is move over.
Is anyone else getting a crazy amount of 504 and 408 errors on gaf?
Viewable stats are a mixed bag unless they make it harder or more punishing to back out, because people leave the lobby all the time in 4 even with stats slightly buried. If I were King of Halo, I would have stats viewable only after the vote and treat leaving the post-vote lobby like quitting a game (a loss).
Either way would be fine with me, but the information should be readily available and pertinent to the upcoming match so I know what I'm in for besides everyone's favorite stance and most used weapon.Viewable stats are a mixed bag unless they make it harder or more punishing to back out, because people leave the lobby all the time in 4 even with stats slightly buried. If I were King of Halo, I would have stats viewable only after the vote and treat leaving the post-vote lobby like quitting a game (a loss).
I think the reason GAF's dying on and off is because of theassice storm hitting the southeast US. For some reason FloridaGAF makes up roughly 90% of our population, and everyone logging in at once = rip gaf bandwidth.
Glad somebody agrees that Reach is not a good UI.
How would you (and Juan) recommend doing the player details thing? Is there a way it could be present on the main screen, or should it be relegated to a separate screen like in Halo 3? (I ask because Halo 3 took much longer to look through the various players' stats, and i with there was a way I could just see that without having to do much. It's important info to me as a player).
I'm making a mockup, and I have some ideas for a lot of things, but I'd like your input on just how to do that.
Hopefully these kids had access to mobile GAF in the carHopefully most of them will be arrested for or the victims of surreal crimes and free up servers.
Beautiful. Gimme k/d, w/l, highest rank.
Nicely done, the ranks are a great touch.
I don't know how this would really work out given the living nature of the playlist roster - designing a very custom, compact UI for that kind of thing seems like a real nightmare with a ridiculous number of use cases. I guess if you restrict the information to the specific playlist you're it gets easier, but there aren't really many useful stats that apply to a lot of gametypes - what are the relevant stats you surface for an Oddball playlist? What's the "default" view? I'm a huge proponent of the W/L stat being surfaced really prominently because it's always useful and it's applicable to every single gametype. It encapsulates every single playstyle, as well, while something like K/D doesn't give an accurate representation of skill for many of the roles a player can have in a match.That's why I was advocating per-playlists stats, but it may be too much information to process quickly in a lobby
K/D is a stat you have to be really careful about. In a deathmatch-only game? Sure, go nuts and display it all over the place - you're showing the primary quantifiable measure of success in that case. Halo isn't just deathmatch and kills are not the primary success metric for most gametypes. By surfacing that stat at the top level globally you run the risk of encouraging people to pad kill stats in objective games to look like a hardass in the pre-game lobby and ruining matches that aren't kill-based for people that actually want to play the objective. Win/Loss, on the other hand, is a stat that is dramatically more useful to players and doesn't carry that same danger. A team win/loss-based ranking system works well while individual K/D based ranks (vanilla Arena) fail for that same reason - people are jerks and will continue to be that way with even the slightest bit of encouragement.
K/D is a stat you have to be really careful about. In a deathmatch-only game? Sure, go nuts and display it all over the place - you're showing the primary quantifiable measure of success in that case. Halo isn't just deathmatch and kills are not the primary success metric for most gametypes. By surfacing that stat at the top level across the board you run the risk of people padding kill stats in objective games to look like a hardass in the pre-game lobby and ruining matches that aren't kill-based for people that actually want to play the objective. Win/Loss, on the other hand, is a stat that is dramatically more useful to players and doesn't carry that same danger. A team win/loss-based ranking system works well while individual K/D based ranks (vanilla Arena) fail for that same reason - people are jerks.
K/D is a stat you have to be really careful about. In a deathmatch-only game? Sure, go nuts and display it all over the place - you're showing the primary quantifiable measure of success in that case. Halo isn't just deathmatch and kills are not the primary success metric for most gametypes. By surfacing that stat at the top level globally you run the risk of encouraging people to pad kill stats in objective games to look like a hardass in the pre-game lobby and ruining matches that aren't kill-based for people that actually want to play the objective. Win/Loss, on the other hand, is a stat that is dramatically more useful to players and doesn't carry that same danger. A team win/loss-based ranking system works well while individual K/D based ranks (vanilla Arena) fail for that same reason - people are jerks and will continue to be that way with even the slightest bit of encouragement.
I dont understand how anyone could see that scene as sexual.
It's a nice UI but I would change it slightly to make it more accessible to others. Like having consistent coloring for the player cards and a background they contrast with them. Makes it easier to read instead a clash of colors.And I wouldn't waste too much time on the visual design
In fact, the Active Roster for Reach and baseball card from Halo 4 aren't too much differents. It give you a quick acces to what you need to know about the player.
Hopefully most of them will be arrested for or the victims of surreal crimes and free up servers.
And don' forget hat k/d ratio doesn't tell you how cool or funny a person is - and how their incompetence is sometimes an amusing spirit lifter for their team, and that that person might also be super obedient and actually "GTFO and stay in the base and don't move you stupid bald nub" when he is told.
Or he might go full Leroy Jenkins.
You can't tell.
This is a weird statement to make, especially in this thread.and people should really treat their ideas as having value and not give them away for free.
Keep the player record available (like Reach's setup) for those that like to read them, but only feature relevant stats for a particular gametype. K/D/A in Team Slayer, Flags stolen/capped/assisted in CTF, etc.
