No worries, im sure you'll post it on youtube.
Nah, mostly rocket killls
No worries, im sure you'll post it on youtube.
Reach is slow, but I've said that about all Halo games. Mandatory sprint makes me happy.
I've frigging played CODs and i really don't want to play them again. Don't particularly like their single player. Infinite enemies and all that.
Taking cover doesn't help when the AI instagibs you before you can get to cover. Slow movement speed doesn't help. Even worse is the weak strafing speed (fuck inertia in Reach).
Too strong is not fun because i'd like to keep moving, not get stuck on the same area for long time.
Taking time is not fun, this is not a cover-based shooter. Halo 3 and earlier Halos didn't have this issue because powerful weapons made brutal, fast firefights possible, if risky and fun change to being more careful. In Reach, taking time is pretty much necessity. Sure, trying to kill many enemies quickly is possible but due to many small things, it is frustrating. Bloom, slow plasma pistol charge and weak tracking, slow movement, awfully badly bouncing grenades, accurate enemies...
The level desing is not very good. Many encounter areas are weakly desinged lacking cover, lacking viable routes or being just plain uninteresting.
Halo 3 had some issues with area desing as well... but the encounters itself were far more interesting.
Yeah probably, that's because I am basically anywhere and everywhere at all times.Tried asking this yesterday, didn't get much. We need to to a meet-up somewhere, maybe multiple.
Devin, I need to get your info again. I think you were the person I saw most frequently in 2010 when I went.
That means, i'm not averse to hard. Seen many people think Heroic as rather difficult so i assume it does match to people's definition of "hard" difficulty level.
They do? This is news to me. I had the understanding that Heroic is the "how it's supposed to be played" difficulty and Legendary is supposed to be a challenge. Easy and Normal exist so that people who aren't the best at FPSes can play through the campaign too (no offense to anyone, obviously).
If your number hasn't changed since last year, I'll catch up with you in Seattle.Hey I just met you, and this is crazy... but here's my numberso text me maybe.ya rite, pm me if you want it
::sets up auto-texting script to send notes to Devin every 30 seconds, just for the lulz::lol for real though anyone that feels like meeting up during PAX PM me and i'll give you my info. The only thing I will say is that I can't text _that_ much since I am Canadian and texting while in the states is a costly affair.
Most people i play with Run the campaign on Legendary first time. Personally i play Heroic first to take it all in i guess. Then legendary, then legendary with skulls etc.
So to clarify, theres no skulls/game modifiers in Halo 4 campaign??
I did laso I thought it was the easiest mythic run through. The glitches and skips in reach are laughable. Halo 3 Slaso was painful.Reach wasn't difficult on Legendary.
Try doing it with all skulls on, bar Iron and Blind obviously.
Myself and anyone else whose done the campaign LASO knows what difficult really is...
There's definitely going to be something. Whether its skulls or something else. I do hope they have skulls or SOME kind of hidden goodies in campaign.
There's definitely going to be something. Whether its skulls or something else. I do hope they have skulls or SOME kind of hidden goodies in campaign.
Useful in Halo 3 on all difficulties, though most other, non-automatic weapons are considerably more useful. Surprisingly useful in Halo CE against the Elites, if you don't have a plasma pistol or a rocket launcher in hand. That said, other weapons are more useful.OK, hopefully I don't sound like a jerk here or whatever, but I had to respond to the following:
Except on the Normal/Easy difficulties and sometimes multiplayer, hasn't the AR been mostly terrible throughout the series?
I'm not contesting Halo 2 as being the most difficult game on Legendary in the series. But i never found it frustrating the way i find Reach frustrating.As for Bold #2, what model are your nostalgia glasses and where can I get myself a pair? Seriously. H2 Legendary (especially solo) is one of the hardest of the series, particularly compared to Reach, and its difficulty was very much due to some annoying enemy encounters (jackals, brutes, hunters, elite honor guards, etc.). Both H2/3 had the most ridiculous jackal sniper sections. The only part that was really annoying, enemy-wise, in Reach, was the end section on Nightfall. Even then, it came down to devising an approach to the encounter and playing carefully.
It is frustrating due to combined small annoyances. Its difficulty is fake difficulty via restricting, annoying gameplay. I cannot fathom why they had to change the gameplay so much from earlier Halos. In small ways, as i said. Bloom, slower movement, more inertia, more accurate and stronger enemies (they were strong and accurate enough in earlier Halos).Now I know you're trolling. Other than Legendary, Reach campaign is not difficult / frustrating in the slightest. Now, I would definitely agree with criticisms regarding some poorly designed levels and encounters, but I found them more boring than frustrating (Why YES! I would LOVE to fly around sitting in a grenade launcher gunner seat shooting things and killing them while getting hit by tons of shit that normally destroys me, but it's ok because my magic GL turret destroys stuff super quick).
