Tell you what, MM better be top notch because I'm not playing ranked games with scrubs who press X to spawn instantly and rack up 20 deaths. Fuck that.
Oh my god I haven't thought of this.
God I hope BLOPS2 is good. Get rid of the Halo BK's.
Tell you what, MM better be top notch because I'm not playing ranked games with scrubs who press X to spawn instantly and rack up 20 deaths. Fuck that.
I wonder what the decisions are behind voicing and motion capturing Cortana separately? Wouldn't it just be easier and more seamless to have Jen do the entire thing at the same time?
At least shields recharge fast as hell, the game has a faster pace, and there are kill cams?
I really, really, REALLY hope the sound of player movement is finally "good" this time around. A problem in halo is you can never really hear other players moving unless they are shooting or using equipment. I want to hear other stuff walking around me like I can in other games. It's such a good feature for online play.
Yes, actually! There's still like 30 something people on at any given time
I really, really, REALLY hope the sound of player movement is finally "good" this time around. A problem in halo is you can never really hear other players moving unless they are shooting or using equipment. I want to hear other stuff walking around me like I can in other games. It's such a good feature for online play.
Tell you what, MM better be top notch because I'm not playing ranked games with scrubs who press X to spawn instantly and rack up 20 deaths. Fuck that.
If we're leaving things up to trueskill we're doomed.I never really thought about it this way. That could really suck. MM/trueskill better make up for it.
If we're leaving things up to trueskill we're doomed.
It sure as hell wasn't good in social for Halo 3, either.Why? Trueskill is fine, Reach just doesn't use it well.
It sure as hell wasn't good in social for Halo 3, either.
I have come up with a term for Prestiging in Halo 4:
343 you can have that royalty free. You're welcome.
Randoms derping with instant respawns is totally true, haha
I played some CoD with my friend a couple of nights ago and we had idiots on our team who almost went -30 a few times. -30!
Well, it's only Sunday.
Thanks. I had a feeling you could turn it off, but I was to lazy to try.
In my experience, Reach had pretty good sound. I've gotten kills many time from hearing footsteps coming from behind. Usually I'm wearing a headset or use surround sound, so that is probably why. I'm not so sure when you just use TV audio.
My experience is the opposite.I use astros and I never hear footsteps.
My experience is the opposite.
So you're saying that a super soldier wearing almost 900 lbs of metal armor should make more noise than a shuffle when running at combat speed?
I can see where you're coming from.
To be fair, you don't play other games. The "sound of the movement" (walking) in Halo is so muted it's ridiculous. The sound of a spartan walking should not be faint.
Reach is a step up from the other games, but it still leaves a lot to be desire.
To be fair, you don't play other games. The "sound of the movement" (walking) in Halo is so muted it's ridiculous. The sound of a spartan walking should not be faint.
Reach is a step up from the other games, but it still leaves a lot to be desire.
Tell you what, MM better be top notch because I'm not playing ranked games with scrubs who press X to spawn instantly and rack up 20 deaths. Fuck that.
Yea I wear Astros all day and I only hear footsteps behind me in CoD.
Don't know if thats by design but Halo has never had good sound to the left right behind.
Yea I wear Astros all day and I only hear footsteps behind me in CoD.
Don't know if thats by design but Halo has never had good sound to the left right behind.
That's popGAF for you.
What the fuck... What the fuck...
Did anyone think that this internal beta can be launched as a public beta if they just touched up some areas here and there? It seems like 343 is scared to hear feedback from the whole player base.
And hopefully it is not perk or enhanced by a perk. Reminds me of another game, kind of niche and sold with goggles.I really, really, REALLY hope the sound of player movement is finally "good" this time around. A problem in halo is you can never really hear other players moving unless they are shooting or using equipment. I want to hear other stuff walking around me like I can in other games. It's such a good feature for online play.
Did anyone think that this internal beta can be launched as a public beta if they just touched up some areas here and there? It seems like 343 is scared to hear feedback from the whole player base.
or they want more time to focus on the real game..
I don't know how good beta are to be honest, my 2 favorite Halo games didn't have them. I don't know if there's a contrast to changing someone opinion on getting a game with a beta, it's always been a added bonus for me.
What the fuck... What the fuck...
Can I get a beta invite? I'd like to take a test drive.
Thanks 343.
Dani had a sick snipe earlier that gave me LIFE. must capture
Dani had a sick snipe earlier that gave me LIFE. must capture
Do Kotaku get all their Halo news from this thread?