Armor Abilities ruined halo
Armor Abilities ruined halo
...ever? How is that possible? I hit it every weekend.
This cartoon will save your life some day.
Armor Abilities ruined halo
Yep. AA's are all skill crutches IMO.
I disagree. Armor lock might be, but the others are just strategies. Using hologram doesn't mean that person is worse than you, moreso if you fall for it you aren't as good as they are possibly?
It adds a different dynamic and more strategy to the game. I don't think Reach had the correct AA's, but I have faith that Halo 4 will. DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE.
I agree. Single instances of Armor Lock were annoying, but rarely did I see more than one person in a game doing it. Evade and Jetpack were and are full-team abuses.I still feel like Jetpack is the single worst thing added to the game, outside of bloom. Just completely spits on map design, really would have loved to see 343 axe it. :|
I agree. Single instances of Armor Lock were annoying, but rarely did I see more than one person in a game doing it. Evade and Jetpack were and are full-team abuses.
The jetpack did something I thought was impossible by making me hate matches on Headlong. That map is just completely destroyed by that ability.
I still feel like Jetpack is the single worst thing added to the game, outside of bloom. Just completely spits on map design, really would have loved to see 343 axe it. :|
Fracas, what happens if any of the teammates are no-shows tomorrow night? Do we pull from the alts? Or delay it entirely?
Yeah Barrow and I ran into some awful Jetpack abuse today (playing half our games on Cage didn't help). It can be pretty horrendous, which is exponentially worsened by the extreme amount of aim acceleration on the vertical axis. Trying to quickly move your reticle upwards is like trying to lift an anvil.
Hopefully two things for Halo 4:
-Jetpack is more of "boost pack" that just gives you a very short vertical boost. Judging by the duration of the AA's we saw at E3, I'm relatively hopeful for this (think will still suck though no doubt).
-Related to Jetpack, but in no way exclusively related to it, please 343 for the love of god have an option to turn off aim acceleration. All it does in a arena/sandbox shooter is gimp the individual player and make the game more frustrating to play.
I'm not sure what we're doing with scheduling. I want to go by Risen's idea, but I want to see what kittens wants to do.
SMH, you are not my son. I am disowning you.
I still feel like Jetpack is the single worst thing added to the game, outside of bloom. Just completely spits on map design, really would have loved to see 343 axe it. :|
I rage quit earlier today because of jetpacks.
An entire team using jetpack on boardwalk is one of the most annoying things.
It is really the thing that has me worried most for Halo 4.
What was Risen's idea? And would it be possible with <24 hrs notice?
Honestly, if aim acceleration and deadzone are the same as they are in Reach, I'll be satisfied. Just don't take any steps back in that department, that's all I ask.
SMH, you are not my son. I am disowning you.
They're certainly not as bad as in Halo 3, and the aim acceleration on the horizontal axis in Reach is really not bad at all, especially if you bump sensitivity up above the default, but it's still awful on the vertical axis, and I really wish there was an option to turn it off. Some people don't even notice aim acceleration, but to others such as myself, it is a very frustrating, and can significantly impact my enjoyment with the game.
I do agree that no steps should be taken back in these departments from Reach. Including and especially FOV!
Each matchup is scheduled at a predetermined date. Leave it up to the captains to get everyone in the match. If someone can't make it, play a man down.
When is our match again?Each matchup is scheduled at a predetermined date. Leave it up to the captains to get everyone in the match. If someone can't make it, play a man down.
When is our match again?
How do I know you're not lying.11pm EST
How do I know you're not lying.
How do I know you're not lying.
Just in case you guys don't have it, I'll put the gametypes in my fileshare tomorrow morning, and will link it here. I typed up a post, will publish it then as well.
Remember, save films of the match!
Think this is gonna be a good matchup.
Because I never lie unless it gives my team a strong advantage.
lol^ I like that one.
Thank god you did this less than 12 hours before the match. :_P
We're well oiled and prepped.
Ah, is this the Halogaf tournament?
Good luck to all![]()
Any predictions for the BIG match tonight. Im going for Spain 1-0 Italy.
Ah, is this the Halogaf tournament?
Good luck to all![]()
Any predictions for the BIG match tonight. Im going for Spain 1-0 Italy.
None of the Treyarch games have been. They didn't get the MW2 code from IW due to their stupid little feud and so they were building off the tech they had during World at War for Black Ops, and that game had some significant dips.
Going In Dry over Team Plywood 2-3, winning in neutral bomb. Although we got robbed on the other slayer match.
None of the Treyarch games have been. They didn't get the MW2 code from IW due to their stupid little feud and so they were building off the tech they had during World at War for Black Ops, and that game had some significant dips.
None of the Treyarch games have been. They didn't get the MW2 code from IW due to their stupid little feud and so they were building off the tech they had during World at War for Black Ops, and that game had some significant dips.
No, not usually. It can lose like 15 frames during some segments of the campaign, though. I'd bet they're locking it to 30 during that section so it doesn't tear, it didn't look that impressive to actually lose 30 full frames.Digital Foundry said there was a segment of the demo where the game appeared to run at a locked 30. The dips aren't that extreme though, are they?