Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State
Why wait?
I have no skill in making screensavers lol.
Why wait?
Ya it was a massive pain in the ass. Worth it though.I have no skill in making screensavers lol.
I definitely don't think that's true. At the very least it's a case of "we can get right what they got wrong and do even more".I think 343 is approaching Halo 4 from the perspective that Reach was a success.
That ViDoc makes me:
Whatever. Who cares!
It's not a vidoc, though. It's an atrociously edited GI interview.
Not saying you don't have an arguable point. I'm just saying that GI is failing as far as a journalistic enterprise (yeah, games journalism and all that.)
Not the new one.. (I give 343 the benefit of the doubt.. this is their first title). I was referring to the Bungie ViDoc from 2010.
That is just as scary of a thought as anything though. I'm still adamant that the biggest stumbling block for game developers is thinking that they have to keep everything from previous iterations of a game series no matter what. NO! Cut the ugly fat, stick to what works, and stop trying to appease the masses who are so mind numbingly clueless that they'd buy a game about house keeping as long as it had Halo in the title.I definitely don't think that's true. At the very least it's a case of "we can get right what they got wrong and do even more".
BeautifulNot falling for the "trust us" again. Is there a single person at 343 outside of some old Bungie holdovers and David Ellis who have played more than 1000 games of Halo in their life? Anyone play even remotely competitively? Ever? It's all fine to say it's balanced and works great in an environment of relatively unskilled people, the problem is this stuff never gets played and tested by "skilled" members of the community. I mean, Bungie told people to trust them, and they didn't realize the space section of Zealot with no kill timer would be exploited.
Halo 4 looks like another weak swipe at COD - just like Reach - only more disjointed and disastrous. X-ray vision, camo, all this stuff is nonsense. I want to time weapons, force spawns, grab map control, and out think & out play the other team, not run around in an FFA bonanza of randomized armor abilities that were fun to a guy who has played 3 hours of Halo in his life.
On one hand I want to the reasonable one stating Halo is different to different people and there's room for both.Gaming side.
Welp my brain just exploded and I died after reading this. Currently posting from the grave. Death is pretty cool, hope Halo 4 doesn't blow.
Halo 4 looks like another weak swipe at COD - just like Reach - only more disjointed and disastrous. X-ray vision, camo, all this stuff is nonsense. I want to time weapons, force spawns, grab map control, and out think & out play the other team, not run around in an FFA bonanza of randomized armor abilities that were fun to a guy who has played 3 hours of Halo in his life.
Meh.Good fucking lord, yes! ALL OF THIS.
You don't honestly believe this, right? Even on GAF there are people who prefer reach, plenty elsewhere.All of the fans are asking for is Halo 2/3 with better net code, improved graphics, an expanded sandbox, and more maps.
You don't honestly believe this, right? Even on GAF there are people who prefer reach, plenty elsewhere.
Your opinion equals fact imoYes...and those are the same people who would like halo if it is a racing game.
Your opinion equals fact imo
Unfortunately this is true... Only thing keeping me in reach is that their isn't a better alternativeI don't even care anymore, our opinion doesn't matter, bring on another shit Halo if you really must, I'll still play it anyways because there's nothing else as good out there.
That's.. really flippant and a little arrogant.Yes...and those are the same people who would like halo if it is a racing game.
Ugh, way to undermine yourself. Not only is that a complete fallacy argument, the netcode leaves a lot to be desired.You guys do know that Halo 3 is still functional...right?
So what's Halo to you? What makes Halo, Halo?I know the fact that it is just my opinion and their opinion in this instance is in theory just as valid as mine.
It has just been my experience that the people who support every gameplay change are people who enjoy all Halo games because it has the word Halo in the title. Vanilla Reach is hardly Halo but a lot of people like it because it is called Halo and anything called Halo can do no wrong. Personally, I play Reach because it is the only game with a decent number of users that is some what reminiscent of Halo.
If halo does armor abilities similarly how transformers did it, but I will be happyI mean.. I don't like Armor Abilities..
But it is better that they are going all out on them rather than Reach's conservative approach.