Without sounding condescending or like a dick. Maybe Legendary just isn't for you. This is ideally how the difficulty should be played. Its not that its too difficult, It just doesn't suit your play-style. You'd be better suited to Normal or Heroic. But there is a vast majority of players who enjoy the challenge, and don't just want to run and gun through the game. Taking it slow and picking off ultra-strong, intelligent enemies one by one is really enjoyable to me. Whereas running and gunning through the game is very boring personally.
Simple difference of opinion i guess.
yeah same here, thought polishing, bug fixes and multiplayer tweaking would be the last things to do and that they were already at this pointI would think they would be done with that by now..
They really do make the game more fun in Co-op or add extra difficulty so there really is a place for them.
Once theres no collectibles added in, ala Crysis2/ Gears of war. I HATE when games have collectibles, The Halo 3 Terminals were just right, only 7 and did something.
These 0/30 collectibles in some games make my ocd into hyperdrive and i have to collect them.
There are at least Terminals, which personally I'm the most excited about.
I love collectibles for precisely that reason. Gives me another reason to replay the campaign.
A campaign should be fun enough to make you want to replay it. Not force you to replay it to find collectibles etc.
To me its just an uneccessary chore. But seeing a locked achievement or 0/30 list in the pause screen is enough to make me collect them.
Pickups probably.I would think they would be done with that by now..
I would think they would be done with that by now..
I would think they would be done with that by now..
Agreed 100%. If I'm to be honest, I actually had >gasp< fun in the Firefight playlist over the weekend. Had a couple of really shitty games, but I got paired up with 3 other people in a party who wanted to play Limited, and it was a blast. Several other games had two people lag out and my third teammate and I proceeded to play two more games together without even searching for other players. Yay for small victories!The twitch was at the reminder of how great Firefight Doubles was. And now it's gone.
Paper cut, meet lemon juice.
My list of worries about Halo 4 is quite long, but the playlist management is near the top, with decisions like that.
I cannot wait to play H4 in the dark with no notifications on release night. That's where Halo gets the most love from me, when it's still got that new campaign smell of wonder.Yeah. Very glad I did my Legendary playthrough first & dark, because that level has some epic fights.
Some of the LASO stuff is pretty infuriating. I'll never forget that exercise in futility with Dax, Ghaleon, and his daughter for the on-rails section. >vomit<Never has been... never will be... particularly if done in co-op.
A campaign should be fun enough to make you want to replay it. Not force you to replay it to find collectibles etc.
To me its just an uneccessary chore. But seeing a locked achievement or 0/30 list in the pause screen is enough to make me collect them.
I'm sure they had a placeholder voice before. Still it is odd that its this late.
Are you going to be staying at Rukari, too? Damn. Sounds like a party house non-stop if so.Looking forward to seeing some of you guys/gals at PAX very soon. I leave a week from tomorrow; crazy that it's here so fast!
(hoping for some awesome H4 goodness for us all there!)
Monkey asked the question at the Comic-Con fiction panel.Neat - I had not seen this information. Loved the Terminals in H3. Less so the datapads in Reach.
I would think they would be done with that by now..
Your face is a placeholder! I wanna do voice work for multiplayer, that'd be so much fun.
*Watching someone get killed through the sniper scope*
(sorry, I know it still hurts you.)
*Watching someone get killed through the sniper scope*
(sorry, I know it still hurts you.)
Wonder if i'm going to play Halo 4 on Legendary or not at first.
Probably not because i like to waste time appreciation the envinronments (if they're worthy of that) during first playthroughs, even in the middle of a firefight.
Wonder if i get to play it alone without anyone bothering me... Most likely not.
Play normal. Its your first time, you need to be gentle.
Play normal. Its your first time, you need to be gentle.
About the PAX meet-up: It's pretty hard to discuss it here and personally I think an extra thread is not the best solution. Maybe Duncan can open a protected page at with a comment section where we can discuss it.
Sounds kinda weird hearing Chief's voice actor say fabulous.
Did that with Halo 3, ODST and Reach. Too easy :/
Maybe this time i'll try Heroic first.
Then Solo Legendary. Hope there's an achievement for that. That was something Reach did right.
I hate how in Battlefield enemies can hear you because of something that your character says. What's even worse is the fact that you don't hear it yourself so you don't even know when it happens.There should be interactive voices that you can purchase for your spartans like how there's battlefield banter while playing Gears MP in Halo 4 and how you could in Firefight in Reach.
"NICE." is probably my favorite things ever after a perfect Active Reload out of Marcus.
There could even be a "Pro" inspired voice like the Sniper in MNC who screams things like "My X!" and "Get owned." after dying or getting a kill.
Sounds kinda weird hearing Chief's voice actor say fabulous.
Heroic, solo. Per usual. Definitely like to explore my first play-through and don't want to hold anyone up nor do I want to be "teleported" forward by guys moving quicker than I am. 2nd time through will likely be legendary w/ friends.
I hate how in Battlefield enemies can hear you because of something that your character says. What's even worse is the fact that you don't hear it yourself so you don't even know when it happens.