Look I just want a visual rank. I want to shit on kids. Halo IS about putting two teams up against each other and seeing who wins. Thats entirely what its built around there is like a whole scoring system based on shooting and killing the opponent. If you want to have a fun social time go join Facebook and status update me on what you ate for breakfast. Cause breakfast food is fucking awesome. I like bacon.
Jesus, Halo 5 is just going to just put everyone on the same team. Constantly say all tied up at fun to fun! and you're going to shoot cuddleparties out of your gun. Fuck.
Grow some balls, bring back 1-50. Noone gives a shit about a gold star. I got 100's of gold stars in fourth grade I got stars for wiping my own ass. I want my fucking 50. Fuck.
hire juices