AAs really felt out of place in Halo Reach.
The maps weren't designed for them. Most of the abilities were useless.
All of them lacked personality...
They got in the way of the gameplay rather than complementing it.
I'm really, really, really hoping 343i has managed to nail them down.
Which they said they have..
But that makes me wonder why they won't discuss any of them in further detail.
I feel like almost everyone in the Halo Community is worried about Armor Abilities.
It seems like it would be logical for 343i to discuss what changes they are making.
People know it can't be Halo 3 in HD. You may not gather that, but people here, they aren't stupid, we've expected, and even welcomed the idea of a certain level of change/innovation.I don't believe for a second that people asking for the same gameplay as Halo 3 are anything but delusional. You got burnt on Halo Reach, fine, but you're crazy if you think a completely "vanilla Halo" is a good business model.
What I'm getting that, is that the sensible people here (most) did not expect Halo 4 to be Halo 3 in HD. That may be how you're reading it, but that's just not the case. As I say to BGE above in this post, it's a negative reaction to some of the changes because where does the line exist of what is a Halo FPS and what is a game with the Halo name on it. Some of the changes go beyond the bounds of what some people are comfortable with. This isn't them asking for Halo 3 in HD, this is them wanting to love the next step in one of their favourite franchises.I'm not sure what you're getting at. I want to like Halo 4 too. I'm just saying for all those people who just want Halo 2/3 again to continue to play Halo 3. To expect a faithful recreation of Halo 2/3 isn't feasible.
So what's Halo to you? What makes Halo, Halo?
Not one feeling on it for everyone, Tashi & Cyren play it a lot, others dabble, others don't like it.You guys don't like playing the MLG playlists?
So what's Halo to you? What makes Halo, Halo?
I have yet to be disappointed by a Halo title so really I don't have anyraisinreason to believe I won't enjoy Halo 4.
1) We've been told the wait & see line for a while.We are all passionate over the topic, but we still have a lot to learn about the game so lets not assume that these unfavorable gameplay changes are consistent throughout the entire multiplayer suite. Many of us have already drawn conclusions to what Halo 4 is, I know I am guilty of this.
Lets wait and see, but still continue to voice our concerns in a polite and respectful way.
My response to this is rather harsh on 343.You have to admit that 343 has been really good about supporting the community with Reach and fiction. So I do have faith in Halo 4.
This actually makes sense if we're talking about Halo. Amor abilities and perks alone are cringe-worthy...Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be... prohibited!
Something derivative of this...
Halo for me is when all players spawn with the same base traits, no changes (loadouts). All of the players have the same starting weapon. Each player has a regenerating energy shield. Each player has two weapon slots. There are set locations where set weapons appear at set intervals on the map. The player may pick up said weapons if he chooses. The whole game is built around shooting, throwing grenades, and bashing things in with the but of your gun.
That is more or less it.
Now I said derivative. Dual wielding was derivative. Equipment, poorly implemented as it was, was derivative. Even assassinations, though I do not like them, are derivative. AA's are not, the break the idea of initial equality on spawn.
If you want to make a change to Halo you should not break the base traits that define the game. Do you want a new feature for Halo 4? Add something that is derivative of the original formula. A jet pack placed on the map for people to rush to pick up would be derivative. Yes, I am not in favor of adding sprint as a base trait. That said, so long as everyone has it, then it works. The thing with Halo 4 is that not everyone is getting sprint but they are also getting the option to choose between seeing through walls or becoming invisible off the start. That breaks the rule of equality on spawn.
Forerunner Vision is unlocked at Inheritor though.Could it not be said though, that since everyone should technically be able to choose from the same armour abilities as anyone else, equality is still maintained?
Could it not be said though, that since everyone should technically be able to choose from the same armour abilities as anyone else, equality is still maintained?
Depends on how they segment skilled players vs less skilled players. If I have access to certain abilities, modifications or guns as a higher skilled player than someone who is a lower skilled player (because they haven't yet unlocked these same abilities, modifications or guns) in the same match, then no.Could it not be said though, that since everyone should technically be able to choose from the same armour abilities as anyone else, equality is still maintained?