They've got all they need waiting...
Stick a fork in it. Halo 4 matchmaking is done.
They've got all they need waiting...
So Gears prequel spring 2013? MS has some money coming in this fiscal.
Hopefully this prequel goes better then Halo's prequel.
The excitement of E3 has just hit me. On Monday, we will be seeing the reveal of Halo 4 Campaign! I'm sure jaws will drop.
DO NOT JINX THIS, MAN.So if this gears is a prequel to the other gears games, will this be the Halo Reach of the Gears of War series?
Select removed from MM, yet Uncaged stays in. 343 MM team could use some replacements.
I actually didn't mind Shishka as playlist Manager.They've got all they need waiting...
Pretty amazing how an Autoturret is now a thing in Halo multiplayer and noone bats an eye. Really goes to tell you how screwed up things are in 2012 Halo.
Gears prequel would have an interesting premise if it's about Marcus' arrest. Which looks like it will be.
wtfSaucey just did a response video to the "Halo shouldn't cater to Competitive Gaming " video.
Pretty amazing how an Autoturret is now a thing in Halo multiplayer and noone bats an eye. Really goes to tell you how screwed up things are in 2012 Halo.
Pre-emption of dumb unfunny GAF joke reaction.
I turned it off after a minute and a half (I can't believe I made it that far) - it's all him staring incredulously at (presumably) his screen while Minolta speaks.
Someone should teach him a LITTLE bit about keeping viewers interested.
Still trying to make my way through the first GoT book. It starts sooooo slow. Also, there are like 45 characters to remember.
C'mon now..really?
In theory, but honestly, and I say this as someone who holds the original Gears near the top of the pile for this current generation, the franchise just needs reinvigorating.
Gears 3 was solid and polished, but it didn't evolve the formula. It ended up feeling like a super polished version of the original, which is fine, but doesn't hold my attention for too long because I've already played hundreds of hours of that.
In fact it's like the anti-Halo. Gears 3 is essentially what people want out of a new Halo, and I think we have to pause and realise that changing things up (at least in some meaningful way) is crucial to keeping the franchise fresh.
Of course, it helps Halo that the mainline games are 3 years apart, rather than 2.
I turned it off after a minute and a half (I can't believe I made it that far) - it's all him staring incredulously at (presumably) his screen while Minolta speaks.
Someone should teach him a LITTLE bit about keeping viewers interested.
Pretty amazing how an Autoturret is now a thing in Halo multiplayer and noone bats an eye. Really goes to tell you how screwed up things are in 2012 Halo.
Worth the effort. Gets WAY better as you go along. (I'm halfway through book 4 atm)Still trying to make my way through the first GoT book. It starts sooooo slow. Also, there are like 45 characters to remember.
I never got to those great points.The reason it kept me entertained is because I'm pretty sure i made the exact same faces during the original video. Then he goes on to make a lot of great points and doesn't bash casuals at all.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.You are so right here, the MP for was just stagnant, single player had all these fancy visual effects , which is good and all, but the gameplay even in coop was so run of the mill (from a gears perspective), I grew tired and never went back to finish it.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
I never got to those great points.When does the actual content start? Maybe I'll go back and try again if I have some free time this afternoon.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
C'mon now..
They have a team?
I actually didn't mind Shishka as playlist Manager.
Worth the effort. Gets WAY better as you go along. (I'm halfway through book 4 atm)
Anyway, 43 of them will be dead by the end of the book.
I never got to those great points.When does the actual content start? Maybe I'll go back and try again if I have some free time this afternoon.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
Next you will tell us you hate puppies.That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
Pretty amazing how an Autoturret is now a thing in Halo multiplayer and noone bats an eye. Really goes to tell you how screwed up things are in 2012 Halo.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
Excuse me, but shut the fuck up please.
Singleplayer is 75% hiding behind cover and popping out every now and then to shoot baddies and 25% frustrating on-rails sections.Woah now.
That's just because Gears is a terrible franchise.
So bad.
Reach is also terrible
I'm coming to the conclusion that nobody who posts in this thread understands what the word 'terrible' means.Reach is also terrible, but it doesn't stop people from reaching Reclaimer.
Woah now.
Your avatar is terrible.I'm coming to the conclusion that nobody who posts in this thread understands what the word 'terrible' means.
I waited in line for gears 2 longer than I played it.
Singleplayer is 75% hiding behind cover and popping out every now and then to shoot baddies and 25% frustrating on-rails sections.
Multiplayer is a bunch of dudes going into last stand every time they get shot.
So bad.
Gears 3 was near perfect. So much stuff in Gears 3 that 343 could and SHOULD have learned from..
Did you play Gears 3?
Gears 2 is like the Halo Reach of the Gears Franchise.
Actually that's not even fair, its more like the MW2 of the Gears Franchise.
Gears 3 was near perfect. So much stuff in Gears 3 that 343 could and SHOULD have learned from.
Gears 2 horde mode was awesome though. So much fun.Gears 3 was my favorite Gears. 1 was alright, had some fun, didn't play much. 2 had a horrible story, but was fun co-op. 3 had the best story and by far best gameplay.
Also, Halo 4 next week. Halo, Halo, Halo.
I'm coming to the conclusion that nobody who posts in this thread understands what the word 'terrible' means.