When is it? Or do you know?
I have 2 tests tomorrow, and I'm probably gonna stay up late.
Although if it's all campaign, I may skip it.
Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
When is it? Or do you know?
I have 2 tests tomorrow, and I'm probably gonna stay up late.
Although if it's all campaign, I may skip it.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Awesome!Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Ah.Ma.Gerb.Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Any Campaign content is spoilerish. NO earthshaking revelaitons but if you're going dark, this is a place to enact that.
IT PROBABLY SUCKS.Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
Any Campaign content is spoilerish. NO earthshaking revelaitons but if you're going dark, this is a place to enact that.
Any Campaign content is spoilerish. NO earthshaking revelaitons but if you're going dark, this is a place to enact that.
Interesting that the new Legendary logo isn't the same as the one on the achievement:
Hyped. Any chance of seeing a certain remade MP map tonight?
Any Campaign content is spoilerish. NO earthshaking revelaitons but if you're going dark, this is a place to enact that.
ugh no way am I trusting them after spoiling CEA with the launch trailerGood enough for me. I'm trusting that you folks won't spoil your own game, so I'll go dark went French leaks flood in.
ugh no way am I trusting them after spoiling CEA with the launch trailer
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Why is there no color or depth at all to it? I don't get it. It's just two colors: gray and white.
Oh noes, I don't get Spike in my dorm
Anyone know how long it takes for these vids to be uploaded? Anyway to stream it? Blarg.
You jerks make a new thread when all this comes out pls
Holy crap, that kind of works.
Remember when we got Cold Storage for free? That was pretty rad.
Gif masters out there please make sure tomorrow morning there will be gifs galore to be found when I wake up. Thanks
DAMN The Walking Dead (game) is dark. Man. So good though.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Late tonight, even by PST standards. Not just Campaign, but not vast amounts of MP. Worth watching, for sure.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Do NOT moderate your expectations for tonight's GT TV thing. It will be a fair amount of content.
Halo multiplayer has changed. It's no longer about skill, equal starts and ranks. It's an endless series of sloppy battles, fought by BKs and tryhards. Halo multiplayer, and its consuption of time, has become a well-oiled dildo machine. Halo multiplayer has changed. Noobs carry slowdown-imune swords, use Camo. Perks inside their bodies undeservedly enhance their abilities. Hill control. Flag control. Ball control. Map control. Everything is announced with big white text and by a Steitzer on crack. Halo multiplayer has changed. The age of skillful beauty has become the age of convoluted BK bonanza. All in the name of trying to lure in some COD dudebros. And he who controls the playlists terribly, controls our game history. Halo multiplayer has changed.
A bet you a steam game it's gonna be the usual: an overall unexciting campaign showing with 38million two second clips with another controversial mp reveal on top that will have gaf all pissed off for pages.Hrrnnghhh.
Remember when we got Cold Storage for free? That was pretty rad.
The Legendary Skull looks... Promethean.
Looking forward to seeing how Waterworks looks in Halo 4.
A bet you a steam game it's gonna be the usual: an overall unexciting campaign showing with 38million two second clips with another controversial mp reveal on top that will have gaf all pissed off for pages.
I'd try and stream it but my Upload speed is only like 130KB/s or so, I don't know. I also don't even know how to get a stream going >.>
GT TV's on Spike at 1 AM EST, right?
This isn't really that dangerous of a bet, since I think no matter what news comes out, plenty of HaloGAF will be pissed about it for pages.
I would love to get my hands on beta builds of Halo 1.I wonder if the Machete will ever make it into a Halo game as an actual weapon. It's been a pretty neat reference to the pre-Xbox Halo by keeping it in the difficulty emblem, and it looks like 343 will continue the tradition at least.