I also like Wahrer's idea of a "title card" of sorts. CoD does this already and aside from the really dumb ones (420blaze hurr hurr) they're pretty neat.
This is a weird statement to make, especially in this thread.
Gah! You got iOS7 in my Halo!
This is a weird statement to make, especially in this thread.
No, not really. People should stop giving 343 free material and labor.
I really wish that map blueprints were more accessible, although obviously any experienced player can map the whole thing in his/her mind on one play, its still nice to see them. Im sure future Waypoint can provide that.I can dig it.
This is one of the better ones ive seen. Wahrers were absolutley terrible but he did have one good idea, of having a sort of "tactical" option of viewing the map/gametype.
LIke if you hover over the gametype in a matchmaking menu and press it a little side menu pops up with the settings.
If you click on the map it gives you a top down version with weapon spawn locations.
IDude that looks real nicely done, puddin.
I really enjoy this one the most so far. It's not to empty but yet it's not to much for the screen.
appreciated gents, yeah I booted up 4 and Reach and tried to do some basic functions, then tried to replicate themAlso Nilla - That is great design there. Takes some stuff from Halo 4 (like the one above) but gives it a Reach feel.
Yeah I need to develop a method of showing the button prompts in an intuitive mannerThrow in some bumper button whole screen swiping (just like Ryse as you mention or the X1/360/H4 interfaces do), quick mockups of what those other screens would be and also add colour buttons that are context sensitive for pop-ups with greater detail.
No one is really tackling the post carnage report, which would be cool to see the stats we want prevalent
@1st part: I didnt want to fill the entire screen with stuff, that one mockup that is all blue that Devo critisized just looks too busy, but that was my first idea. Or that right side column could just be dedicated to all of it, but I wanted to avoid sub-menusI didnt read anything you wrote, but I would honestly be fine with this. It looks really nice, and a really nice step that would fit Halo's menus. Maybe when you are choosing a Forge variant, it pops out to the left in the empty space, instead of moving the camera out to the right? I'd have to see it in order to judge it.
Also make a main menu mockup now. I'd like to see what you'd think would fit with this sort of design
Yeah I dont like having to use the gigantic buttons, but its the only way to work with this design language, and keep it consistent. I like your example of Halo 2, there is ALOT going on in that screen, Im gunna see how it would work in my Halo now![]()
Halo 2 should be a template not Reach, Reach UI is bad news.
While I'm not a fan of that huge space taken up with "waiting for blah blah to start" you have an image of the map, map details and the full list of people in the lobby. If 2 more joined they'd still fit on screen.
Has anyone brought up the old Halo 2 UI concept video?
No more baseball cards.
Kill death ratio is not important enough to waste lobby UI real estate on.
Not like 343 would be able to use an UIs people are posting, and people should really treat their ideas as having value and not give them away for free.
Blurred background for UI in Halo works well since Halo 3 and ODST I guess, that was a surprise when I saw years ago blurred background was the new trend for designers, especialy from Apple.
Did I already say David Candland was a master and a visionary in term of UI ?
Blurred background for UI in Halo works well since Halo 3 and ODST I guess, that was a surprise when I saw years ago blurred background was the new trend for designers, especialy from Apple.
Did I already say David Candland was a master and a visionary in term of UI ?
No, not really. People should stop giving 343 free material and labor.
Your opener being (everyones designs suck) and follows ups like, "As I said, do you really need to reinvent the wheel?" is coming off really douchey, might wanna re-read before you post to make sure your english/context is appropriate
Do you think the ODST player card could work with more than four players? I thought about it but it wouldn't be nice to scroll down when you have 16 or more players.
This isn't Cartographers, thoNo, not really. People should stop giving 343 free material and labor.
Do you think the ODST player card could work with more than four players? I thought about it but it wouldn't be nice to scroll down when you have 16 or more players.
No, not really. People should stop giving 343 free material and labor.
Isn't anything halo related automatically claimable under the content usage rules:No, not really. People should stop giving 343 free material and labor.
Content usage rules said:This means that if you add to the game universe or expand on the story told in the game with "lost chapters" or back story or anything like that, distribution of your story or idea may appear in a future game without any compensation to you
R.I.P Wahrer????
Excellent idea. I thought this same thing for the lobby screen UI; it would be pretty slick if we could choose what goes where, similar to what some games allow with HUD customization (ie: The Conduit).This is why I'm for giving people the ability to place stats of their choice on baseball cards, use cloud-power buzzwords if you have to. I'd rather let people know I shamelessly hoard Grenade Launchers in all of my games than let them know I have a KD of 0.002.
@nillapuddin: As you should have guessed, english is not my primary language, and sorry but I did not understand your side note.
The height for the player card I made is too damn high, even for the little one ala Halo 3, it could not fit well on a screen right now, it would only display 12 players on the list.
This isn't Cartographers, tho
Will you accept drawings on a cocktail napkin?If anyone else wants a UI/UX critique I'll do it. To be honest you guys should be showing a grid and wireframe first. Visuals should be your last worry.
Will you accept drawings on a cocktail napkin?
If anyone else wants a UI/UX critique I'll do it. To be honest you guys should be showing a grid and wireframe first. Visuals should be your last worry.
*nerdslaugh everywhere*