So let’s say in theory down the line 343 Industries makes ODST², where should it takes place? I’m leaving the whole Spartan IV’s aspect out of this, so don’t take that into account.
The best thing about ODST for me was that it took place at night, there was a sense of dread and helplessness. The setting was ideal, fresh and unorthodox. Then again, if a sequel was made should it retreat those some core concept or should it expand and become a more blockbuster type game?
My ideal way at looking at ODST² is to keep it small, but embrace the open world aspect more – it even becoming a crucial part of the gameplay instead of the hub being more of a set piece. I would also love the embrace of exploration and backtracking (in my opinion, backtracking brings a lot to a game if done right). Also, small connections to the main games with ODST² getting its own story and arc.
Your thoughts?
ODST2... how i would love that. A mixed city/natural environment is a must, i think, the game should begin with a drop once again. But maybe a section in a ship before the drop, you know, explore it a bit, visit a training room, get weapons, go to a briefing.
But otherwise... well, there are many ways to do a good ODST game, i think. Being "lost" is a great experience, and some sense of dread should be in. Constant tension would be nice, ODST had it's tense moments but it was rather relaxed most of the time (as the game is rather easy. At least it hasn't made me tense after the first playthrough). Think the ODST announcement trailer, where the Rookie hides from the passing Brute patrol.
Oh and proper stealth should be in.
EDIT also, Reach soon, anyone?
But first, food.
EDIT 2 the fridge is awfully empty.